Tenants can deduct this from the tax - tips on the tax return

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  • Tenants can deduct this from the tax - tips on the tax return
Tenants can deduct this from the tax - tips on the tax return
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

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Tenants can deduct many costs that arise for work in the house or apartment.An overview of the items that can be asserted at the tax office.

Tax tips for tenants - short and scarce

Good news for tenants: Many expenses for work in the apartment or in the house can be deducted from the tax.Parts of the additional cost billing can also be asserted.

Tax tips:

Tenants can deduct these additional costs from the tax

It is worthwhile to search the operating cost statements exactly: tenants can get part of the additional costs back from the tax office.There are usually money back for posts that contain expenses for work around the house and garden.

However, the prerequisite is that the items serve to maintain the value and substance of the property- the tax office regularly recognizes expenses for cleaning companies or the chimney sweep.There is no tax release for consumption-related costs such as garbage fees, water or electricity bills.In addition, only work and travel expenses are tax-favored, but not material costs.

Bei den abzugsfähigen Nebenkosten unterscheidet das Finanzamt:

Discontinue household services from tax

Work that everyone can do in principle are summarized by the tax office under the term “household -related services”.These include, for example:

If you have this work done by a company or a self -employed person, you can deduct the costs from the tax.For tenants, it does not matter whether you have commissioned the work yourself or your property manager or landlord.

Labor costs can be claimed at a fifth of a maximum of 20,000 euros in the income tax return.This can result in a direct deduction from the tax liability of up to 4,000 euros a year.

Prerequisite: the work must have been carried out directly in your own apartment, in the common rooms or on the associated property.

Discontinue craftsman services from the tax

The heating system was serviced and the pipes had to be cleaned: some craftsmen costs that are hidden in the additional cost statement can claim tenants at the tax office.These include, for example:

The tax office can be involved in the costs with 20 percent, the maximum amount for invoices is 6,000 euros a year.If you claim so much, you can get 1,200 euros back from the tax office.

If tenants have commissioned and paid for the work themselves, for example because they have hired a painter who is cutting your living room, you can of course also deduct the costs from the tax as a handicraft service.

Prerequisite: the work must have been carried out in your own apartment, at the rental house, in the common rooms or on the associated property.In addition, only work can be discontinued that serve to maintain or renovate - but not those that create something new.

How can tenants claim the additional cost statement in the tax return?

In order for tenants to be able to use the discounts, the handicraft services and household services must be broken down in detail in the additional cost statement.A correct additional cost statement for the tax return must receive three information:

  1. die Art der Dienstleistung,
  2. die Höhe des eigenen Kostenanteils,
  3. eine Bestätigung, dass die Zahlung nicht in bar geleistet wurde.

Landlords are obliged to show the wage cost components in the additional cost accounting separately.If he does not do this, tenants can warn their landlord or administrator to create a separate certificate of these costs (LG Berlin - 18 S 339/16).


A sample certificate for a split up -to -do to charge is available for free download.

If a tenant has commissioned or paid certain work himself, he must submit the invoice to the tax office.


Only the pure labor costs can be deducted from the tax, but not the material costs.The costs must also be deducted in the next possible tax return and cannot be collected.

Tax return is pending - but is not yet there?

The additional cost statement is often not yet there, but the tax return must already be at the tax office.In this case, tenants have 3 options:

  1. Wenn die Steuererklärung schon abgegeben ist, der Steuerbescheid aber noch nicht da ist, können Mieter die Nebenkostenabrechnung einfach nachreichen
  2. Wenn der Steuerbescheid schon da ist, können Mieter innerhalb eines Monats nach Erhalt des Bescheids Einspruch einlegen. Die Nebenkostenabrechnung kann dann noch nachgereicht werden.
  3. Mieter können die Nebenkosten in regelmäßige und einmalige Kosten aufteilen. Regelmäßig wiederkehrende Kosten sind alle Nebenkosten, die auch im Mietvertag unter den monatlich zu zahlenden Nebenkosten aufgeführt sind, zum Beispiel der Winterdienst. Diese Posten können Mieter dann auch ohne Nebenkostenabrechnung beim Finanzamt geltend machen. Als Nachweis gilt der Mietvertrag. Einmalige Kosten, wie etwa die Reparatur der Heizungsanlage, werden dann erst in dem Jahr abgesetzt, in dem die Abrechnung kommt.

Where do tenants enter the additional costs in the tax return?

If tenants want to assert craftsmen and household services in the tax return, you will find the right position in the "Household expenses" facility.

Discontinue the budget or nursing aid from the tax

The state also grants tax breaks for domestic help that goes hand on hand in cleaning, cooking or ironing or helping relatives in need of care.There is a tax discount of 20 percent of the costs on a mini-job basis- expenses of up to 2,500 euros per year are tax-privileged.At a maximum, tenants can get 510 euros back from the tax authorities.

If tenants want to deduct the services of a mini -jobber from the tax, you will find the right places in the "Household expenses" facility.

Tax savings: study

Tenants who work from home can also deduct their study from the tax.There are two options:

If the focus of the entire professional activity is in your own study - this is the case with self -employed or home workers, for example - all proportional expenses such as rent, heating or electricity can be deducted as advertising costs.

Employees who not only work at home, but for whose activities there are no other space is available, can deduct up to 1,250 euros per year.This affects teachers, for example.

Here tenants enter the expenses for the study in the tax return:

HomeOffice flat rate 2020-relief due to Corona

Since the beginning of Corona pandemic, many workers have been in the home office.In order to relieve workers for tax purposes, the Federal Government has decided on a home office flat rate with the 2020 annual tax law.Usually the tax office only recognizes the costs for the private study if a room is used almost exclusively professionally.The HomeOffice flat rate now regulates that anyone who works from home can deduct 5 euros per home office day, but at most 600 euros.


