Agricultural simulator 22 announces the release and brings long-awaited features

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Agricultural simulator 22 announces the release and brings long-awaited features
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Slide your cows and start the tractors: the agricultural simulator 22 has announced its release!After no agricultural simulator 21 came last year, we can finally look forward to a new part of the simulation series from Switzerland.We have all information about the release and the innovations for you.

Last update: September 21, 2021 new: New information about the character editor

In keeping with the great announcement, we spoke to the founder and CEO of Giants software and tell you in our report why GTA is a great role model for the agricultural simulator - FIFA, on the other hand, a deterrent example:

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Ohne GTA wäre der LS ein anderes Spiel geworden

Table of Contents

All information about the release

When does the LS 22 appear?

The agricultural simulator 22 will be released on November 22, 2021. The release was announced with a Cinematic trailer that also unveiled numerous new features:

2: 43 Agricultural simulator 22: Cinematic Trailer not only reveals the release date

First gameplay for LS 22

The first gameplay for agricultural simulator 22 will be on the farmcon.The event took place from July 21 to July 23, 2021.

6: 01t agricultural simulator 22 brings features that fans have so far had to build themselves

In our large analysis of the LS 22 Gameplay, we respond to the new features in detail and reveal why the innovations are also important for the future of the series, after Gamescom we have already played the new agricultural simulator.We have summarized our impressions in a big preview:

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Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22 erstmals gespielt

Will there be ModSupport in LS 22?

As in the predecessors, the agricultural simulator will also support 22 mods.You can download them on the official website and manage them directly in the game.Some mods will also be available for the consoles.

On which platforms does the LS 22 appear?

Agricultural simulator 22 will appear on PC, Mac and Next-Gen consoles.More precisely, it ends up on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | s, Xbox One and Google Stadia.

Will there be a multiplayer?

Yes, there will also be a multiplayer in the new agricultural simulator.Up to 16 players can play with each other on the PC.On the other hand, a maximum of eight players are possible on the consoles.

Is there a 22 cross play in LS?

The agricultural simulator 22 allows cross play between PC, consoles and stadia for the first time.While a maximum of 16 players can play together on the PC, on Xbox One, Series X/S and PlayStation 4 and 5 a maximum of eight players are possible. However, there is an exception: if the game is hosted on the PC, the applies there in the cross playMaximum number of players of 16. This creates a way to pursue more than eight players in virtual agriculture on consoles.

Will there be a season pass?

There will also be a Season Pass in agricultural simulator 22.The Season Pass Year 1 costs 38 euros for the PC.In the bundle, the main game and Season Year 1 Pass together cost 78 euros.

In winter 2021/2022 there will be the first pack that will consist of new vehicles.The second pack will be released in spring 2022 and so far there is only the statement "This will drive you crazy!" As an info.So we do not yet know which content will be included.

The third pack will appear in the summer of 2022 and is described as "Get Things Done, more efficently!"So there will probably be devices and vehicles that will make individual work processes more efficient.

The first new official map in autumn 2022: The first expansion for agricultural simulator 22 is scheduled to appear in autumn 2022 and a new map, numerous new devices and machines anyway.However, nothing more is known about the content.

There will be three packs and an expansion in the Season Pass of LS 22.

Will there be Precision Farming in LS 22?

For the first time, the Precision Farming DLC in agricultural simulator 19 became a free expansion.The Precision Farming DLC will also be available as a free expansion in Agricultural Simulator 22.

Precision Farming is becoming even more extensive: Optical sensors are new, which means that the use of pesticides, organic and mineral fertilizers is to be minimized.Together with the already known removal of soil samples, the possibilities are also expanded.You determine the pH values or nitrogen content and works even more efficiently in the virtual field.

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22 kündigt Release an und bringt lang ersehnte Features

Wann und auf welchen Plattformen erscheint das Precision Farming DLC in LS 22?

The release time traun is limited by Giants software to spring 2022.The free DLC for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S should appear.

Who does the LS 22 come from?

The agricultural simulator 22 is again developed by the Swiss developer studio Giants Software.For the first time, Giants takes over the publishing itself and no longer relies on Focus Home Interactive.This wants to "put the qualitative bar even higher by full self -determination."

A first teaser trailer tunes in on the release and already reveals attentive viewers the greatest innovation: the LS 22 will finally give us four seasons!

0:18 Agricultural Simulator 22: First teaser trailer announces release

Finally seasons and numerous innovations

The first screenshots are already revealing a lot about the new content of the agricultural simulator 22. In addition to the seasons, for example, the Lely Astronaut milking machine has been seen - Lely was previously represented as a manufacturer, but not yet with devices for animal breeding.Fendt Katana is also a brand new machine that has so far been missing in the predecessor:


Agriculture simulator 22 - screenshots view

Here is the direct graphic comparison.For example, the LS22 shines with fancier cows.

