Which fence lasts the longest? | various

Which fence lasts the longest? | various
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
Miscellaneous0 2 minutes read
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If you have decided to fence your property then you must be wondering about the economics of a fence. Fences differ in:

and one causes the other.

Which fence lasts the longest? | Miscellaneous

Different materials for fence construction

There are various materials to choose from to enclose your property. Each has a different lifespan and is directly linked to a different price.

Different prices and lifespan at a glance

The cost of building a fence varies only between the chain link fence and the rest of the fences mentioned above, because the chain link fence is more complex to set up and therefore costs more (20 - 30 euros per meter of fence). A wooden or metal fence is set up by most companies for 10 to 25 euros per meter.

Be sure to get more than just two quotes and compare the individual items in each quote very carefully, as there are many things that can vary significantly.

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