There are more detailed tips on how the home office can be deducted tax.

Anyone who works from home should be careful: maybe the landlord's permission is required.When tenants threaten trouble, we have summarized in this article for the commercial use of the rental apartment.

Discharge the move from the tax

Anyone who moves for professional reasons can also provide costs in the tax return as advertising costs and save some taxes.The following costs can be deducted:

Instead of individual notices, flat rates can be set.The flat -rate amount for singles has been 860 euros since June 1, 2020.The surcharge for family members is 573 euros.

Even those who move for purely private reasons can get money back from the state.Not all costs can be deducted, but some work can be asserted as household services.Anyone who moves for health reasons can deduct the costs as an extraordinary burden.

Here tenants enter the moving costs in the tax return:


Read a detailed guide on taxes. Read here.

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Tax tips for tenants - frequent questions:

Welche Nebenkosten kann ich von der Steuer absetzen?

Tenants can generally deduct expenses that arose when working around the house and garden and which the landlord relocates to the tenant in the additional cost statement.This includes craftsmen, such as the heating maintenance and household -related services such as snowing snow or mowing.

Welche Nebenkosten können Mieter nicht von der Steuer absetzen?

Tenants cannot claim the following additional costs in the tax return:

Können Mieter die Grundsteuer von der Steuer absetzen?

noLandlords can transfer the property tax to the tenant in the additional cost statement, but tenants in turn cannot deduct the costs from the tax.

Können Mieter die Müllabfuhr von der Steuer absetzen?

noLandlords are entitled to convert the costs of waste disposal to the tenant in the additional cost accounting, but tenants cannot deduct the costs from the tax.Only craftsman services and household -related services in the house and garden can be deducted.

Stefanie Messelken15.04.2021

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Hannes on January 28, 2022 14:51

Can work (wages) actually be deducted to maintaining a grave?

The gardener is affirmed this.

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Sanny on January 27th, 2022 09:12


In our rental agreement, operating costs were included in the distribution key - and some were filled with the distribution key.For me that means, for example, to maintain heating, housekeeper/ caretaker.a - is that I don't have to pay for it?

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Sanny on January 27th, 2022 10:20

And thanks for the great information.As a pensioner, you can do almost nothing, but I have never dropped anything from the NK billing, I will change that now!

Krischiam 27.01.2022 05:51

My biggest thanks for the regular information about the house, apartment, tenancy law, you often save a walk to the tenant association or even a lawyer.Likewise, the information is very valuable for Mister and landlords.

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Susanne on January 26th, 2022 15:10

Can you please translate this to English.Many thanks.

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Cheeky -roof 743 on January 26, 2022 14:41

Everything sounds good and nice but I am Hartz 4 recipient and I can take nothing from all of this, there may be an alternative!?

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Milko on January 26th, 2022 12:41 pm

Please search for a house urgently

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Eono on January 26th, 2022 11:51

Pensioners should tax their pensions.

Can you also get something (back) from the tax office if you have not paid any taxes?

(too low income. But expenses are - high.)

Is there anything?

(Usually you gave away a lot in life anyway.)

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Gisela on January 26th, 2022 13:15

They already do that.So no envy!

Charls on January 30th, 2022 11:49 am

If you don't pay taxes, you can't get anything back.It is obvious.Or?

Massoudam 26.01.2022 11:42

I would like to fry personally

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Micha on 03.09.2021 18:01

This is certainly interesting for every tenant, especially if there are enormous costs for services such as garden maintenance, caretaker and winter services.But what if you always receive the additional cost statement as a tenant shortly before Christmas of the following year?Then the EST declaration I d.R. has already occurred (if you don't create them with a tax advisor)?

Can you bill these costs in the following year?

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Ha on 08/25/2021 09:18

If you get a new apartment and buy all the furniture, is that included in your tax return?

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Immowelt Editor on August 26, 2021 11:29

Hello Ha,

Do you want to put your furniture off taxes?If so, this is not possible, among other things, if the new apartment is a second home.

Best regards

The Immowelt Editor

Dieter Hallmayer on July 5th, 2021 18:53

Hello, kann ich die Nebenkostenabechnung, die mein Enkel macht, und den ich dafür bezahle,von der Steuer absetzen? Natürlich mit reeler Rechnung.

With kind regards

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Gwifach on April 1st, 2021 00:24

Can a landlord also assert a craftsman bill if it was issued to the tenant (= client), but the landlord would assume the payment (directly to the craftsman)?Or does the craft business have to change the invoice and issue it to the landlord?

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Immowelt Editor on April 1st, 2021 14:02

Hello Gwifach,

Unfortunately we cannot answer this question.We recommend contacting a tax advisor.

Best regards

The Immowelt Editor

Anja505 on 03/11/2021 18:39


As a tenant, is it possible to assert the costs for new windows for the tax if the invoice is issued to the tenant and the landlord agrees?

Many Thanks

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Immowelt Editor on 03/12/2021 08:23

Hello Anja505,

The AfA, as you use landlords to deduct such costs from the tax, is unfortunately not possible for you.But you can deduct the craftsman calculation as described above in the text.

Best regards

The Immowelt Editor

Beetle on 03.03.2021 06:43

As a tenant, can I, as a tenant, for the kitchens that I pay the landlord off the tax?

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Immowelt Editor on 03.03.2021 13:48

Hello beetle,

no.You shouldn't try that.The treasure of the tax authorities will not be that great.;)

Best regards

Immowelt editor

Keven on February 18, 2021 19:05


Can personal contributions be discontinued when renovating a rental property?

The work was carried out privately (thus without costs) in leisure or on vacation to create an "habitable" environment.(Mold and unreasonable sanitary facility)

(New laminate laid, walls painted, tiles laid, toilet exchanged, taps and drains changed) Material was paid 100% from its own pocket.

