State visit today in Berlin: Willem-Alexander and Máxima near Merkel

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State visit today in Berlin: Willem-Alexander and Máxima near Merkel
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

11 a.m.: The Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (SPD), was also concerned about the attack on journalist Peter R committed on Tuesday evening in Vries."The shots on the Dutch criminal reporter Peter Vries erschüttern und sind zu tiefst verstörend.The case shows that in the middle of Europe, journalists also do their job at life at life.It must be all of our request not to simply accept such a development.A free press is essential for a democratic society.I also speak my greatest sympathy and solidarity."

Morning post by Christine Richter

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Máxima is committed to proportion of women at universities

10.51 a.m.: Willem-Alexander and Máxima have looked at light-based future technologies at the TU Berlin.The Netherlands and Germany are the leaders in the development of photonic chips.The competence networks Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg and Photonics Netherland signed a cooperation agreement in the presence of the royal couple. Die TU-Doktorandin Laura Orphal-Kobin stellte Königin Máxima die Graduiertenschule Berlin School of Optical Sciences & Quantum Technologies vor.Máxima asked about the proportion of women in the study program, which is 20 percent. „Es ist wichtig, mehr Frauen an Physik heranzuführen", sagte sie.

TU Berlin: Willem-Alexander and Máxima meet Michael Müller

9.8th p.m.: King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and Queen Máxima visit the Technical University of Berlin together with Michael Müller (SPD), Government Mayor and Senator for Science and Research, to find out about key technologies from photonics and quantum research.

Dutch royal couple reacts shocked to assassination

8th a.m.: After the murder attack on the prominent Dutch crime reporter Peter Vries am Dienbstagabend hat das Land zutiefst entsetzt.After the arrest of three suspects, the police hope for a quick clarification of the deed.Prime Minister Mark Rutte spoke on Wednesday night of a "attack on free journalism."In Berlin, the royal couple reacted" deeply shocked "."Journalists must be able to do their important work without threat and freely," wrote King Willem-Alexander and his wife Máxima on Facebook.

This is the Royals program on Wednesday

6 a.m.: At the end of his three -day state visit in Germany, the Dutch royal couple will again complete a few appointments in Berlin on Wednesday.First of all, Willem-Alexander (54) and Máxima (50) in the Technical University (TU) want to find out about key technologies, including photonics: sensors from light particles can be used in many areas, for example when driving and in medicine.You are an important factor in digitization.

After a stay in the Herzberge landscape park, which should be about the environmental education of children, the Dutch Royals visit the Humboldt Forum. Dort schauen sie sich vorab Teile der Ausstellung „Berlin Global" an, die sich ab dem 20.July important aspects of city history and the international exchange of Berlin with other world regions.

+++ Tuesday, 6. Juli +++

Chancellor Merkel welcomes Dutch royal couple

15.10 p.m.: The Dutch king Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima have been received by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU).Nothing became known about the content of the 30 -minute discussion in the Chancellery - as before after the couple's meeting with Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).Merkel played a major role for Europe - so the king had recognized her before the trip.

Willem-Alexander and Máxima in the Federal Council

2 p.m.: Willem-Alexander and Máxima visit the Federal Council.In his speech, the king confirmed the cooperation with Germany.

Nude colors and leaf hat: Máxima is not wearing her outfit for the first time

12 a.m.: The outfit that Máxima wears in Berlin on Tuesday is not new. Laut dem Fashionportal „Stylebook" hält die Königin einigen Modemarken konsequent die Treue und trägt deren Kleider und Accessoires immer wieder.Just like today's dress in a nude look including light brown, spectacular leaf hat.The queen wore both in June 2019 in Ascot at a meeting with the British Queen.One of Maxima's favorite designers, especially when it comes to nude clothes, is the Danish-Dutch fashion designer Claes Iversen who designed this dress.But it is particularly striking in Berlin today: This leafy headgear comes from Berry Rutjes.As the fashion portal knows, the Dutch hat designer is responsible for many of Maxima's hat creations.Models for everyday life are available from 300 euros. Für einen solch festlichen „Fascinator"-Hut wie den Blätterschmuck-Entwurf müsse man jedoch mit Sicherheit „einiges mehr hinblättern", wie „Stylebook" vermerkt.

Willem-alexander and Máxima visit the Bundestag and Reichstag dome

9 a.m.: King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and Queen Máxima are welcomed in the Reichstag building of the German Bundestag by Wolfgang Schäuble, President of the German Bundestag,.Then visit the dome of the Reichstag building.

This is the program for Tuesday

6 a.m.: With a number of high -ranking meetings, the Dutch royal couple continues its state visit to Berlin on Tuesday.King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima come together with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (both CDU).In addition, they are received by Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) in the Federal Council, where Willem-Alexander should give a speech.

