Plant tomatoes yourself: tips for care and harvest

Plant tomatoes yourself: tips for care and harvest
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Those who pull their tomatoes themselves not only always have inexpensive vegetables freshly at hand.You can also be sure that the plants are not loaded with pollutants.Buying tomatoes themselves is not difficult.


Under the right conditions, the gardener uses at least as beautiful tomatoes as they can buy in stores.And if you take these tips for growing tomatoes, you can do almost nothing more.

In a small greenhouse, the rearing of the tomato plants can start from mid -March.With open -air tomatoes or plants for the early bed box you can wait until the end of March with the pre -culture on the windowsill.You can find out how to start with an early bed with a lead into the garden year.

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Tomato seeds need temperatures around 24 degrees

In order for you to be successful, you need a high -quality substrate and a good sowing box in addition to good seeds, but also good seeds.The substrate in which you put the seeds should be fibrous, relaxed and low in nutrients.A good sowing box has a height of between three and five centimeters.You should also have trigger holes so that excess water can drain off.To germinate, the tomato -seed temperatures need 24 degrees.

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If the first cotyle leaves are visible, you can place the young plants in a light place and reduce the temperature to 21 degrees.At a light, somewhat cooler location, the seedlings grow more compact.It is important to know that even pulled plants quickly become too long if you get too little light in warm temperatures.Hobby gardeners can prevent this by waiting for as long as possible by growing.If the days are longer, this is better.

When is the best time to plant tomatoes?

You can already prefer tomatoes on the windowsill or in your greenhouse at the end of March.It is important that the temperatures are around 21 degrees.It is best to use nutrient -poor growth for the tomato seeds and make sure that the earth is not too dry or too damp.Mold formation should be avoided.

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After about ten days the first seedlings should be shown.If they are large enough - after around three weeks - you can prick the seedlings.

Pikate tomato plants

It is important to prick the seedlings at an early stage, i.e. to deal with it if they are too close.Otherwise they would hinder each other in growth.You will recognize the right time when the first pair of leaves has developed after the cotyle leaves.A few hours before implementation, you should water the little plants well.

When piquing, you should definitely make sure not to injure the small roots.There are special help in the trade like the Piquer Stand.However, it is also suitable for a teaspoon or an old ballpoint pen.

Tomato plant is piked: Plant young tomato plants in a bowl with breeding earth.(Source: Waldemar Boegel/Imago Images)

Tomato mandrels in herbal earth pot

In the next few days the plants should not be in full sun.Place the plants in a substrate for bio quality pot herbs.This contains many nutrients, so that growth is not excessively boosted.You can use more than a sack with such substrate within a year.

Plants prefer to keep a little dry

During the so -called growth phase, the young plants are not only moderately supplied with nutrients, but also rather kept a little too dry.The plants then grow - and that laid the foundation for an early flower approach.

Tomatoes only plant after the ice saints

The small plants only come around 15.May on outdoors, so only after the ice saints.Tomatoes in the bucket or in the pot can already go outside earlier.If it gets cold again, the vessels come close to the house wall or are protected with fleece hoods.

If you want to plant your tomato plants in a saucepan and not in the bed, you should put the seedlings in a sufficiently large pot.A vessel with a volume of up to twelve liters is recommended per plant.It is best to use special tomato or vegetable earth.It is loose, sandy and contains little peat.However, it is better to completely do without earth with peat.It is important that the earth is nutritious and permeable to its tomato plants.If necessary, you can also enrich them with horn flour or organic fertilizer.

Harvest tomato seeds

With the harvest of the tomatoes, the hobby gardener will again take care of the next generation in the coming year.With a seed-resistant variety-no F1 hybrid variety-you can harvest the seeds yourself and get the same variety from it.The tomato seeds obtained in this way keep between two and six years when they are stored in a dark place at low temperatures.

Diseases: brown rot and blossom rot

If the weather is too moist and the temperatures are too low, brown rot can quickly occur on the tomatoes.It is a mushroom that besieges both the leaves and the stems of the plant.You recognize a disease on brown spots on the stem and on the leaves.You can prevent the brown rot by immediately sorting out the diseased plant and disinfecting the corresponding plant utensils - such as pots, rank aids or earth -.Distribution can also be contained if the individual plants are not too close together.Also remove leaves, stems and flowers when you recognize brown spots from them.

The blossom rotation rot is also a mushroom.An infestation is shown at the outdated flower replacement points.Gray or brown spots form there, which grow up with the progress of the disease.You can prevent the fungal disease with the correct nutrient addition.Calcium in particular can prevent the flower rotation rot.

Refinement for experimental enthusiastic

Hobby gardeners who enjoy experimentation can also refine their tomatoes.These plants are sometimes healthier, more profitable and they grow better.There are finished sets in stores.Two different tomatoes are sown for finishing.One is the base and the other forms the refinement.Above all, the documentary variety must train a strong root, but the noble variety, on the other hand, should primarily bring high -quality fruits.

First the pad is sown.Often the germinity of the plants is a little worse.For this reason you should give these plants a small lead.When sowing the noble variety, hobby gardeners respect the best distance between the individual seeds so that the plants do not have to occur later.

Once the surface has trained four leaves, it is beheaded horizontally below the cotyle leaves.Now the hobby gardener puts a ceramic pen into the drive to stabilize.Then comes the cut head of the seedling of the noble variety.After five days the two parts grew together.Until then, the plants have to be sprayed with water so that they do not become wilting.Good location is good.However, avoid plump lunch sun.

Balcony tomatoes are perfect for beginners

The varieties should also choose hobby gardeners how they want to use the fruits.

Balcony tomatoes are suitable for beginners.They are easy to care for, and the side shoots do not have to break out regular.The plants become as large as geraniums.

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What type of tomato should it be?

In general, tomato plants are divided into two groups: bush tomatoes and stabt tomatoes.Bush tomatoes grow more - as the name suggests - Buschig, so also in the width.Stabt tomatoes, on the other hand, grow up.You therefore also need climbing aid or a corresponding support.With bush tomatoes or struggle tomatoes with plumps and large fruits, however, it cannot be ruled out that they have to be supported from a certain point in time so that the shoots do not break off.

If you are aware of how much space you need for your tomatoes or are unnecessary, you can select the corresponding tomato variety.Appropriate information is noted on the packaging of the seeds.Here you can also see whether special features have to be considered in the sowing - especially with more robust varieties, this is possible.Sometimes they can be sown and planted on the outside.

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