Marina Hoermanseder, a fashion designer, says she would like to dress up as which royal.

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  • Marina Hoermanseder, a fashion designer, says she would like to dress up as which royal.
Marina Hoermanseder, a fashion designer, says she would like to dress up as which royal.
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The Viennese designer Marina Hoermanseder (36) already equipped Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez and the Kardashian sisters.She has now revealed which celebrity outfit she would like to do without.

And Duchess Meghan!

Duchess Meghan

© Image: APA / AFP / Angela Weiss

"I would be happy to make her a dress." In her lecture, a celebrity, a joker, she says: "I would have to leave my comfort zone a bit, it should be more classic, not quite freaked out."

Marina Hoermanseder, eine Modedesignerin, sagt, sie würde sich gerne als welche Royal verkleiden.

She also thinks that German celebrities are not really dressed.

Stars |Austrian celebrities

Germany's next top model Marina Hoermanseder has received a counter reaction.

Stars |Austrian celebrities

Designer Marina Hoermanseder became a mother for the first time and was always well informed.

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