Rental property is an apartment building in which very little was maintained by the landlord or the previous tenant.

Thanks in advance for an answer

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Deniseam 15.02.2021 16:45

Dear editor,

I would have a question about that.I get an old -age pension and I would like to know whether I have to make tax later and where the income limit is.And what would be deductible for me then?

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Immowelt editor am 16.02.2021 08:43

Hello Denise,

Unfortunately, we cannot offer individual tax advice.Please contact a tax advisor with the question.

Best regards

The Immowelt Editor

Karina on 02/10/2021 14:24


I am already paying a pension, can I also assert all these expenses when declaring a steal?

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Immowelt editor am 16.02.2021 08:35

Hello Karina,

Even if you receive a pension, you can claim advertising costs in a tax return.From a certain income limit, you are even obliged to make a tax return.You should clarify with a tax advisor whether this is the case with you and whether it makes sense if you do not reach the income limit.

Best regards

The Immowelt Editor

Giggipeteram 27.01.2021 14:41

Most of it has already been known, but it was new to me that the tax can be stopped.Window was known if they brought an energetic advantage.Interior doors don't bring it.

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Honerdingen on January 27th, 2021 12:25 pm

Hello, wir müssen wegen Eigenbedarf aus dem Haus raus. Was kann ich geltend machen beim Umzug ?

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Immowelt editor am 29.01.2021 13:16

Hello Honerdingen,

Since you do not move for professional reasons, you cannot assert the move for tax purposes.Please understand that we cannot and must not provide legal advice.If in doubt, you should get advice from a tax consultant or a tenant protection association.

Maxi3333 on September 18, 2020 12:03


My mom has died and the tax office wants a subsequent tax return.

She was in a nursing home and transferred money to me for example.Recipes, laundry, care material, etc. Since I mean it transferred them from my checking account.

Can I submit this permanent order as a household -related service?However, I am not a company, but the daughter ...

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Arstbama on July 25th, 2020 15:19

Good day.

I am the tenant of an apartment for my daughter in training.She is also reported there.

Are the household -related services, such as caretaker costs from the additional cost accounting tax deductible?

If so, where do you enter them?

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KEV95 on July 22nd, 2020 07:23


A question, what about the first cover of an apartment.In 2019 I got out of my parents' house to my first own apartment.Can you give the first most necessary things like a bed etc. that you had to buy?

I'm sure I have read something or am I confusing something and it is a separate support from the state?

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Dieter silently on 04.07.2020 13:03

Are the costs for the garbage disposal tax -deductible household -related services?

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Manham on January 26th, 2022 12:58

Moin, the costs for waste disposal are not deductible.There may be one possibility if a separate transport surcharge (spending the garbage can from location to the street) is billed.With us in Kiel this is free up to 15 m, the garbage workers have to roll the bin further, there are these transport surcharges.

Lisa on May 15th, 2020 15:04

Good day,

My question would be that I have damaged the parquet floor of my rental apartment, so it has to be sanded and painted, the furniture and something like that also has to go out.The property management has provided the proposal for the ground company Commission and also the hourly wages for dismantling and tolerating the furniture.My question is, if I pay everything myself, can I deduct the costs as advertising costs?

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Immowelt editorial team on May 18, 2020 09:49

Hi Lisa,

Tenants can deduct costs for such work, but not as advertising costs, but in the framework described in the article that labor costs by craftsmen are covered proportionately by taxes.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Sevda on May 13th, 2020 02:49

Hello, ich hatte heute eine Gerichstermin ich bin entsetzt über die Unterstellungen von dem Vermieter der den Auftrag gab das seine Fliesenleger neue fliesenspiegel in der Küche

If he has glued the tiles onto the old tiles and I called the landlord to report it to him that the tiler knows what he does. After the double tiles, I could no longer hang up my trigger hood and wall cabinet for three years Lived in the apartment. So I put out the landlord I would have given this order with the tiles. For such a lie where you are very disappointed and can hardly believe for what people are capable of. Also to me that the landlord left the money for the work of the tiler with him when he comes to the doorbell. In the other neighbor, he also pulled new silicone. Do not get my deposit and that also wants to have the cost of working from the tiles. I had the complete package of additional costs. My question e The landlord still gives the invoices with VAT in the operating costs and the property tax I pay is legally that the landlord can deduct everything in his tax returns even though he provides me with 19%VAT and he also from the tax office and me the VAT can.

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Ellen on January 26th, 2022 19:12

I hope that your landlord is not in the AfD and lawyer too I can desperate

Only too well understand here only one dish helps - I would advise you to do so !!!

Immowelt editorial team on May 13th, 2020 10:44

Hello Sevda,

A concrete assessment is difficult from a distance.In general, however, it should be the case that, if you can prove the facts, including your starting position, including the neighboring witnesses.So you should open the landlord in writing, to return the deposit, or specifically ask him to name the amount of his alleged claims so that you can know what you have to defend yourself against.

In the case of the operating costs, the landlord can account for the costs, according to the rental agreement, in accordance with the Operating Cost Ordinance that is in the Operating Cost Ordinance.This also includes the property tax.Since private landlords, unlike entrepreneurs, are not authorized to deduct input tax, the costs are billed with VAT, this is correct.Simplified one can say: The landlord can bill exactly what he paid for with the tenants;And he pays the costs with VAT.In this respect, the operating costs for the landlord are only a continuous item.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Sevda on May 13th, 2020 12:42

Hello Immowelt Editor,

For the first time thanks for the quick reply.

I can't believe that one can get lies to me in court.

The landlord knows exactly that he prompted him to lie in court.

The landlord put me in how a criminal shame what people are capable of and a shame to allow something like that.

