Heating in the Tiny House |Enbausa.de

Heating in the Tiny House |Enbausa.de
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

A Tiny House is aHouse in a size of around 15 or up to 30 square meters, sometimes firmly anchored, sometimes on wheels, sometimes from the kit, sometimes maximum individually individually.The Tiny House should alreadyHaveHeating- but which model is suitable for this special way of living and living?

Important prerequisites for heating in the Tiny House

There are different variants of a tinyHouse: aHouse on wheels with changing locations, completely self-sufficient and without the possibility of a current or gas connection.A tinyHouse can also be firmly anchored and connected to an infrastructure in a settlement, for example a campsite,.These variants enable a variety ofHeating models - or limit the selection.

What theHousesHave in common is that they usually onlyHave outer walls and are less insulated than conventionalHouses.In the case of the flexible construction on wheels, there is also the fact that the air brings foot cold from below.The weight of theHeating is also a factor that needs to be considered for this variant.

Other factors that influence the selection of aHeating for a Tiny House are the various structural requirements, the presence of connections for gas or electricity, the costs of purchasing and operation, personal demands on sustainability and comfort, for example the possibility, for example, the possibility, for exampleto be able to regulate theHeat.

Heizen im Tiny House | enbausa.de

For nostalgics: stove

If the stay in the Tiny House is not everyday, but everyday flight, the fire that crackles in the stove is a romantic idea.Wood is also a renewable fuel that can be used toHeat climate -neutral.Wooden furnaces are cheap to buy, as well as the fuel itself.The lack of regulation option is disadvantageous, d.H.Without fire it is too cold in the house and quickly too warm with blazing flames.The necessary external air connection is more of a assembly effort and weight, especially for the mobile variant.In addition, stoves have to be cleaned regularly, and special rules must be observed in terms of security and soot development.

The compromise: pellet stove

Ein PelletofenHat dem Kamin den nachwachsendenBrennstoff, einen geringen CO2- Fußabdruck und die angenehme Wärme gemeinsam.The pellet stove can run fully automatically and can even be controlled with your smartphone.Regulation of the heat is possible and work such as the removal of ash and other residue is lower.However, this luxury makes the pellet stove more expensive to buy.Space to store the fuel must be planned as well as with a stove.The Tiny House must have a power connection to operate a pellet stove.

The established: gas heating

Eine Gasheizung ist effizient, wärmt Räume undBrauchwasser undHat einenHohen Wirkungsgrad.The fuel itself comes from the bottle, the tank or - if available - from the line.Unlike wood, however, his ecological balance is worse.With gas, for example, a compact gas boiler can be operated.Underfloor heating or an air heater integrated into the thermal baths is an option as a heat transmitter.Another option is the gas outer wall heater, a directly-fueled burner that heats the air in the Tiny House.The exhaust gases flow directly outwards without having to attach a exhaust pipe over the roof.

The inconspicuous: infrared heating

Infrared heaters run with electricity and emit a radiation heat perceived as pleasant.They can be mounted as a panels directly on the wall or the ceiling.The need for space, installation and maintenance is low. Nachteile sind die oft geringe Effizienz und die verhältnismäßigHohenBetriebskosten.To get a room with electricity to temperature, more energy is required than with any other heating.The environmental balance sheet can be improved if the electricity required for operation comes from regenerative sources. Eine Photovoltaikanlage als Energiequelle ist möglich,Hat aber ihre Tücken, wie z.B.The required area on the small roof and the need for a power storage company in order to be able to operate an infrared heating with renewable electricity even on cloudy days.

The flexible: electrical surface heating

Eine elektrische Flächenheizung, bei der Heizkabel, Heizmatten, Carbonfolien oder Heizgewebe inBoden, Wand oder Decke verlegt werden, ist praktisch unsichtbar. DarüberHinaus ist das geringe Gewicht ein Plus für die Mobilität des Tiny House.The heat released by the electrical surface heating is immediately available, long heating phases are not necessary.The radiation heat known from infrared heating is comfortable and can be regulated well.Digital control technology is used here, which can be controlled via the app.The heaters need a connection to the power grid or a sufficiently large photovoltaic system with memory. Auch die Energiekosten fallen etwasHöher aus als bei anderen Lösungen – wobei es natürlich immer auf Dauer und Intensität der Nutzung ankommt.

There are many ways to live in a Tiny House without freezing in the cold season. Die Entscheidung, welches System das richtige ist, muss jeder Tiny HouseBesitzer selbst treffen und genau abwägen.

Source: Intelligent heating / Alexandra Nyseth