Beauty properties: what men and women find attractive

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Beauty properties: what men and women find attractive
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Beauty: What men and women find attractive

Düsseldorf what is beautiful and what is not, opinions differ less than you think.An attractiveness researcher shows which properties are crucial - and how you can trick your own appearance accordingly.


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What is beautiful and what is not, opinions differ less than you think.An attractiveness researcher shows which properties are crucial - and how you can trick your own appearance accordingly.

That with the beauty is a damn unfair thing.Because nobody really has it in their own hands.You can pay attention to your figure, maintain and dress well, but face or head shape, long legs or X legs- all of this is not in our power.It is particularly mean that it seems to have beautiful people here and there in life easier than others.

The advantages of beauty

Pretty babies are stroked and caressed.Good -looking waitresses collect more tips.In men, it is worth taking a look in the mirror before the salary talk: look good, earn more on average.

"The difference in income between the most attractive and the unattractive third of the professionals is at least ten percent."Expressed in numbers, this means that more than 100 billion euros" due to beauty "would be redistributed year after year, says Ulrich Renz, attractiveness researcher and author of the book" Beauty - a science in itself ".But what do you have to look like to be considered beautiful?

"The skin is the most important single feature," says psychologist Martin Gründl.He has been dealing with the attractiveness of other people at the University of Regensburg for 16 years and is looking for factors that determine what is beautiful and what is not.

The most important beauty feature

He found out: "Having even skin is more important than a narrow nose or full lips that otherwise play an important role in the beauty features of the woman."The reason: the skin is the outer feature that can be used to indicate youthfulness and health.If she is beaming, you are vital.If it hangs, you are old.Your color games almost no role, as well as the color of hair and eyes.

A little justice comes back here.Because on some beauty factors you can influence cosmetically.In contrast to symmetry or childish facial features that are considered particularly feminine.For example, the hairstyle can be tricked.It is crucial for the perception of facial proportions, found a team of science around the Canadian attractiveness researcher Kang Lee.Example head: women with a round face is particularly good at a deep side parting.Tired hair makes a full face look slimmer.

Schönheits-Eigenschaften: Was Männer und Frauen attraktiv finden

Fashion symptoms - these eyes are trendy

However, some are subject to certain fashion symptoms.The eyes are typical of this: so -called "Jaguar eyes" are currently very popular in the USA."Their characteristic is a weird axis of eyes that some women emphasize with Kajal by emphasizing the eyelid stroke over the outer edge," says Gründl.Also in trend: eyebrows lying flat above the eye, as she has, for example, Heidi Klumm.In the past, on the other hand, the arched eyebrow, as Greta Garbo was wearing it, was considered a beauty ideal.Today it is only perceived by the "children" of this time, according to the Regensburg attractiveness researcher.

Scientists from Canada and the USA even made up a golden formula, according to which beauty can be calculated.If the distance between the eyes and mouth is 36 percent of the facial length (measured from hairline to the chin) and the distance between the eyes 46 percent of the facial width (measured from ear to ear), a women's face is therefore perceived as beautiful.These ideals, for example, correspond to the faces of Jessica Alba and Liz Hurley.

What models all over the world unites

But not every nose would fit in every face.Because heads and jaws are of different sizes, one cannot indicate an optimal measure of the nose.The right ratio of proportions is important.If you are looking for beautiful faces in German illustrated people, you will find different beauties than the one who does the same in Japan or Brazil.Even if different regions seem to have different beauty ideas, they unite a lot."The ratio of mouth and nose to each other is similar in faces that are perceived as highly attractive," he says.

By morphing to the average face

While individuality in appearance is considered something very positive, it is different in beauty.Example: Models have attractive faces.But they are often perceived as similar and interchangeable.Gründl can explain why this is so.He has put pictures with faces of German beauty queens on the computer into new faces.

"With the help of a computer program, we calculated new faces from the image material using hundreds of reference points," explains the psychologist.In the method of so -called "morphing", characteristic features of faces "crossed" together.The result: new faces that do not exist in reality, but which the majority of test subjects mostly judge as much more attractive.

"It was noticed that the reference points of the model faces usually fit very well on top of each other."It is different with morphen unattractive faces who always have a particularly characteristic, distinctive appearance.The points hardly fit on each other, says the researcher.That is why a mixed face of templates from several unattractive people remains unattractive.

But Gründl discovered that the average is its limits.Whether someone is beautiful or ugly can be seen solely on the basis of shadow pictures.Important characteristics such as skin or eye shape become invisible in them.What counts then are the proportions.Amazing: In the shadow picture, most rated the average shadow picture than less pretty than the original.

Beauty tricks

Zum Glück bleiben allen, die entsprechende Gesichtszüge nicht mit den Genen geliefert bekommen haben, diverse Beauty tricks:

  1. Immer schön lächeln
  2. Lächeln Sie, was das Zeug hält und nutzen Sie damit den sogenannten Halo-Effekt. Dieses Phänomen stammt aus der Sozialpsychologie und beschreibt Persönlichkeitsmerkmale, die alles andere überstrahlen. Lächeln also reicht, um Ihren Attraktivitätsfaktor zu steigern.
  3. Das ist der Halo-Effekt — hier erfahren Sie mehr über das Phänomen.
  4. Zu einem geübten Frisör gehen
  5. Geheimratsecken machen sich breit und lassen das Gesicht noch länger wirken? Auch der Frisör kann dazu beitragen, dass Sie sich von Ihrer Schokoladenseite zeigen, fanden Forscher rund um den kanadischen Attraktivitätsforscher Kang Lee heraus. Haare ändern — so seine Erkenntnis — die Proportionen im Gesicht. Beispiel: Menschen mit länglichem Gesicht betonen diese Form, wenn sie die Haare aus dem Gesicht tragen. Wer einen "Eierkopf" vermeiden will, sollte stattdessen einen Pony tragen oder eine stufige Frisur, die vom Scheitel an ins Gesicht fällt. Eine kantige Kinnpartie lässt sich mit einem stufigen Schnitt kaschieren, der weich ins Gesicht fällt.
  6. Make-up gleicht vieles aus
  7. Ein Besuch bei der Kosmetikerin tut nicht nur dem Ego gut, sondern hilft, bei kleinen Hautproblemen mit dem passenden Make-up Highlights zu setzen. Schlupflider lassen sich mit dem richtigen Lidschatten und Kajalstrich zumindest bei Frauen optisch verbessern. Für manchen führt das zu einem ebenso zufriedenstellenden Ergebnis wie eine Operation. "Viele schätzen den Erfolg eines solchen Eingriffs falsch ein", sagt Gründl. Sie seien nach einer Operation erstaunt, dass die Umwelt die Veränderung manchmal kaum nicht wahrnimmt.
  8. Hautprobleme nicht ignorieren
  9. Bei größeren Hautproblemen, zu denen zum Beispiel Akne oder Couperose oder Rosacea gehören, heißt es: ab zum Hautarzt. Bei solchen Hauterkrankungen sollte man auch die Pflege der Haut nicht dem Zufall überlassen, sondern das Problem medizinisch angehen.
  10. Mit dem richtigen Chic in Szene setzen
  11. Mit vorteilhafter Kleidung lässt sich einiges wettmachen. Betonen Sie geschickt Ihre Vorzüge und kaschieren sie das, was stört. Ein A-Schnitt oder länger geschnittene Oberteile lassen ein paar Pfunde am Bauch geschickt verschwinden. Kleine Frauen können mit dem Mini optisch an ihren Proportionen feilen. Die Beine wirken dann länger.
  12. Hier geht es zur Bilderstrecke: Diese Eigenschaften werden als schön empfunden