Kind regards


Immowelt editorial team on May 14, 2020 07:50

Hello Sevda,

You write that there are 2 neighbors who are witnesses.You should bring this in in the event of a court trial to represent your interests.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Vosan on May 10th, 2020 00:35

Hello editorial team,

We live in a house that is rented cold.We are responsible for heating etc. ourselves.So far we have entertained our self -built coal oven ourselves with debut coal.

Now we are approaching the pension and the oven must be renewed according to chimney sweep.

Can we stop installing an oven from the tax even though we are tenants?

Kind regards

Annegret Voß

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Immowelt editorial team on May 11th, 2020 11:04

Hello Vosan,

You cannot deduct the new oven itself from the tax if you use private use, but you can do the costs for the working hours of the craftsmen in the way in which the manner discussed in the article.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Manfrederik on May 2nd, 2020 14:20

Hello editor,

I am new here and have a question about the tax deduction of installation kitchens in a rental apartment:

I rented a new apartment (first cover) with a built -in kitchenette.In addition, I expanded the fitted kitchen at my expense because the existing kitchenette was too small.I agreed with the landlord that after a future extract (at some point) the kitchen expansion will remain in the apartment and that the landlord will be owned.

1. Can I deduct the costs for the existing installation kitchen for tax purposes?

2. Can I deduct the costs for the additional expansion of the kitchen?

Thank you for your reply.

Kind regards

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Immowelt editorial team on May 5th, 2020 10:20

Hello Manfederik,

As a tenant, you cannot deduct costs for furnishings, such as installations.If craftsmen were commissioned to set up, however, they could have the labor costs, as described in the article, to be taken into account for tax purposes.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Shakun on 03/22/2020 18:28

Hello Dear Immowelt editorial team and Dear Readers,

I'm not sure if my question in this sub -forum is correct:

Habe 2018 eine Wohnung an einen nahen Angehörigen vermietet: die erste Jahreshälfte habe ich im Mietvertrag nur die Zahlung der Kaltmiete vereinbart, in der 2. Jahreshälfte haben wir eine Änderung des Mietvertrags vorgenommen und eine zusätzliche Pauschale für einen Teil der Betriebskosten vereinbart (quasi Warmmiete). Die Miete liegt unter 66% der marktüblichen Miete. Um die prozentualen absetzbaren Kosten für die Steuererklärung zu ermitteln, habe ich die Mieteinkünfte des 1. Halbjahres der marktüblichen Kaltmiete gegenübergestellt und die Einkünfte des 2. Halbjahres der marktüblichen Warmmiete (was gesetzlich erlaubt ist, es gab da mal ein Urteil des BFH). Dann habe ich den Durchschnittswert der Mieteinkünfte und der marktüblichen Miete errechnet und darauf basierend den Prozentwert. Ich frage mich, ob diese Vorgehensweise seitens des Finanzamts akzeptabel ist? Hat da jemand Erfahrung? Welche alternativen Berechnungsmethoden gibt es? Many Thankse im voraus

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Immowelt editorial team on 23.03.2020 11:06

Hello Shakun,

Your approach seems plausible to us.Ultimately, she will let the tax office know whether your calculation will be accepted in this way.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Moinmoin on 03/12/2020 10:43

Hello dear immowelt editorial team,

In my additional cost accounting, property tax, fire service, liability insurance, garbage collection, water money and water association are listed.Can I deduct anything from the points mentioned?

Many Thanks schon mal für die Antwort.

best wishes from Hamburg

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Immowelt editorial team on 03/12/2020 12:02

Hello Moinmoin,

If it is an apartment you are used privately, the operating costs cannot be deducted for tax purposes.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Guenny on February 19, 2020 19:08

Ladies and Gentlemen

I rented a house in a residential complex (20 houses).Tree felling work had to be carried out through a horticultural company on the entire property and the associated gardens.Only labor costs € 11,000, shares by 20 houses, € 550 per house.My landlord did not cover these costs.That's why I transferred the money from the horticultural company.As a tenant, can I assert this € 550 as a household -related services?

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Immowelt editorial team on February 20, 2020 08:50

Hello Guenny,

First of all, we have doubts as to whether they would have been obliged to bear these costs.Because operating costs within the meaning of the Operating Cost Ordinance are only costs that are constantly, i.e. regularly caused by the use of the property.Trees are usually only felled once.German tenancy law does not give that the landlord outside the operating cost statement should pass any costs for the maintenance of a property on the tenant.So instead of thinking about whether you can involve the tax authorities in the labor costs (that would probably work in principle), you may have a right -wing on -site check how to get your money back.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Floki on February 19, 2020 08:38

Hi.We moved into a 700 -year -old farm that we rent.Unfortunately, it turned out that it had to be completely renovated.I did this work myself.Of course, there were immense costs.Can I drop them off, or did I give the landlord everything?No, she doesn't take over anything.She is 85 years old and stubborn as a donkey .......

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Immowelt editorial team on February 19, 2020 12:06

Hello floki,

Tenants cannot use the regular afa.However, craftsmen benefits (labor costs) can be asserted as described in the article.We hope that you have made any written agreements with the landlord regarding the work you have carried out.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Apartment on January 30th, 2020 11:37

Ladies and Gentlemen

I moved in March 2019.

The terrace flowers were partly broken and loose.They were put back in stand with gravel and sand.

This can be deducted as a handicraft service, as this has done a friend who is trained for this.

I myself painted my apartment with a friend and steamed the apartment.

My furniture was temporarily stored and I paid rent for about half a year, as well as rent for a ZI in emergency accommodation, I can deduct this.

The furniture was professionally set up and assembled, for that I paid the craftsman costs.


Marion Dicker

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Immowelt editorial team on January 31, 2020 08:57


In order to be able to assert craftsmen tax benefits, you need an invoice in which the labor costs are shown separately.Cantries or double rental payments cannot be used as household services or WG.Handicraft services are asserted for tax purposes.

