Helene Fischer: Music gives unusual insights into her private life

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  • Helene Fischer: Music gives unusual insights into her private life
Helene Fischer: Music gives unusual insights into her private life
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The program will be shown on this Friday at 20.3 p.m. at Sat.1.For the show "Helene Fischer - an evening in the frenzy" she recorded songs of her new album in a Cologne music club.(Read a criticism of the album here) With velvet blazers and boots, she is on stage.And sits with moderator Steven Gätjen, who asks her questions.

Helene Fischer und Florian Silbereisen

Heiße Küsse im TV: So zelebrierten Helene und Florian ihre Liebe 1 von 13

Helene Fischer eats apples every day

In conversation, for example, it is about nervousness on stage, about her training at the musical school and about Russian dishes of her mother.But also about musical idols and their favorite fruit variety.Then there are outrageous sentences like this: "It actually doesn't go by a day when I don't eat apple."

When Helene Fischer says that she likes tomatoes and asks about it in the hotel, some spectators are enthusiastic about the Berlin cinema hall.There the TV production celebrated its premiere on Wednesday evening.Many fans sit in the hall.A man comes with "Helene Fischer" t-shirt.During the admission control you get a fabric ribbon around the wrist."The ribbons are not bad," says a woman."As reminder."

Helene Fischer: Musikerin gibt ungewohnte Einblicke in ihr Privatleben

Helene Fischer and her fans - that's a great love.Some spectators clap in the cinema hall and cheer Helene Fischer, although she is not there at all.When you see television production, Fischer reminds a little of her role model Celine Dion on stage.Are it the hand movements?Or the new songs?

The new album "Rausch" was a process for her, she says in the television discussion.In the past two years they had had extremely time to listen to themselves.She was wondering where she was actually artistic.As a musician, she wanted to be even more authentic and honest.

Schlager star "incredibly disappointed": Helene Fischer about becoming known to her pregnancy

There is no talk about pregnancy

On the television show, on which entertainer Stefan Raab worked, Fischer says that they like to go for a walk on Sundays ("totally bourgeois"), chocolate-lava cake and do not need music to fall asleep.There is no great talk about their pregnancy.The fact that Fischer is rather reserved there was already when she appeared on the ZDF program "Wetten that...? "To see.

In any case, on the television show, she sounds refreshingly self -ironic in some scenes.For example, when old photos are shown that show what they looked like at the beginning of their hit career."From 2013 it went uphill," she comments.Or when she is asked whether her partner Thomas Seitel was actually a fan of her earlier."Yes, actually," replies Fischer."He said exactly.Yes / Yes.He has to say."


New albumdie Helene-Hasser come

But it's also about more serious topics.Your own limits, for example.There were times when she worked through like a workaholic, the musician says.But you are just a person and not a machine.She learned to cancel or accept something now.

What advice could she have foreged?A well -known entertainer once told her that she should keep your fingers from this industry.That was still during her training, she says.Maybe he wanted to warn her, but maybe not fully believed in her.When asked who that was, she replied: "Tony Marshall.At this point a greeting."She got a lot of great advice from her mother.