These wedding trends are in 2022 in-and this out!So your wedding becomes unforgettable

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These wedding trends are in 2022 in-and this out!So your wedding becomes unforgettable
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

By Elise Taylor

These wedding trends 2022 are already looking forward to anticipation and danced nights.

Did you hear?In 2022, over 2.6 million weddings will take place in the United States - a record value that has not been achieved for 40 years.This means that there are a lot of couples who are curious about the wedding trends 2022 and ideas for their big day.

With these prospects, your wedding celebration is guaranteed to succeed and be an unforgettable event for everyone involved

That is why Vogue has asked some of the world's best event planners: Inside, telling us what they saw and did for their trend -conscious customers - and what they no longer see and do.Due to the spread of social media, wedding styles can quickly overuse, unoriginal and - worse - out of date.Here are the wedding trends that you should consider in 2022, and those that you should avoid, are without wague.

That is the wedding trends 2022

Themenbezogene Partys

"Jetzt, wo wir fast alle doppelt geimpft oder sogar geboostert sind, setzen Hochzeiten verstärkt auf Spaß und Tradition. Beim Probe-Abendessen und bei der Willkommensparty dreht sich alles um den Spaß – Themen, bei denen es um den Humor und die Skurrilität geht: Zirkus, Lagerfeuer im Freien, Maskeraden, sogar ein Rhinestone-Rodeo."– Bronson Van Wyck, Van Wyck & Van Wyck

"We have received so many inquiries for motto weddings or welcome parties-think of Monte Cristo, Disco evenings, Old Hollywood. These are just a few examples. You have the feeling that the customer is a complete concept from the beginning toWish an end, which should be implemented in such a way that it does not feel banal, but rather modern and funny. We liked that very much, and we look forward to every non -traditional view of celebration. "- Francie Dorman and Britt Cole, 42 North

Silberne Akzente

"Silver touches more than gold. Silver has the ability to give every modern space a certain charm of the old world."- Stefanie Cove, Stefanie Cove and Co

Akzente durch Tapeten

"If you have set accents with wallpapers during the pandemic (or just liked Instagram posts with before and after images), then you will welcome wallpaper in the wedding setting! Regardless of whether it is the background for theLarge entrance or the background behind the band acts, these are the perfect places to bring in their characteristic wedding colors. "- Mindy white

Festlicher Hochzeitsgast-Style

"More attention is paid to the outfits of the wedding guests, and we observe that people pull all the stops - from head to toe - and really use participation in a wedding as an opportunity to dress extravagant and wear very special pieces.From wedding guests has accepted a rather theatrical character. "- 42 North

"After all the time on the couch, the guests are looking forward to throwing themselves back into shell. The black tie is back, so dust off your tuxedo!"- Mindy white

Große XXL-Hochzeiten

"We see that the big weddings come back! We have the feeling that the micro wedding belongs to the past and that people are ready to celebrate their big festivals again."- 42 North

"As much as we have loved the intimacy of weddings in 2020, the couples want to make it big again. We have already experienced a strong increase in the number of guests."–Stefanie Cove

Virtuelles Save-the-Date

"Virtual save-the-dates are true anchors. We started with it during the pandemic to save the budget for a whole series of stationery, printing and shipping and to facilitate communication if the plans should change. I haveThe feeling that it has proven itself. It makes you happy if you send the appointment announcement and get answers immediately. The possibility of giving messages about the details of the wedding weekend virtually is also very attractive for our customers: inside. "- 42 North

Diese Hochzeits-Trends sind 2022 in – und diese out! So wird Ihre Hochzeit unvergesslich

"If we have learned one from 2021, it is the need to communicate with the guests in real time. So many of our friends: inside and family members were scattered during the pandemic. Therefore we encourage our customers: inside 2022,To virtually send the announcements and invitations. This not only saves our couples money, but also the stress that the post does not arrive in time for the guests and that changes are possible at the last minute. "- Bryan Rafanelli, Rafanelli Events


"We all know that one of the greatest trends that emerges from pandemic, the 'dopamine dressing' is. I look forward to creating these environments."-Bryan Rafanelli

"Couples want to celebrate in Technicolor! They want to sit at a lively table that is decorated with flowers and feed under a blanket of flowers and lights."- Tara Fay


"Tents in the open air (no walls!). We no longer feel so comfortable when we are tightly put together in closed rooms. In an open-air tent, guests can sit back and still feel protected."- Stefanie Cove

Mehrere spezialisierte Bars

Satellite bars were trendy in the days before the Lockdown, but the couples still seem to be very enthusiastic and they want to continue.There are even twice as many as before-a tequila bar is the favorite. "-Mindy Weiss

Hängende Blumen

"We see a great demand for hanging flowers and also large flower installations, in which they are hung over tables or even move from the floor to the ceiling over the entire length of the table."- Tara Fay

Kunstinspiriertes Design

"The entire room becomes part of the experience. The customer: Inside, think about individual opportunities to fill empty rooms (or add) by incorporating complex graphic or artistic logos into their concept. We have commissioned an artist, for example, thatPainting a couple in his abstract style. While we hung the painting in a prominent place, we also integrated the work of art in a different way, from small to-go boxes for food to an oversized adaptation on a tailor-made dance floor. "- Mindy white

Das lange Hochzeitswochenende

"Our customers: Inside, you want to extend your wedding weekend with various events over three to four days, from a large welcome party to a trial dinner to a daily activity, be it a tennis tournament or a group hike, all of which are integrated into the long wedding weekend. And whyDon't end your wedding weekend with a 'Detox to Retox' event or a day event to say goodbye to your guests? "- Bryan Rafanelli

Plan wedding easy: do without the following rituals from the past

This is out

Familiengerechte Mahlzeiten

"Our customers: inside want formality, rituals and elegance ... and lots of space on the table for flowers."- Rebecca Gardner

Glitzerndes Deckenlicht

"They were beautiful in their time, but instead of putting up the focus, we are pictorial at the moment and draw attention to the tables and dance floors - to the here and now!"- Mindy white

Mehrere Trinksprüche während des Empfangs

"The toast is pronounced on the evening before or in the smaller circle. The brides say: 'Let's dance!' And foregoing long, formal dinner.And the bride's father), the reception becomes a dinner party, so that the guests will land on the dance floor much earlier. "- Bronson van Wyck

Monogrammed Dancefloors – Tanzflächen mit Monogramm

"We will always love monograms, but we can leave the statement monogram for the dance floor with the trends of the 2010s. If the branding of the dance floor is something for you, you should think forward with artistic accents and graphics to a statement, to create a pattern or color that represents your entire wedding style and personality. "- Mindy white

Gedeckte Farbschemata

"We see less white/ivory/green this year because the couples are preparing for a lively year 2022."- Stefanie Cove

"As beautiful as the color is white, couples want to choose a color and also enforce them. As the saying says: completely or not at all!"- Tara Fay

Übervoll gepackte Willkommenstaschen

"Since we are all trying to live more sustainably, couples now offer a simple but well thought -out treat or a gift for the guests, maybe an allusion to the location of the wedding. That also means that the guests have to take less stuff home with them. "- Stefanie Cove

This article appeared in the original on

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