Best regards

Das können Mieter von der Steuer absetzen - Tipps zur Steuererklärung

The Immowelt editorial team

Svetlana on January 30th, 2020 07:44

Can you have newly made apartment keys off for the entire residential complex.It costs 350 euros

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Immowelt editorial team on January 30th, 2020 09:23

Hello Svetlana,

An owner who rented a property could claim the costs for a new locking system for tax purposes.If the tenant pays the costs, the new keys are probably not household -related services or craftsman services, since only the labor costs can be claimed and not the material.This could only be deducted from the labor costs for installing the locking system, provided that this is shown separately on the invoice.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

mherrm6123 on January 29, 2020 13:38

What costs can be claimed as household services for private reasons?The article speaks imprecise of "some work".So which one?

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Immowelt editorial team on January 30th, 2020 09:17

Hello Mherrm6123,

Private moving costs can be claimed as household services with 20 % of labor costs.This includes wage costs for helpers/moving companies.But also craftsmen costs that arise, for example, in connection with cosmetic repairs, can also be asserted.Costs for moving boxes, travel costs or material costs are not deductible.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Taglilie on January 29, 2020 13:34

I know it is regulated by law.But I think it is extremely unfair that tenants have to pay building insurance and property tax - for something that does not belong to them.Where else can that be?

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Immowelt editorial team on January 30th, 2020 09:19

Hello taglily,

This is regulated in the operating costs regulation.The reason for the assessment capacity is that it is regular costs incurred in connection with the operation of the building.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

DogWise on April 20, 2020 09:19

I don't find that either.Why do I have to pay the property tax.If I should move, I wouldn't have anything from the property, only would have helped the landlord to keep his property.Can you take the building insurance in the tax return?

Turtle team 29.01.2020 12:03

Good day,

Thanks for the information.

What costs of my private move can I discontinue?I had the furniture transported and installed by a moving company.I can probably take the proportion for assembly, right?

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Immowelt editorial team on January 30th, 2020 09:15

Hello turtle,

Private moving costs can be claimed as household services with 20 % of labor costs.This includes wage costs for helpers/moving companies.But also craftsmen costs that arise, for example, in connection with cosmetic repairs, can also be asserted.Costs for moving boxes, travel costs or material costs are not deductible.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Rabea on January 22nd, 2020 21:22

Good evening,

Thank you for the useful page and the tips.

I would like to have a question: What costs of this additional costs can I get from the tax.I have just received the additional cost statement for 2019 and I have to pay a lot.

The costs are:

- Basic costs heating

- consumption heating

- Consumption cold and hot water

- Insurance (does not stand for what)

- Building insurance

- property tax

- cold and waste water

- Electricity

- garbage disposal

- Building superintendent

- Functional test RWM (what is that ??)

- Rent RWM

- Cost devices kw

- settle housenebenk

- User exchange fee (I am included in November 2018)

many thanks for your help!



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Immowelt editorial team on January 24th, 2020 08:14

Hello Rabea,

The classic additional costs such as heating, water, insurance, etc. cannot be asserted as household services.Only labor costs for work that have been incurred on/in the house can be made, including labor costs for staircase cleaning.The costs must be shown.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Vogtner Immobilien on January 30th, 2020 14:06

RWM = smoke alarms

Jutta on January 11th, 2020 21:49

Good evening,

For the first time I create my income tax return. Live to rent.What costs can I claim in column 73 from the coat arch?Only the chimney cleaning/emission measurement or all operating costs for the heating system, and also the operating costs on general apartment areas?I would be very grateful for a short answer.Greeting

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Immowelt editorial team on January 13th, 2020 11:29

Hello Jutta,

Only the work time can be set for the craftsman services, not material etc., this working time must also be specifically shown.

A tax aid association or a tax advisor can help with specific questions.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Karina on December 7th, 2019 3:56 pm


I just received the additional cost statement for 2018.

Can I specify these additional costs for my tax return for 2019?

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Immowelt editorial team on December 9th, 2019 08:54

Hello Karina,

The ancillary costs can only be counted for the year by which they arise - the additional costs for 2018 in the tax return for 2018. Unfortunately, the billing only comes when the tax return has long been with the tax office.However, there are options for how the ancillary costs can still be billed: You can only submit the tax return without the additional cost statement.If you receive the billing before the tax assessment comes, you should send it to the tax office immediately.If you have already received the tax assessment, you can still be in the opposition period, you can perceive it.If this period has already expired, you can apply for a change in the decision to the tax office due to so -called new facts.

Please understand that we cannot and must not provide legal advice.We recommend that you get legally secure advice from a tax advisor or a wage tax assistance association.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Hanneam 07.11.2019 09:10


I do the weekly house rules and lawn care here in the house.I get 40 € a month.Do I have to specify this in my tax return, and then do I need a list from the landlord?

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Immowelt editorial team on November 7th, 2019 10:48 am

Hello Hanne,

In our view, your landlord would have to register you as marginally employed at the minijob headquarters.There would then be (relatively low) social security flat rates and tax flat rates, but they would then have to take care of nothing.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Matthias on November 3rd, 2019 22:14

Hello, ich wohne in der Miete.Wenn ich mir Parkettboden kaufe fûr ein Zimmer und den selbst verlege,kann ich es vom Steuer absetzen?

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Immowelt editorial team on November 4th, 2019 11:39 am

Hello Matthias,

As described in the article, the purely labor costs of craftsmen can be asserted for tax purposes, but not the material costs.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Dieba on September 18, 2019 23:44

Household services are usually only recognized when paying through transfer and not cash.However, we have the problem that our gardener, who executes the work like hedge, executes the lawn, does not have an account for ethical reasons so that we have to pay it in cash.We get an invoice with his name, place of residence and his tax number.The tax office refuses to recognize.I don't care about the tax savings, but the legal principle.Can the gardener be forced to open an account?