+++ Monday, 5. Juli +++

State banquet in Bellevue Castle

19.30 a.m.: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcomes the two in Bellevue Castle.The state banquet in Bellevue Castle begins in these minutes. Beide Länder verbinde „eine kostbare Freundschaft", hob Steinmeier in seiner Rede hervor. Als gute Nachbarn und Freunde seien es Niederländer und Deutsche gewohnt gewesen, sich häufig, „viele sogar täglich", und selbstverständlich zu sehen.A virus had raised a lot from the fishing.

„Dass uns noch einmal Grenzen trennen würden, die wir nicht praktisch unbemerkt passieren können, war ein Gedanke, der uns fremd geworden war in der Europäischen Union", betonte Steinmeier. Heute, nach einem langen Jahr der Pandemie, bekomme jede Begegnung – „noch dazu eine Begegnung unter Freunden" – eine neue Qualität, eine besondere Qualität, betonte Steinmeier.

Staatsbesuch heute in Berlin: Willem-Alexander und Máxima bei Merkel

Entry in the city's Golden Book

17.30 a.m.: After visiting the royal couple at the Brandenburg Gate, the entry in the Golden Book of the city followed - under the watchful view of the ruling mayor.

Royal couple at the Brandenburg Gate

16.09 a.m.: The highlight of the first day in the visit program: King Wilem-Alexander and Máxima walked, accompanied by Berlin's ruling mayor Michael Müller (SPD) and his daughter, through the Brandenburge Tor.

Several people had gathered on the edge of Pariser Platz, partly with flowers and flags.The couple waved to them, but held away.Because of the pandemic, safety regulations continue to apply in Berlin.

Waiting at the Brandenburg Gate

15.39 a.m.: People gathered at the Brandenburg Gate and are waiting for the royal couple.

Leaning in the new guard

15.34 a.m.: In the new guard under the Linden, King Willem-Alexander and Máxima lay down a wreath.

Willem-Alexander visits the RKI

It continues with the next station: the Robert Koch Institute, King Willem-Alexander now visits.Máxima also joined again.Also included Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU).

Here is the further daily program:

15.45 a.m. Brandenburg Gate with Michael Müller

16.3 p.m. Photo appointment and entry in the Golden Book of Berlin

19.30 p.m. State banquet in Bellevue Castle

King Willem-Alexander visits the Anne Frank Center-Maxima is in the message

13.52 a.m.: After visiting Bellevue Castle, the Royals will continue separately: Willem-Alexander visits the Anne Frank Center on Rosenthaler Platz in the afternoon with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Meanwhile, his wife Maxima is in the Dutch message.There she is a guest to sign a memorandum through the Prince Máxima Centrum in Utrecht and the Hopp Kinderumorzentrum Heidelberg (Kitz).The partners want to create better framework conditions for European children's oncology.

The daughters of the royal couple are not in Berlin

13.46 a.m.: The three daughters of Willem-Alexander and Maxima, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane, are not on the state visit in Berlin.

Finally, the eldest daughter, Amalia, caused positive headlines when she had announced after passing the Abitur that she would initially do without around 1.6 million euros annually, which she set as a state allowance by reaching the 18th.Life is due.After all, she could not bring any consideration as a student.

This continues for the royals in the afternoon

12.55 p.m.: After reception in Bellevue Castle, there are further dates in the afternoon on the royal agenda.A visit to the Anne Frank Center on Rosenthaler Platz is planned for Willem-Alexander.His wife Maxima visits the Dutch message.There she is a guest to sign a memorandum through the Prince Máxima Centrum in Utrecht and the Hopp Kinderumorzentrum Heidelberg (Kitz).

The royal couple also drives around 14.50 a.m. to the Robert Koch Institute.There they should meet Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU).At 15.The Oranjes will pose for a photo in front of the Brandenburg Gate with Berlin's governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) before entering the city's Golden Book in the Red City Hall in the Red City Hall.

Maxima is entitled to the guest book

12.11 a.m.: Royal visit is not common for Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender.As a reminder, Queen Maxima contributes to the guest book.

Royal couple withdraws with the Federal President

12.6 a.m.: In the meantime, the royal couple has withdrawn with the Federal President for talks to Bellevue Castle.

Royal fans stand in front of the Bellevue Castle

12.02 a.m.: The usual direct contact with fans and curious shakes with hands and photos on the barrier grilles is not intended this time because of the corona pandemic.These Royal fans tried it anyway.

Federal President and King steps off the honorary formation

11.58th p.m.: After the national anthems were played, the king and the Federal President take the honorary formation.

National anthems are played in front of the Bellevue Castle

11.54 a.m.: Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender welcome the royal couple in Bellevue Castle.The two national anthems will be heard in the castle garden on Monday morning.Meanwhile, King Willem-Alexander and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier are facing honorary formation.Maxima and Elke Büdenbender are under the roof of the castle because of the rain.Büdenbender takes part in the appointment because of an injury with crutches and a run -up foot.

