"The ideal shoe is often not a shoe at all" | The Bund

 "The ideal shoe is often not a shoe at all" |  The Bund
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
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«The ideal shoe is often not a shoe at all»

Four out of five feet develop deformities. One reason for this is supposed help such as deposits. How to find the right shoe for your child.

Till Hein

On average, people take around 100 million steps in their lifetime, covering an incredible 70,000 kilometers. So we walk around the globe more than once. However, we hardly pay any attention to the part of the body that carries the most weight: the foot – a masterpiece of nature. 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 ligaments and 13 muscles are connected in such a sophisticated way that they enable us to jump long distances and elegant dance steps as well as to stand securely.

«Der ideale Schuh ist häufig gar kein Schuh» | Der Bund