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Immowelt editorial team on September 19, 2019 10:56

Hello Dieba,

We see no legal basis that a customer can force a service provider to open an account.Ultimately, you have to hire another gardener - with an account.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Goldberg99 on 09/10/2019 19:10

Living to rent with my father have had a new power box made by the electrician

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Immowelt editorial team on 09/11/2019 11:29

Hello Goldberg99,

In principle, tenants can also assert craftsmen costs in the extent specified in the contribution, provided that they have also borne these costs.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Pizzi on August 21, 2019 09:52

Hi. Wenn ich als Mieter in unserem Badezimmer neue Waschbecken und Armaturen einbauen lasse kann ich dann die Handwerkerkosten absetzen?

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Immowelt editorial team on 08/22/2019 11:37 am

Hello pizzi,

Tenants can also deduct 20 percent of the wages from craftsmen.However, the invoice must also have been paid by the tenant (not in cash!) And work and material costs must be broken down exactly on the bill, because the latter cannot be deducted.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Eppesmariaam 05.07.2019 17:25


As a couple, we received an additional cost statement for our apartment.Since my partner will not claim this tax, I would like to claim 100%, i.e. the maximum amount.Unfortunately, however, the invoice itself is only addressed to my partner;My name is not mentioned.Does this represent a problem?Do I have to submit the invoice together with my tax return?

As info: I have been registered in our apartment with a main residence.If it were necessary, I could also write to the property management again and ask to create a new invoice with both names.However, since this would probably be cumbersome and lengthy, I would like to know whether it may not be unnecessary because the name on the settlement has no great relevance?

Many many thanks.

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Immowelt editorial team on July 8th, 2019 08:59

Hello and thank you for your comment,

What exactly the tax office wants to see and what cannot differ from case to case.The additional cost statement should be directed towards them in the testing so that they can benefit from tax.However, please understand that we are not allowed to provide tax advice.So it is best to contact a tax aid association or a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Mimo on May 31, 2019 12:50 pm

As a tenant, can I deduct the property tax that is charged to me by the landlord as advertising costs?

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Immowelt editorial team on May 31, 2019 13:13

Hello and thank you for your comment,

no, this is not possible.As always, we recommend talking to a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Mimo on May 31, 2019 14:35

So: The landlord can deduct the property tax - the tenant is not ...!Somehow unjust, right?!

Marie on May 20, 2019 17:59

Hello, wenn ich gegen die Vermietergesellschaft klage, weil die Betriebskosten viel zu hoch zugeteilt worden sind. Kann ich diese Kosten auch von der Steuer absetzen? Wenn ja, wo wäre das einzutragen unter außergewöhnliche Belastungen?

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Immowelt editorial team on May 21, 2019 08:45

Hello Marie and thank you for your comment,

In 2015, the Federal Fiscal Court ruled that a tenant cannot deduct civil process costs as extraordinary burdens (Az.: VI R 38/15).At the time, the BFH argued that a cost deduction was only possible if the process is of existential importance for the tenant.

However, please understand that we are neither allowed to provide legal nor tax advice.If in doubt, we therefore recommend talking to a tenant association, a tax consultant or a specialist lawyer.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Gabriele on April 30th, 2019 11:14 am

Hello and good day,

Can I also claim renovation costs in my rental apartment if I have made the renovation myself?

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Immowelt editorial team on April 30th, 2019 11:18 am

Hello Gabriele,

Thanks for your comment.You can only claim what you also have an invoice for.In this case, probably only the material costs.As always, in such cases we recommend talking to a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Chscherbi on April 19, 2019 1:35 pm

Hello, bei der Nebenkostenabrechnung sind Eigenanteile für Haftpflicht- Brand- und Leitung/Sturmversicherung mit aufgeführt. Kann man die steuerlich mit absetzen?

Many Thanks

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Immowelt editorial team on April 23, 2019 09:48

Hello Chscherbi,

Since insurance contributions are neither household -related services nor craftsman services, tenants cannot assert them for tax purposes.

Best regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Mimi on March 17th, 2019 16:24

Hello, ist es möglich die Verbrauchsablesung von Heizung und Wasser abzusetzen?iese wird von einem Dienstleister ausgeführt und die Kosten finden sich in der Nebenkostenabrechnung.

I wish a nice Sunday.

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Immowelt editorial team on March 18, 2019 11:21

Hello Mimi,

Yes, that should work, but the costs must be shown in detail at the annual accounts.In case of doubt, as always, we advise you to talk to a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Oswald on March 12th, 2019 23:31

Hello, eine Frage hinsichtlich absetzungsfähigen Umzugskosten.

I got 2 new hips and 1 new knee joint and therefore moved from an EFH with a basement and 1st floor to a rental apartment with a elevator.I can submit the moving costs of € 2300 as craftsmanship, service or extraordinary burden on the FA.

Many Thanks.

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Immowelt editorial team on March 13th, 2019 09:51

Hello Oswald and thank you for your comment,

Certain budget -related services can be deducted from the taxable agreement with 20 percent.The prerequisite for this is that the costs to be canceled are close to the move.However, we are not allowed to provide tax advice and would therefore recommend that you finally discuss the matter with a tax advisor or a tax assistance association.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Christian on 03.03.2019 13:02

Hello, als Mieter darf ich ja nur die reinen Arbeitskosten bei Handwerkerrechnungen steuerlich geltend machen.

What is the case in this case if the landlord invoices craftsman services about the additional costs?

Does he then have to show me the separate labor costs, or can I simply start the amount listed in the additional costs?

