Maintenance instead of exchange: Small tricks help old heaters

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Maintenance instead of exchange: Small tricks help old heaters
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
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Berlin/Cologne.Of the 21 million heaters in Germany, 13 million are technically outdated.Nevertheless, they usually continue as long as it still works.Because such an exchange also costs money.But you can at least make the heating a little fitter - even if you have little money to invest.

When is a heater out of date?

"A heating that is older than 15 years is considered technically outdated," says Jens Hakenes from the non -profit counseling company Co2online."But younger models that were only installed later may not be up to date now."He advises to regularly check the meter state."If the energy consumption is above average, something is often wrong."Even high exhaust gas values should be considered.


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How do you recognize whether the heating could work better?

If the apartment does not get warm everywhere, there is probably not enough water in all radiators.Then sometimes they smell too.Or it does not go out even though it was turned off."Such things can usually be remedied, but can also be indications of major damage and unnecessary energy consumption," explains Hakenes.But even if the heating is noticeable, it can work inefficiently and be a burden on the environment."It may use too much energy and emits too much CO2," explains Helmut Bramann from the Central Association Sanitary Heating Climate."Therefore, heating should be serviced regularly."


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What can the craftsman do?

The whole system does not always have to be renewed."Even the retrofitting of modern valves and fittings and the optimization of the system temperatures can optimize condensing operation and thus make the heating fitter," explains Bramann."The replacement of an old, non -adjustable heating pump through modern technology also makes a significant increase in a higher efficiency."Even the exchange of smaller parts such as the thermostatic valves on the radiators can cause a little."After 10 to 15 years they often break.Then you can consider whether you prefer to install programmable thermostats instead of easier, "says Hakenes.Incidentally, the handyman can do that himself.


The expert adds a measure: "A hydraulic comparison is often sensible not only in the elderly, but also in younger heating.."This ensures that the water flows evenly through the pipes into all rooms.

If this comparison is missing, the radiators in distant rooms may only be warm after the radiators in the radiator closer have reached the intended temperature."This way, some rooms stay cool, even though the heating works full," explains Hakenes."The hydraulic comparison helps to use the energy used more specifically.This saves costs and reduces CO2 emissions."

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Is the work worthwhile?

With tricks like this, the old heating works more efficiently.Nevertheless, experts ultimately advise you to calculate whether in the specific case the exchange of components compared to a new purchase is really worthwhile.Because even many small components go into money."Without financial effort, larger savings effects on older heaters are unrealistic," explains Andreas Lücke from the Federal Association of the German Heating Industry.


If I have some money - when is the exchange worth it?

Industry experts such as gap in the event of heating that are older than 15 years advise more about an exchange than a repair.Also for environmental reasons."Older heaters consume around a third more energy than modern systems."

If you would like to switch to another heating carrier, you shouldn't wait for the current heating to break."If she no longer starts in winter, it is often replaced by the first best new system," explains Hakenes.Because it has to be replaced quickly if it is cold, and there is no time to plan and sometimes more complex conversion."It is better to check alternatives when the heating is getting on in years, but is still running," explains Hakenes.

How often should the heating be checked by the specialist?

"It is best to get once a year before the winter season so that the heating is not the first frost," recommends Bramann.Many specialist companies offer a standardized heating check in which the weaknesses of the system are determined."Often it is not optimally set.The control technology of the heating can then be re-programmed so that consumption and emission values improve."

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