Königpaar reaches the Bellevue Castle

11.51 a.m.: Willem-Alexander and Máxima have reached Bellevue Castle with a limousine and police scale.

Royals are received by Frank-Walter Steinmeier at noon

11.10 p.m.: For the Royals we are now going to Bellevue Castle.There the royal couple is received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier with military honor.

Willem-Alexander steered aircraft to Berlin itself

11.8th a.m.: The Dutch king Willem-Alexander was sitting in his flight to the state visit to Berlin in the cockpit of the government plane.According to the courtyard, Willem-Alexander flew Boeing on Monday morning from Den Haag to Berlin.

That is not unusual.Willem-Alexander has long had a ticket to passenger machines and also regularly flew as a copilot on line flights of the KLM.Each pilot has to complete a certain number of flight hours a year for its license.

On the arrival of the Royals it rains on BER

11.3 a.m.: Willem-Alexander and Máxima are welcomed at the airport BER in the pouring rain with 21 salute shots.It comes to a small breakdown when the king and queen got out of the jet in the pouring rain.The umbrella of an employed employee folds in the wind and must be tamed.

Willem-Alexander wears a suit, tie and beard.Máxima comes in the bright summer dress with gloves, hanged jacket and hat.Then both wear face masks on the roller field because of the corona pandemic.

Air Force accompanies the royal couple

10.28th a.m.: Willem-Alexander and Máxima ended up on the military part of the airport on Monday morning.A Twitter photo shows that the royal couple's government aircraft was accompanied by the Air Force.

This is the royals program

9.11 a.m.: On Monday morning, the royal couple is welcomed by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in front of the Bellevue Castle.After that, a visit to the Anne Frank Center on Rosenthaler Platz is planned for Willem-Alexander.His wife Maxima visits the Dutch message.There she is a guest to sign a memorandum through the Prince Máxima Centrum in Utrecht and the Hopp Kinderumorzentrum Heidelberg (Kitz). The royal couple also drives around 14.50 a.m. to the Robert Koch Institute.There they should meet Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU).At 15.The Oranjes will pose for a photo in front of the Brandenburg Gate with Berlin's governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) before entering the city's Golden Book in the Red City Hall in the Red City Hall.In the evening, a state banquet in Bellevue Castle is on the program.

On Tuesday there will be a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister of the States during a visit to the Federal Council.A concert by the Dutch Concertgebouw Orchestra is planned for the evening.

On Wednesday, Willem-Alexander and Máxima want to watch the TU Berlin, the Landscape Park Herzberge and the Humboldt Forum before their return trip.Afterwards, the Dutch with the director of the Stadtmuseum Berlin Paul Spies Foundation will take a photo in the 360 ° world thinking of the Berlin exhibition.

It stays secret where the royals spend the night

8th.5 p.m.: Where the two spend the night during their stay, is subject to the strictest confidentiality.He is particularly looking forward to Berlin, this hip city at the center of Europe, said Willem-Alexander in advance.

State visit is an expression of good relationships between the countries

7.32 a.m.: The state visit is an expression of intensive and good relationships between Germany and the Netherlands - both in the political, economic and scientific field as well as in a cultural area - according to the website of the Dutch embassy in Berlin."As a neighboring country, Germany is the most important trading partner of the Netherlands and a close partner in the European Union, the United Nations and NATO.The visit comes into viewing the variety of forms of cooperation.In addition, special attention is paid to the state of Berlin."

In 2019, Willem-Alexander and Máxima were last in the region

6.5 p.m.: Willem-Alexander and Máxima have already visited all federal states on a expert tour since 2013.In 2019 they stayed in Brandenburg.At that time they visited Sanssouci Castle in Potsdam.The highlight should be the state visit in Berlin in 2020.But then Corona came - and the visit was postponed.The pandemic is far from over, even if the number of infections are currently low.Therefore, the usual bathroom in the amount of thousands of cheering fans is not intended for the Dutch Royals.

Willem-Alexander is closely connected to Germany

6.3 a.m.: His German was rusty, the king joked shortly before the state visit.But there is hardly anything to be remembered.No wonder: after all, Willem-Alexander is closely connected to Germany about his father, the German Prince Claus of Amsberg, and his family.The Germans are best friends, big trading partners and good neighbors, the monarch said in a conversation with the German Press Agency in the Hague.

The couple are generally considered personable and annoying.Royal charity duties are already done in jeans and t-shirt, as the official Instagram account @koninklijkhuis shows.There are also pictures of bike tours and visits on the bowling alley and in the football stadium.When the family had flown on the Greece vacation last autumn despite increasing Corona infection figures and a partial lockdown at home, Willem-Alexander and Máxima returned a day earlier than planned and then apologized in a video-Message.

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