Communication in the job: that makes me language

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Communication in the job: that makes me language
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

It is not easy to counter stupid sayings from colleagues.Remaining silent is not an alternative - better you learn to become quick -witted.

Elena Zelle

Some colleagues always think of a suitable saying, some stammer just a surprised "Let me explain me..."When they were ironed out.Still others just stay silent.Not everyone is quick -witted, right?Yes, says Sabine Altena.The former journalist also coaches her clients in terms of rhetoric and quick witness.Most people then come to a good counter after a while."Everyone is quick -witted, just not at the right time."But you can also train that.

To be quick -witted, that is not entirely unimportant in the job, says Matthias Nöllke, coach and author of the book "quick -wittedness".It is not necessarily about a brisk saying or a good counterattack."Basically, it's about not staying speechless."That can give you sovereignty in unpleasant situations.According to the coaches, these methods can help:

The zero sets

First of all, it is about saying anything and not staying silent in dangerous situations."It doesn't have to be original or funny," says Nöllke."Quick -wittedness begins with zero sets."So one can simply say" I can't think of anything about that "or" no idea what they want to go out."This irritates the other and give back a security."You come out of the unpleasant situation."

The spoiler

If you have colleagues or even a manager who always get you stupid, you may work with small spoilers, says Nöllke. „Schön für dich", „Damit beschäftigen Sie sich, nicht ich" oder „Schon okay, wenn Sie das so sehen wollen." Wer hartnäckig bei solchen Phrasen bleibt, verdirbt Sprücheklopfern damit eher den Spaß, als mit angestrengt originellen Kontern.

The interpreter

You pretend to be an interpreter who translates a foreign language. Wenn jemand sich über das eigene Outfit lustig macht, kann man zum Beispiel erwidern: „Sie meinen, Ihnen gefällt meine Jacke nicht?" Der Dolmetscher holt das Gespräch auf die Sachebene zurück, eine sehr diplomatische Technik.

The counter display

With this technology you can react to assumptions or malfunctions from colleagues, says Nöllke.For example, the assumption that you are too young and have too little experience for a job.“Often you feel over and want to justify yourself.This often doesn't look so confident." Besser sei es, so zu reagieren: „Das ist Ihre Ansicht.In fact, I put a breath of fresh air into the project." Zurückweisen und richtigstellen, kurz und knapp.Whoever has the model in your head has often already been helped.

The surprising yes

Wenn jemand versucht, den anderen persönlich anzugreifen („Sie sind aber klein!", „Ist Ihr Schreibtisch immer so unordentlich?", „Sie sind ganz schön laut!"), kann dieser einfach zustimmen: „Stimmt", „Absolut" oder auch „Daran dürfen Sie sich gewöhnen." Weil sich die meisten Menschen eher rechtfertigen, anstatt in solchen Momenten zuzustimmen, heißt die Technik „Überraschende Zustimmung".It also works in things that are not correct as ironic exaggeration, but should be used carefully.

The classic question

This technique almost always works, according to Altena: Hook what exactly is meant."What do you understand under...?What is your understanding of...?What is your idea?What do you need to...?" Das verschafft Zeit und nebenbei tatsächlich ein besseres Verständnis der Lage. Mutige, die angeregt diskutieren wollen, dürfen es versuchen mit: „Wie kommen Sie zu dieser Fehleinschätzung?"

The clear edge

There are also situations in which a quick -witted saying does not fit, says Nöllke.For example, if the other person is absolutely humorless or a funny saying does not fit your own personality.Humorous counterattacks are also out of place if you are exposed to attacks under the belt line.“Then you should clearly signal stop and say: I don't want to hear that anymore." dpa