Maintenance at the house: what to do for owners - MyHomebook

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Maintenance at the house: what to do for owners - MyHomebook
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


From MyHomebook |13.January 2021, 9:11 p.m.

Living in a house brings responsibility and work.Its lifespan is usually between 100 and 150 years - depending on the materials used and their quality.Owners cannot avoid maintaining maintenance, repairs and renovations.But what exactly does it have to be checked and if necessary replaced?

Wartungen am Haus: Was für Eigentümer zu tun ist - myHOMEBOOK

Many factors influence the condition of a house.What materials were used in construction and equipment?Are you high quality?Are they regularly and thoroughly maintained, cleaned and maintained?All of this belongs to maintenance at the house that owners should fulfill.You can see here in the overview of which this is in detail, what to look out for and when which materials and components of the house should be renewed.


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    Note: Anyone who discovered something in the maintenance of their house and is unsure about what to do should consult an expert.In this way you can sometimes save unnecessary costs, take the right steps and quickly fix damage.

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