In a sexy sports outfit in the supermarket? Fitness trainer is tired of stupid sayings

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  • In a sexy sports outfit in the supermarket? Fitness trainer is tired of stupid sayings
 In a sexy sports outfit in the supermarket?  Fitness trainer is tired of stupid sayings
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

When Sophie Allen (31) goes shopping after her job as a personal trainer, she usually does it in her sports outfit: sneakers, leggings and sports bra. These visits to the supermarket are becoming more and more uncomfortable for the fitness blogger, as she describes in a TikTok video. It happens again and again that the 31-year-old is attacked for her clothing that is supposedly too revealing or receives derogatory looks, according to Sophie. In the video above, we show which look is involved and which clip the personal trainer used to go viral on TikTok.

Im sexy Sport-Outfit in den Supermarkt? Fitnesstrainerin ist blöde Sprüche leid

The personal trainer speaks to the soul of many women

Almost two million people have already seen Sophie Allen's video on TikTok - the discussion under the clip is correspondingly large. On the one hand, the 31-year-old received criticism for the video. Some people find Sophie Allen's look just inappropriate for a visit to the supermarket: "The outfit just doesn't suit the place." Especially her sports bra becomes a problem for some. One user writes: "There are simple clothing standards in the supermarket – for you too – which include wearing a top."

On the other hand, there is also a lot of encouragement for Sophie's point of view. "It's so disappointing that in 2022 women will still be judged for their choice of clothes" - the personal trainer speaks from the soul of many users. Quite a few women comment under the video that they have had similar experiences. "If people don't like that someone is wearing a sports bra, they are the problem themselves," says one user, for example. (kwa)