Fans criticize Kim Kardashian for choosing her outfit when visiting the Vatican

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  • Fans criticize Kim Kardashian for choosing her outfit when visiting the Vatican
Fans criticize Kim Kardashian for choosing her outfit when visiting the Vatican
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Kim Kardashian is criticized because she was "inappropriately dressed" for her visit to the Vatican.

On Monday the "Keeping Up with the Kardashian” star was photographed when visiting the Vatican City.She wore a transparent, white off-shoulder dress with cutouts from Barragán.

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During the tour of the Sistine Chapel, she pulled a black leather jacket over, but the 40-year-old's outfit was still not well received by the social media users.

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"Kimmy, you have no decency?We know that you don't have one, but was it really necessary to display your advantages in the Vatican?Disrespectful, ”tweeted someone else.

"Girl, what's the point?!In the Vatican? ”Asked someone else."If you don't dress adequately when you visit the Vatican, you will show no respect.Does that have to do with the fact that you are so rich that you think you can do whatever you want?You are a disrespectful person."

"Italy is a highly religious country.They also vehemently defend their culture.So it's just abnormal to be so disrespectful. Ja, sie hat in der Kapelle eine Jacke getragen, aber sie hätte ganz einfach ein anderes Outfit wählen können", merkte jemand an.

„Mir ist Religion egal, aber warum gehst du so angezogen in den VATIKAN?", lautete ein weiterer Kommentar.

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Outdated, sexist rules?

Andere dagegen argumentierten, Kim dürfe tragen, „was immer sie wolle", dass es „veraltet" und „sexistisch" sei, dass Frauen sich an religiösen Orten züchtig kleiden müssen.In addition, nobody should defend Catholicism - for a number of non -related reasons -.

"The Vatican is still open homophobic.So I don't care?I'm still proud.I thought the religion learned that we don't care, "said a user.

„Die Katholische Kirche vertuscht Kindesmissbrauch", twitterte jemand."You can put your clothes in the A ***."

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Someone else pointed out that the clothing regulation is surprisingly relaxed for the Vatican. „Ich war schon im Vatikan und die Touristen tragen was immer sie wollen, es gibt keine strengen Kleidervorschriften", schrieb die Person.

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"Kim, I saw what you wore in the Vatican and I just wanted to say ... you rock, girl.Fuck the church and its outdated, sexist views about what women can wear.The expectation that women have to dress up in order to respect religion is the epitome of misogynophobia.Women should dress uncompromisingly at any time. Jeder, der sich in dieser Sache auf die Seite der Religion stellt und behauptet, es sei „respektlos", an einem Ort der religiösen Praxis Haut zu zeigen, ist völlig sexistisch und maskiert es im Namen des Respekts vor der Religion", kommentierte jemand auf Instagram.

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