Planning the bus system for the new building - the way to the smart home bus system optimally plan - that's how it works

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Planning the bus system for the new building - the way to the smart home bus system optimally plan - that's how it works
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Conclusion for optimal bus system planning for house construction

For the planning of a bus system, specialist knowledge in the areas of electrical installation and programming is necessary.Of course, a bus system can be planned for a new building, but we still recommend using professional help here.The easiest way to do are builders who rely on a prefabricated house Smart Home.Many prefabricated house manufacturers now have smart models in their performance catalog.Overview pages like prefabricated help here with choosing the right partner.

Bus system optimally plan for house construction - the three most important factors

In a bus system, builders rely on wired networking of the individual trades.The bus lines connect the individual smart home devices to the smart home control and ensure data transport.Before builders can start with optimal planning for the intelligent house, three important factors need to be shed light on:

Step 1: Planning the bus system optimally for house construction - set requirements

For the optimal planning of a bus system for the new building, it is important to create a concept.This concept is considered a planning basis and determines which functions the intelligent home should offer its residents.Different core areas can be distinguished, which we list below.

The more precisely the desired requirements for your future smart home define during the planning process, the more smoothly the implementation will be achieved later.Preferred house providers and electrical specialists can be provided with advice and provide their wealth of experience.

Step 2: Planning the bus system optimally for building the house - determine trades and size

If the desired requirements and functions have been determined, the trades can be planned.The cable route usually follows the electrical installation.With a new building, it is therefore important to plan corresponding empty pipes.

This is still relatively simple for sockets and light installations, because they are also available in traditional houses.However, if an automatic shading is to be made, the cable of the bus system must also lead to the electrical blinds.At this point it quickly becomes clear, which is why it is so important to develop a well thought -out and as detailed catalog as possible: Subsequent changes will otherwise require complex and costly construction work.

Which elements should be able to communicate via sensors?This should also be written down as detailed as possible when planning.The most important elements include:

  1. Anzahl Fenster: Wichtig für die Bereiche Verschattung aber auch Energie.
  2. Anzahl Steckdosen: Sollen die Steckdosen ebenfalls schaltbar und in automatisierte Abläufe integrierbar sein? Falls ja, kann z. B. der TV oder andere Stand-by-Geräte nachts ab 24 Uhr automatisch abgeschaltet werden. Das spart Energie und Stromkosten.
  3. Anzahl Lichtschalter: Soll das Licht in den Räumen zum Beispiel per Smartphone App bedienbar sein, dann müssen auch die Lichtschalter mit dem Bussystem verbunden werden.

The multitude of possibilities shows that the thorough planning of a bus system Smart Homes is important and not always easy.

Step 3: Plans the bus system optimally - calculate sensors and actuators

In step one and two we have determined which smart functions the bus system should be able to carry out in the future and which solutions in the prefabricated house and new building must be networked for this.In the third step, it gets even more specific, because now builders have to find out which sensors and actuators are needed for this.

Here, too, it can be seen that the planning of a bus system is an advantage for the possible uses of the possible uses of sensors and actuators.

Step 4: Planning the bus system optimally for house construction - meet product selection

The fourth step is about the selection of smart home products.It is important that the devices are compatible with the selected bus system.The open bus system KNX offers a wide range of devices, other providers such as MyGEKKO or Loxone support only selected smart home devices or solutions from partner companies.

The following also applies here: If you hand over the planning and implementation of a bus system to a building technology expert, it is easier, because in this case builders do not have to take care of the device selection and its compatibility.Instead, you can build on the specialist knowledge of a professional and avoid your own mistakes when selecting the device.

Tip: It is even easier for builders who put on a prefabricated house.If the provider has corresponding house models in his product portfolio, the buyer can usually rely on the fact that he receives proven technology and optimally coordinated components.Due to the system construction, prefabricated house builders also benefit from cheaper prices in most cases.

Step 5: Planning the bus system optimally for house construction - the cabling

Step 5 is about the bus system cabling in the new building.In general, builders have three options:

Step 6: Plans the bus system optimally - operation and programming

As a last step in planning a bus system for house construction, it is important to think about the operation of the programming.If the bus system is also to be operated by smartphone app, a gateway is also required in addition to cabling, which produces the bridge between the Smart Home bus system and the cell phone.In any case, builders should attach great importance to simple operation when choosing the bus system.In addition, the system should have rights management.The administrator can use this to determine which functions can be used by all or only certain people.

Programming the automatic functions is complicated with a bus system.In contrast to a small DIY smart home, a bus system is usually networked with a bus system, which also includes several floors.We therefore also recommend that you always rely on a specialist partner.

The following also applies here: Buyers of a prefabricated house benefit from standardized bus system solutions.Depending on the configuration request, predefined automatisms are available that only have to be activated.This keeps the costs low and saves time in implementation.