Energy management: heating types and heating systems at an overview

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Energy management: heating types and heating systems at an overview
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

It is not without reason that the choice of the right heating system should be carefully considered.The selection is large these days, the overview is quickly lost.Therefore, you will find the most common heating systems, including its corresponding advantages and disadvantages,.

Gas heating

In our comparison, the classic makes the beginning of the heating systems: the gas heating.With around 7 million gas heaters in 2019, it is the most widespread heating type in Germany.However, new developments in the heating market are becoming increasingly competitive.The general trend towards more sustainability and less dependence on fossil fuels ensures that more and more people are deciding against gas heating.

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Gas heating has some advantages.Because this is a tried and tested system in which flaws and sources of risk have been reduced over the years.She not only heats up the apartment, but also the water.In addition, newer models in particular use up to 98 % of the fuels used, which increases the sustainability factor.The gas boiler can be placed in any area - provided there is a gas connection.

As far as the costs are concerned, they depend heavily on factors such as the region, the manufacturer, the service provider or the heating system.In principle, however, the acquisition costs are to be classified as relatively low.The running costs vary strongly in some places and are influenced by the selected gas provider and the worldwide gas price development.

With regard to the environmental balance sheet, natural gas as a fossil fuel is not sustainable and finally.The switch to organic gas alternatives makes gas heating more environmentally friendly.Nevertheless, high CO2 emissions also occur here.

Oil heating

Although the oil heating has no future in the long run, you shouldn't forget it in a comparison like this.After all, almost 4.8 million German households were heated in 2019.

The heating oil import from over 30 countries offers an advantage, which means that one does not depend on individual suppliers.In addition, even freedom of choice remains, when and at what price you want to buy new oil, as there is no fixed bond with delivery contracts.

One of the most important disadvantages is the ban on oil heating from 2026.In Germany from 2026, no more pure oil heaters may be installed in new buildings.Only the combination of an oil condensing heater with renewable energies, such as a heat pump, is then allowed.

This ban is due to the fact that the use of fossil fuels should be reduced.Older models in particular have high pollutant emissions in the combustion of the oil and thus harm the environment.

electric heating

The purchase of electric heating is particularly cheap compared to other heating systems.The devices themselves do not cost much and in most cases neither professional assembly nor regular maintenance is required.

Furthermore, a variety of models can be selected.A special case is infrared heating.When using infrared heating, all fixed objects are heated directly, which leads to an even heat distribution in the room.In addition to avoiding mold formation and a quick warmth feeling, this heating method also offers health benefits:

What can become a disadvantage when heating with infrared is the electricity costs.Unnecessarily high electricity costs arise in infrared heating, especially when the insulation of the house is bad or the heating panels have been placed incorrectly (if it was covered by objects).

Tip: Due to the flexible possible uses, electric heating is ideal as an additional heater and/or for small, less used rooms without connection to the central heating system.

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Wood heating

The wood heating shines with its excellent environmental balance.Because when the mostly domestic wood is burned, only as much CO2 is expelled as the tree recorded during its growth.In addition, there is no massive deforestation on how many a fear could be feared, since more reforestation takes place in Germany than deforestation.

A wood heating system can also be easily combined with renewable energies such as solar energy.Despite renewable resources, a cozy fireplace fire does not have to be avoided.

The running costs here are comparatively low, but the initial investment is deterred for many.State funding and the prospect of long -term amortization can help here.Not to be forgotten is the required space for wood storage.As a result, the wood heating is more suitable for larger houses with storage space in the basement or garden house.

Combined heat and power plant

Das Besondere an einem Combined heat and power plant ist, dass es sowohl Wärme als auch Strom erzeugt.The degree of use is 80-90 %, which means that the fuel is very well used and the CO2 emissions are minimized by efficient combination heat and heat..

Not only the resources, but also the wallet is spared here by low running costs.In addition, this heating system makes regardless of various electricity providers and their prices.

In this case, the high investment is again disadvantageous.In Germany, however, the purchase of a CHP is strongly promoted.In addition, the question remains whether or.from when a CHP makes sense.Because in order to amortize the acquisition costs as quickly as possible, the consumption should be quite high.This makes it the ideal heating system for schools or office buildings, but at the same time less suitable for single -family houses.

Fuel cell

Just like the combined heat and power plant, a fuel cell delivers heat and electricity and has a high efficiency.It is a particularly innovative heating system and, with the same heat delivery, brings significantly more electricity than the CHP.As a result, it is even suitable for buildings with a lower energy requirement, such as single -family houses.

By giving up moving parts, it is also low in maintenance and quiet.The high acquisition costs can be justified by various funding and a fairly quick amortization.A gas connection is required, which means that you still depend on fossil fuels.

Heat pump

In the heat pump, the heat from natural geothermal energy (water, air or earth) is removed and the home is heated with it.The big advantage: geothermal energy is a free, infinite good.A heat pump can be used for almost every building - provided that it has good insulation.

The annual operating costs depend on the electricity provider, but there are often special tariffs for the operation of a heat pump, which is also low in maintenance in most cases.This ensures low running costs.The high investment costs can in turn be reduced by subsidies.

Please keep in mind that a relatively large amount of space is required for the drilling device when building a heat pump.In general, everything should be planned precisely here in advance.By the way, the heat distribution in the house works best via underfloor heating.

Solar thermal

Solar energy has been a classic among renewable energy resources for a long time.It scores with its environmentally friendly use and sophisticated, low -maintenance technology.From May to September it is often the only source of energy.In winter, it reduces the cost of heating and hot water by up to 20 % and is also strongly funded by the state.No other energy source is so sustainable.

Nevertheless, the dependence on the weather remains.Because especially in the colder months, the sun shows less and makes the use of an additional source of heating essential.And despite the high state subsidies, the investment amount is usually considerably high.

Tip: In order to be able to use the solar energy in the best possible way, the sloping ceiling should be directed south and inclined to about 35 °.

Hybrid heating

Hybrid heating usually combines two different technologies with each other.One example would be an air heat pump with a classic gas condensing boiler.Which heating system is used and when depends on the heat requirement.Basically, the system that operates on the most economical operates at this moment always works.In this way, fewer fossil fuels are burned, which in turn is better for the environment.

The use of two systems brings with it a high level of supply security and is ideal for new buildings, since it corresponds to the renewable energy heating network.However, two systems also mean increased maintenance effort.Again there are high state subsidies that at least reduce the high acquisition costs.

What do I wish and what is feasible?

Whoever has the choice is agony.More environmentally friendly heating systems usually go hand in hand with high acquisition costs, which only pay for themselves over time.Nevertheless, the general trend is towards sustainability - even when heating.In a first step, it should be determined which heating systems it can be made in the facility in terms of feasibility.For example, there is not always a gas connection.

In the end, everyone has to decide for themselves what they/she attaches a lot of value on and how important the effects on the environment are important to you.Certain heating systems have certainly already had their best times behind them.

Further articles

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During checks of heating systems, but also new buildings, serious defects are often discovered.This can cost the insurance coverage.

No matter which heating system you choose in the end, one of the most important points regarding the topic of heating remains a good isolation.Because with well -insulated windows, doors and walls you need less energy for the same warmth.

This article was created in cooperation with the external editor Chr.teacher's desk.