MPU Preparation in the area of Osnabrück - Motor -Talk - Auto Forum & News

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  • MPU Preparation in the area of Osnabrück - Motor -Talk - Auto Forum & News
MPU Preparation in the area of Osnabrück - Motor -Talk - Auto Forum & News
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
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  5. MPU Vorbereitung im Umfeld von Osnabrück
2 AntwortenNeuester Beitrag am 9. Dezember 2021 um 20:04
Themenstarteram 9. Dezember 2021 um 17:16

Hello, everyone,

Has any of you have already had experience with MPU preparations / consultations?

The TÜV has now "invited" me and I don't think I will do it alone...

At the same time there is a large amount of offers and frankly I feel pretty killed!

I come from the Osnabrück area and is currently with something like BSPW.[Nice attempt], does anyone or comparable offers know that?Has anyone already had any experience with something like that and can recommend something specific?

MPU Vorbereitung im Umfeld von Osnabrück - Startseit MOTOR-TALK - Auto Forum & News

It doesn't have to be directly in Osnabrück either, of course there would be an environment...I'm grateful for all answers!

Think this is currently being done online anyway, right?

Thank you in any case in advance.

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2 Antworten
am 9. Dezember 2021 um 19:43

Get in touch in the traffic portal.You get the help for free.

am 9. Dezember 2021 um 20:04

The advertising was probably misplaced or.prevent.

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