On the first screenshots, our simulation expert Florian has already discovered numerous details.In his article he tells you what these details do so special:

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LS 22: Versteckte Details

Which new features are already known?

Many players have wanted new features over the years.We too have summarized which innovations the agricultural simulator 22 have to deliver in order to be a success.Regardless of this, we already know about new features that we present in detail below.

Production chains

Production chains ensure more realism: in addition to the seasons, production chains for agricultural simulator 22 have been announced.So far, the production of bread, chocolate, cheese and other goods was only possible via mods.The subsequent delivery of supermarkets was also not part of the Vanilla version.As usual, you get your crops and then deliver them to various companies for further processing.Wheat is processed into flour in the grain mill, which the bakery needs to make bread.

You already get a first impression of the new production chains in some screenshots:


In the bakery, flour is processed into bread

The grain is processed into flour in the mill.

Natural olive oil is produced in the refinery.

If you want to pass the time until the release on November 22, 2021, you can listen to our podcast.There we spoke to two team captains from the e-sports league of the agricultural simulator-and why after an exciting competition you sometimes need a round escape from Tarkov:

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Podcast: Landwirtschafts-Simulator als E-Sport

You have to know that via LS 22

What cards will there be in LS 22?

So far, a revised version of the Erlengrat card, which was already published in LS 19 with the Alpine DLC and the US map »Elmcreek«, has been officially confirmed.

Information about the MAP Skin-Beyleron

As part of Gamescom 2021, the third MAP was also confirmed that leads you to France.It is called "Haut-Beyleron" and is not based on a single, real place.However, many different French places included the map during development.

The developers cite the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine in the southwest of the country, as well as the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in the southeast.On the other hand, topographically, the place is said to have been heavily inspired by Beynac-ET-Cazenac.

According to Giants, there are numerous sights on the map, including a castle, traditional gonadles that drive on rivers, an observatory and even a catapult.However, you will probably not be able to operate the catapult yourself.In our gallery you can see the individual highlights of the French card:


Agricultural simulator 22-Watch skin-beyleron French card

Information about the US map Elmcreek

The US map "Elmcreek" was presented on the Farmcon 21.You can find out what makes them special in our analysis:

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LS22: Elmcreek auf der Farmcon vorgestellt - das macht sie besonders

What new fruit varieties will there be?

In addition to the existing types of fruit, we currently know that there will be three new fruit types:

All three are an integral part of the production chains and can be processed by you after the harvest.As part of the gameplay world premiere, strawberries were also shown as goods for the production of cakes.However, only in the production screen.It is currently not known whether and how you can grow strawberries yourself.

How customizable is the character?

The individualization options of your own character should become even more extensive in Agricultural Simulator 22.In addition to new character models, there will also be numerous hairstyles, clothing and other accessories.

A variety of clothes and accessories should allow you to make your character even more individual.This option is particularly useful with regard to the cross play feature so that there is no confusion in the busy farm work.


Agricultural simulator 22 - The character editor will be viewed as extensive

Speaking of court work: For each of the activities, you can put together your own outfit.Do you want to take a trip to the city?Then into the leather jacket with jeans and street shoes.However, if it later goes into the forest in the forest, the right protective clothing including a helmet with a visor would be more suitable.

You can choose between a male or female character and dress them accordingly.In the new part there will also be brand outfits from Case IH, Claas, Fendt, John Deere and many other brands in the agricultural industry.You can also equip your character with security clothing from Elten and Engelbert Strauss.

Not only the characters can be customized in LS 22, the license plates of the machines can also be designed individually.

What system requirements does LS 22 have?

On the official website of Agricultural Simulator 22, the system requirements are specified as follows:

The information is the minimum requirements.

What editions will there be?

In addition to a digital version, there will also be a Collector's Edition that includes a functioning all-round lamp that turns on as soon as you activate the lights in the agricultural simulator 22.It is currently not known when this is available and how much it will cost.

The all -round lamp can be connected to the PC via USB and is activated as soon as you switch on the lights in the game.

How much does the PC version of LS 22 cost?

The digital PC version of agricultural simulator 22 will cost 40 euros and can already be pre-ordered.Pre -orders receive the Claas Xerion Saddle Trac Pack, which contains the Claas Xerion 4200 Saddle Trac and four other Kaweco machines.

You will receive the Claas Xerion Saddle Trac Pack as a pre -order.

We have made up the individual PC versions again for you:

What details are still worth mentioning?

Write us in the comments: Do you currently play the agricultural simulator 19?Will you look at the LS 22?What are your wishes for the new part?