10 no-gos on the first date: This is how you are guaranteed to shoot yourself out

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10 no-gos on the first date: This is how you are guaranteed to shoot yourself out
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

If the first date with the new acquaintance is approaching, of course you want to do everything right. Usually you are excited, nervous and have sweaty hands long before the meeting. Thoughts revolve around the perfect course of the first date. So that nothing really goes wrong and you are well prepared, we present 10 no-gos that you should definitely avoid.

1# Chew fingernails

Sure, if you're nervous on a first date, you never quite know what to do with your hands. Nevertheless, you should definitely avoid chewing your fingernails out of sheer nervousness.

Well-groomed fingernails are automatically part of a well-groomed appearance and create trust in others. Nibbled fingernails usually cause disgust.

It could also happen that your partner could interpret fingernails that have been chewed off as a sign of psychological problems. Try to relax a little beforehand by taking several deep breaths. If you have general problems with fingernail biting, there are various varnishes that you can apply to your nails* to prevent yourself from biting.

2# Appear unkempt

Appearing unkempt is at least as bad as having your fingernails chewed off. Appearing sloppy, possibly in smelly, stained clothes, is a form of disrespect towards your date.

In addition, your date will then also wonder what it looks like at home if you see this unkempt outfit as normal. Incidentally, the same applies to a strong body odor.

If you appear well-groomed in a neat outfit, this is a sign of appreciation and respect. This way you will be able to score much better on your date. If you are unsure about your outfit, it is best to reach for timeless fashion and items of clothing in which you feel comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable in your clothes on a date, it only increases your insecurity.

3# Always on the phone

Anyone who knows you knows how important you are. You might want to prove that to your date and impress them.

But if you're on your cell phone all the time because you can't save yourself from calls and messages, it probably won't go down well with the person you're talking to.

Also, letting your phone take precedence over your date is a sign of disrespect. You can score a lot more points here if you give your counterpart your undivided attention, set your cell phone to "silent" and put it aside.

4# Too much alcohol

Alcohol lightens the mood and takes the tension out of a first date. But that is by no means a reason to down one beer after the next. Especially not if the other person only stays with soft drinks.

If you're drunk, you're likely to be carried away into actions or statements that you shouldn't do on a first date. Your counterpart could quickly feel uncomfortable - and the date would have been the first and last.

Too much alcohol also affects our perception. This can lead to a wrong judgment about you or your date and that might be a shame. It is often the case that nervousness decreases the longer a date lasts. Try to find common interests and talk about them*. When we talk about topics we know about, we feel more comfortable and less excited.

5# Burp

Even if you've just had too many fizzy drinks, burping on a first date isn't okay. You should be able to control yourself that far. Even when you're under pressure.

But if you feel the air in your stomach, you should better go outside or to the toilet.

The same applies to farts, by the way. Should an embarrassment "slip through" you, you can possibly ignore it - or you take it with humor. After all, everyone has to "let their breath" from time to time.

6# garlic or beer flag

When you first get to know each other, not only the eye judges, but also the nose. Here the body subconsciously decides whether you can smell yourself or not.

If you show up on the first date with a flag and smell like beer or garlic, that's an absolute no-go. This is definitely not a pleasure for the other person and you might lose a chance for a first kiss.

When you're getting ready for your date, showering and dressing up, there's no harm in picking up a toothbrush or packing some gum*. However, you should get rid of the chewing gum before the start of the date, as constant smacking is also less pleasant.

7# Touch

Touching the other person on the first date should be viewed very critically. Even if you find the person irresistible and the hormones are overflowing, that's no reason to get in touch right away.

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Women in particular often hate being touched on the first date. In addition, every person has an individual distance that must be respected.

If your date sends you clear signals that he or she does not want to be touched, you should stick to it if you are going on a second date. If you get to know each other better and become more familiar in dealing with each other, there will certainly be many more opportunities to get closer.

8# Be pushy

You should not be pushy, either verbally or physically. You would like to get closer to your date, give compliments or even get a kiss goodbye, but you should slowly "feel your way" and not fall straight into the house.

The person you are talking to can quickly feel constrained and may soon be looking for space. Try to be charming and friendly instead of covering up nervousness with proletarian behavior.

Also, if you're just getting to know each other, don't immediately get your date's hopes up. This can also be intrusive in a way, for example if you are already talking about having children and getting married. You can find out whether you're being pushy or not by paying attention to your date's body language*.

9# Only talk about yourself

There are people who automatically talk a lot when they are nervous. Especially on the first date, people like to talk a lot on purpose so that there are no quiet, uncomfortable pauses.

Here, however, there is a risk of unconsciously slipping into a monologue and only talking about oneself and one's experiences.

This usually doesn't go down well at all because the person sitting opposite could eventually get bored and lose interest. This behavior could also be seen as selfish, or give the impression that you prefer to hear yourself talk. It is better to ask questions and respond to the answers. This will make you appear interested and open-minded. Think about a question or two beforehand. If your date is shy or nervous, asking him or her questions can lighten the mood.

10# Bad jokes and prologue behavior

Being authentic is usually best received by the other person. If you want to make an impression with prologue behavior or bad jokes, it usually backfires.

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It gets embarrassing when, for example, you tell your counterpart how many past love affairs you already had and what a great pike you are because of that.

Also the conspicuous laying out of your car key is rather unnecessary, just as exaggerated looking at your luxury wristwatch. Splurge and prologue behavior largely signal superficiality. Add in bad jokes and your date probably won't want a second date. If status symbols are important to you or you are very proud of your work and the money you earn, you can of course bring that into the conversation - after all, it's best to be authentic and be yourself. If people share the same values, that connects them. If the other person also values ​​luxury, there is a good chance that you can score points with it. But you shouldn't invest in it.