Air filter broken?You have to pay attention to that now!

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Air filter broken?You have to pay attention to that now!
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
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Is it time to change the air filter?Or is he maybe even defective?We know frequent symptoms, we know how the exchange works and we also know the costs incurred.Yes, in advance a few information.The combustion engine in the car always needs air to be able to burn to the fuel.In this process, however, it can happen that particles and other contaminants get into the engine.That is why it is important that the sucked air is filtered before it flows into the system.The condition of the air filter is therefore directly connected to the performance of the car.Therefore, the regular maintenance of the air filter is essential.When the air filter has to be changed, or in the event of a permanent filter, you have to be removed from the manufacturer's manufacturer's manufacturer or the manufacturer of the air filter (in the case of cleaning).As a rule of thumb: the air filter of a much used vehicle should be after approx..40.000 by 60 at the latest.000 km can be exchanged.This is part of the inspection prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer.Beyond signs of wear and tear, it can also make sense for other reasons to deal with the exchange of the air filter.

early change if:

The dirt in the air filter ensures that the engine does not get enough air.This means that over time, the performance of the vehicle decreases.The worst case is the total failure of the engine.But even lower dirt can also be noticeable in your wallet, because the dirt leads to increased fuel consumption.To exchange the air filter, you must have access to the air filter box of the vehicle.This is usually easy to find and there is no need to disassemble lengthy disassembly.As a orientation point, you can use the air hose on the throttle valve.The fact makes the exchange of the air filter very uncomplicated.Although the exchange is not rocket science, it should be carried out by a specialist.Errors in assembly can quickly lead to the engine also attracts dirt in addition to clean air.Especially when screws or tools in the air filter box are "forgotten", the engine damage or at least a defective turbocharger is almost guaranteed.

Luftfilter kaputt? Auf das müssen Sie jetzt achten!

You have to expect these costs!

The costs of a new air filter are moderate.You can get a new air filter between 10 and 80 euros.You usually pay the higher prices for vehicles that use two filters.The most relevant manufacturers on the market are besides servants and men, Filtron and Mahle.The replacement of the filter system does not take more than 30 minutes.If you add the labor costs of the workshop, total costs from 30 to 100 euros can be calculated.In reality, however, the costs are mostly in the lower price segment.Conventional air filters are not the only way to protect the engine from contamination.In addition to the classic models, there are also air filter mats such as the Pipercross performance air filter.The advantage of the air filter mats is that they can be cleaned more easily and are therefore reusable.In the long term, the higher acquisition costs of the air filter mats can be compensated by their reusability.Long -term filter mats should be used especially where vehicles drive outdoors and are exposed to particularly heavy dirt.

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