Viele Regards


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Immowelt editorial team on 04.03.2019 10:37

Hello Christian,

In this case too, you should have a certificate for the share of labor costs in the total costs.However, note that the landlord cannot simply put all the craftsmen costs on to the tenant.The landlord usually has to wear repair work himself.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Celal on February 26th, 2019 11:37 am

Hello, can you actually if you are renting a private apartment that will take off tax?

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Immowelt editorial team on February 26th, 2019 11:41 am

Hello Celal,

No, tenants cannot deduct the monthly rent from the tax.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Anja on February 23, 2019 3:44 pm

Hello, ich zahle einen Fehlbelegungsbetrag für meine Wohnung.Kann ich diesen bei der Steuer absetzen?

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Immowelt editorial team on February 25th, 2019 09:49

Hello Anja and thank you for your comment,

The so -called incorrect occupancy tax cannot be discontinued.The Cologne Finance Court decided, for example (Az.: 2 K 4523/01).At the time, it was said in the reason that the payment of a misconception levy was based on the free decision to continue to live in a publicly funded apartment, so it does not necessarily arise and is therefore not an extraordinary burden.If you have any further questions, we recommend talking to a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team


Hallo Immowelt Mitarbeiter, habe gerade diese Seite gefunden und möchte Ihnen sagen, ich finde es toll, welche Tips Sie für uns Leser haben. Many Thanks dafür.

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Immowelt editorial team on February 25th, 2019 09:46

Hello and thank you for the praise, of course we are happy.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Malik on 02/10/2019 14:16


I'm in Munich for 3 months.In terms of time, I cannot register my second place of residence here.

Hence my question: Can I even prove a move for the tax return with my rental agreement or do I have to register here?

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Immowelt editorial team on 02/11/2019 13:34

Hello and thank you for your comment,

The tax office can request both.In this respect, it would be best to ask the responsible office again in advance.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Marc on 03/03/2019 10:52


I am officially on 01.05.to move to a new flat.Already on April 1st.can start the renovation work (possibly a few days earlier).I would like to apply for the wage costs.In addition, the apartment is located in a different comure than the previous one.

Now my question, I have to be registered in the new apartment in order to apply the costs for tax purposes and can you divide the costs into two people (half each)?

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Immowelt editorial team on 04.02.2019 12:13

Hello and thank you for your comment,

Unfortunately, we cannot help you on this question, also because we are not allowed to provide tax advice.We would therefore recommend that you contact a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Matthias M on January 20, 2019 3:08 pm

I moved to my first own apartment, can I also state inventory such as wardrobes, chests of drawers, etc. or unfortunately it doesn't work?

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Immowelt editorial team on January 21, 2019 11:52

Hello Matthias,

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Wolfgang on January 19, 2019 7:34 pm

Good day, können Mieter analog zu den Wartungskosten der Heizung seit 2017 auch die Wartungskosten eines Aufzugs absetzen? Diese werden vom Vermieter in der Nebenkostenabrechnung an die Mieter weiter gegeben. Many Thanks!

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Immowelt editorial team on January 21, 2019 10:57

Hello Wolfgang,

Thanks for your comment.This should be possible, but we would advise you to discuss the matter with your tax advisor again in advance.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Michael on December 20, 2018 12:00

Good day, ich bin Mieter einer Doppelhaushälfte und zahle alle (!) Nebenkosten selbst. Der Vermieter legt also von der Grundsteuer bis hin zur Öltankversicherung alles auf mich um, was für mich ja auch ok ist. Kann ich davon außer der Heizungswartung und dem Schornsteinfeger auch z.B. die Versicherungen oder die Grundsteuer von der Steuer absetzen? Es wäre ja ungerecht, wenn das Vermieter könnte, obwohl ich diese Kosten trage ... Many Thanks!

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Immowelt editorial team on December 20, 2018 13:48

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your comment.Unfortunately, tenants can only deduct the handicraft costs that are hidden in the additional cost accounting.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Stephan on December 5th, 2018 10:11

Good day, wir besitzen ein leerstehendes Einfamilienhaus. Nun wird unsere Tochter einziehen. Ist es ,steuerlich gesehen, besser, ihr das Haus zu vermieten oder zu schenken?

Many thanks

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Immowelt editorial team on 05.12.2018 11:26

Hello and thank you for your comment,

In the case you described, it depends on whether you want to enjoy the tax advantages yourself or your daughter.Because with a gift you only have the advantage of no longer bearing the running costs for the property.In this case, your daughter, who can save on gift tax due to a high allowance, has the tax advantage.As a landlord, you can save some taxes yourself.You can read about exactly what you can deduct taxes here.

In general, we recommend that you get the advice of a tax advisor before the decision.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Barbaraam 06.10.2018 19:28

Hello I missed my 3 room apartment in Mannheim in Mannheim.

But live to rent yourself.I can deduct my rental costs from the tax.Thanks

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Immowelt editorial team on October 8th, 2018 09:42

Hello Barbara and thank you for your comment,

no, this is not possible.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Charly on May 22nd, 2018 11:53 am

Hello, kann man auch schon die Suche nach einem geeigneten Objekt steuerlich absetzen, auch wenn die Suche vielleicht erfolglos bleibt?

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Immowelt editorial team on May 25th, 2018 09:11

Hello Charly,

Travel expenses for the search for an apartment can be deducted from the tax on work -related removals.This should generally also be possible if the search is unsuccessful.For protection, however, we would recommend a request to the responsible tax office or to talk to a tax advisor.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Charly on May 21, 2018 3:37 pm

Hello, ich bin Mieter in Stuttgart und möchte eine kleine Wohnung in Berlin kaufen. Welche Aufwendungen kann ich in der Steuererklärung geltend machen?

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Immowelt editorial team on May 22nd, 2018 10:21

Hello Charly,

Thanks for your comment.

