Who helps with the tax return

Who helps with the tax return
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Wiesbaden (dpa/tmn) - Anyone who waives the tax return may give away money: the average tax refund is 935 euros per year, estimates the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden.

Taxpayers can hand over the documents to their tax office by May 31.Those who can help you help you have time until December 31.Taxpayers should not miss this period.Otherwise, the tax office could calculate a delay surcharge.However, employees, pensioners or students are not always obliged to submit a tax return."Nevertheless, I would recommend it to everyone," says Isabel Klocke from the Federation of Taxpayers in Berlin.

If you make your own tax return yourself, you can apply to the tax office to extend the deadline if you need longer."Some of the deadline will even be extended until the end of September," says Michael Beumer from the magazine "Finanztest" of the Stiftung Warentest."However, you should inquire in good time."

If this time is not enough, you can contact a tax consultant or income tax relief association.Then there is until the end of the end of the year.Membership in a income tax aid association can cost between 35 and 400 euros a year.

It's different with the tax advisor.He has a certain scope to set the price.That's why you should address the costs straight away, Clocke recommends.The tax consultant fee regulation provides an overview of the calculation of the costs.

Pensioners, employees and students can usually use the offers of the income tax relief association."As long as you do not take money commercially or freelancer or are subject to VAT," says Uwe Rauhöft from the Federal Association of Investment Tax Assistance Associations (BVL).Associations may advise on income from wages, maintenance, pensions and child benefit.In addition, their clients may not take more than 13,000 euros a year through rentals and investments.

In contrast, freelancers, self -employed and entrepreneurs must contact a tax advisor if necessary."It doesn't matter whether you do it full-time or part-time," says Rauhöft.Even those who have a solar system on the roof or inherit money should find out whether they need a tax advisor.

"The more complex the case, the more sensible help from a consultant," says Klocke.In addition: Anyone who submits the tax return to an expert also gives the associated responsibility.A tax office is liable for its mistakes.

Rule number one in the search: The club or consultant should be nearby.Rule number two: A personal conversation is particularly necessary at the beginning."The question of whether the chemistry fits plays a crucial role for many," says Minou Khodaverdi from the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisor in Berlin.

"Colleagues, friends or family may be able to give a recommendation," adds Isabel Klocke.A look at qualifications and areas of work could also help.What certificates does the expert have?What does he know what is particularly good?

For example, there are certified advice centers at the income tax relief associations (DIN 77700).The clubs can voluntarily acquire this seal of quality.Anyone who calls themselves tax advisors has passed a state examination.Like the employees in the clubs, they are bound by law and law.

By the way: The costs for the tax advisor or the income tax assistance association can be specified as advertising costs in the tax return, says Michael Beumer.This reduces the tax burden in the following year.
