New impetus for the Schopfheim Cameroon project - Schopfheim - Badische Zeitung

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New impetus for the Schopfheim Cameroon project - Schopfheim - Badische Zeitung
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

development cooperation

By Hans-Jürgen Hege

Thu, February 10, 2022 at 7:48 p.m


The Cameroon project of the Schopfheimer Dikome-Verein has recently been a bit sluggish. Now the development cooperation is picking up speed again. A Schopfheim delegation got an idea on site.

After several years of standstill, some of which were worrying, and loose contacts by email or telephone, the Cameroon project of the Dikome Association is slowly picking up speed again. At the beginning of January, Richard Renz, Susann Pfluger-König and Antje Obatolu started a long overdue trip from the "high-risk area Germany" due to Corona to the "high-risk area Cameroon" in order to take a closer look at the projects that have been running there for many years to say: The inventory, which seemed necessary after "the inhabitants of Dikome are only now slowly returning to their villages from their primitive emergency shelters in the rainforest, which they had moved into because of the unrest that broke out in 2019", turned out better, according to Richard Renz , than expected." A 40-strong initiative, which includes Paramount boss Cyril Sakwe, Mayor Victor Nebare and Peter Nanje, is currently "as politically responsible for a peace process" that could pave the way out of the crisis. At least that is what the result of a meeting to which the Schopfheim delegation invited the new Mayor Nebare Victor Motuba to the hotel in Douala indicated. Among other things, a new government subsidy program was discussed, with which infrastructure projects are to be initiated, such as the current construction of a fish farm or the construction of a cultural center as a meeting place for all sections of the population, or the expansion of roads, without the renovation of which "project implementation is almost impossible". , as Renz emphasized in the press conference on Thursday in the town hall. He also underlined the importance of fish farming, which the Dikome association would like to promote with a solar-powered cooling system. In order to secure the water supply, the development of another source has begun. But "the almost three-year standstill has severely affected the undersized lines in the village." So it was decided "to tackle a general renovation with the support of the Wiesental watercourse." The water supply in Bikoki and Bakumba is in operation thanks to regular maintenance, Renz reported. But the "Betenge Bridge" built with the help of the Rotary Club was partially destroyed by repeated flooding and urgently needs to be renovated for a five-figure sum because coffee from three villages behind it can no longer be delivered. "And then," says Richard Renz, "we're missing 15 tons of coffee." Coffee For the farmers, however, the coffee business is very important, especially since the Schopfheimers bought it with a handshake from the farmers for 2.40 euros per kilo, so significantly above the 80 cents that is usual with the "dealers". Unfortunately, the transport to Germany is still "stagnant" and that should be put mildly. "The last harvest is still stored in Duala. There is simply no ship to transport the coffee to Europe," explained Renz, whose team expects the next delivery in April 2022 and another one in the summer. However, the prerequisite is that everything goes well in Cameroon, where the peeled beans have to be transported to the port "under extremely dangerous conditions". Schools Because "the risk for the teachers and the house in Bakumba is still too great", the association "the Opening of the school for all further suspended". Only the training for solar technicians supported by the Schönau "FUSS" initiative takes place. A new course will start in a few days. Finances With mixed feelings, the delegation set about checking the cash register on site. "But we were almost a little surprised to find that the worries were unfounded and all the evidence was there," said Renz and the cash auditor Susann Pfluger-König, both of whom were responsible for the partners in Dikome, Emerence Etongwe and Obe Naje, "a very good one work". Because "the poverty and poor condition of large parts of the population have still not been resolved despite the resumption of local activities." People were still hoping for medical support and food supplies from Germany. It could also get going because during the visit at the invitation of Italy, very pleasant talks took place with the Italian Ambassador, whose wife is from the Lörrach district, and the German Ambassador. And the people of Schopfheim can "certainly be won over" for this much-needed help from the margravial town, Dirk Harscher is convinced. Sparkasse Wiesental: DE89 6835 157 0003 1911 11

Department: Schopfheim