If you acquire an apartment for self -use, you cannot assert depreciation, debt disposal, etc. for tax purposes, but that of the household -related services, craftsman invoices, etc., as shown above in the article.

Kind regards,

The Immowelt editorial team

CarmensitaAm May 15th, 2018 19:55

Hello we are tenants and have a gas boiler for hot water and heating.A friendly gas installer from our landlord made maintenance for the first time this year.And we were given the 2017 operating statement.In the rental aggress, we found no clause except that the warm operating costs themselves are wearing.Is it right that we have to pay this maintenance as a tenant.

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Immowelt editorial team on May 16, 2018 09:17

Hello Carmensita,

Thanks for your comment.The maintenance costs for the heating can be billed with the tenant in accordance with the operating costs ordinance if this has been agreed in the rental agreement.It is sufficient if the rental agreement includes the clause on the operating costs that in addition to the rent, all operating costs are passed on in Section 2 of the Operating Cost Ordinance in accordance with the rent.According to § 2 BetrKV, paragraph 4D, the maintenance costs can also be passed on.

Kind regards,

The Immowelt editorial team

Mathias on April 12th, 2018 08:51

Hello, ich bin Wohnungsmieter und zahle natürlich auch Nebenkosten. Unser Treppenhaus wird von einem Dienstleister gepflegt und das Grundstück vom eigenen Hausmeister. Jedoch wird die Betriebskostenabrechnung für 2017 erst Ende des Jahres erstellt. Wie kann ich die entsprechenden Kosten beim Finanzamt geltend machen?

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Immowelt editorial team on April 13th, 2018 09:13

Hello Mathias,

Thanks for your comment.

The Cologne Finance Court has decided that a tax assessment can be subsequently changed if the tenant receives the settlement late (Az.: 11 K 1319/16).According to the court, this applies even if the tax assessment is already final.However, the judgment is not yet final, but pending at the Federal Finance Court (Az.: VI B 75/16).

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Hajo on January 11th, 2018 13:04

From February I will be transferred to an outstanding office and have rented a second apartment there since November.Necessary furniture was bought and paid in November, and the residual payment will take place in January.

Can I start the complete purchase price in January, where the AFA also begins or does the down payment be specified separately in November?

Mit besten Regardsn

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Immowelt editorial team on January 12th, 2018 08:50

Hello and thank you for your comment,

As a rule, such costs can always be deducted in the year in which they are incurred.Unfortunately, we cannot answer detailed questions about this because we are not allowed to provide tax advice.We would therefore advise you to consult your tax advisor to this question.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Sandra on December 27th, 2017 20:20

I moved into an old house in rent, which I had to renovate.Floors, doors, etc.

Can I also deduct the material costs?

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Immowelt editorial team on December 28th, 2017 10:01 pm

Hello Sandra,

As a rule, tenants cannot deduct the material costs for renovation work from the tax.This is only possible under certain conditions for the pure labor costs of the craftsmen.

Please note that we are not allowed to provide tax advice.If in doubt, a tax advisor can help you.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Dario on November 18, 2017 5:00 p.m.

As a tenant, can I deduct the staircase cleaning in 2016 for 2017?Or do I have to take it off for 2016 year

Kind regards

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Immowelt editorial team on November 20, 2017 10:07 am

Hello Dario,

The year is not the year in which the costs were incurred, but that of billing.For example, if a tenant received the operating cost statement for 2016 in September 2017, the expenses for 2017 count. Please note that we are not allowed to provide tax advice.If in doubt, please contact a tax advisor directly.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Kyralu on November 2nd, 2017 10:16 am

Hello, hab ich das richtig verstanden, dass ich die Kosten in der Nebenkostenabrechnung, die ich erst jetzt erhalten habe, nicht in der nächsten Steuererklärung, also 2018, absetzen kann?

And if you want to have a separate certificate about the handicraft costs / household -related services, can the landlord invoice you?Unfortunately, it is not so detailed in the additional cost accounting.

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Immowelt editorial team on November 2nd, 2017 14:49

Hello Kyralu,

The drainage principle usually applies to the tax return.This means that you can assert the invoices for 2017 in the tax return that you actually paid in the same year.The invoice must have been paid by transfer so that you can assert the costs.

When receiving the additional costs, it is usually the case that tenants have to pay the costs of the copies themselves.So far, there is no high judge, according to the individual judgments of various local courts, copy costs of around 0.25 to 0.50 euros are appropriate.

Please note that we are not allowed to provide legal advice.You will receive this from a specialist lawyer or a tenant association.

Kind regards,

The Immowelt editorial team

Splithi on October 12th, 2017 14:34

What can I stop taking the tax if I am laminate as a tenant.

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Immowelt editorial team on October 12th, 2017 3:02 PM

Hello and thank you for your comment,

Only any craftsman costs can be deducted from the tax, but not the cost of the material.In this respect, you can unfortunately take nothing from the tax in this case.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Paradise on September 27th, 2017 00:29

How is it to look at if, as a tenant, due to the insufficient construction quality of a new building, I have to be there for appointments again, on which craftsmen carry out their work, but I have no invoice.My time is burdened, which today represents a high value.I get a visiting list about working hours.How is this seen?

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Immowelt editorial team on September 27, 2017 09:38

Hello and thank you for your comment,

Unfortunately, you cannot drop anything from the tax for this.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team

Sonnenschein88 on September 23, 2017 12:27 pm

Do I have to stand in the rental agreement to be able to deduct the costs?

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Immowelt editorial team on September 25th, 2017 09:21

Hello and thank you for your comment,

As a rule, the tax office does not ask about the rental agreement.If in doubt, however, you would probably have to be able to prove in any way that you are actually tenants of the apartment for which you want to deduct household services from tax, for example.

Kind regards

The Immowelt editorial team