Lucrative: That is why you should submit your tax return retrospectively

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Lucrative: That is why you should submit your tax return retrospectively
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By: Anne Hund, Jasmin Pospiech

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For some, the tax return will soon be pending again.Others only do the stress every few years.Highing them retrospectively can be worthwhile.

Not every German is obliged year after year to submit the tax return.Employees in particular can do this on a voluntary basis - if you have a lot of slip management at home, you are happy to take advantage of this.

Submit tax return retrospectively: This is how it works

However, everyone else can lean back in a relaxed manner - and submit the tax return retrospectively.Finally, they already pay wage tax every month.The editorial team explains what conditions you have to meet and which deadlines you should pay more attention.

For the 2019 tax year, the fixing period ends on December 31, 2023, as (as of 17.2.2021) reported.It is also still possible to submit the tax returns for the years 2018 (due to a convenient weekend until January 2, 2023) and 2017 (until December 31, 2021).

Read more here: Taxpayers pay attention: What you have to consider in the 2020 tax return

Tax return retrospectively to four years

In principle, a tax return makes sense to get an overview of whether you have paid too much or too few taxes during the year and/or use any allowances.If you do not do this, you can, for example, threaten the skills of juicy tax payments.However, there are groups of people who are obliged to submit a tax return every year until the following period of the following year.This includes:

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However, if you are not obliged to do so, experts even advise you to submit a tax return retrospectively.The reason for this: You can often expect that you have paid too much and get money back.After all, they already pay tax classes during the year according to their wage tax class.

Submit tax return retrospectively: reimbursement interest from the tax office

They could also be entitled to reimbursement interest, as reports.This means that the tax office pays interest on the repayment sum.According to the United Wage Tax Aid, the final tax assessment must be obtained at least 15 months after the respective tax year, the portal writes - for the 2019 income tax return on April 1, 2021. The tax repayment will then be paid by the state per month with 0.5 percent.However, according to the report, reimbursement interest is considered taxable capital income.

Read: Home Office flat rate - this is how it works with the tax return

In 2009, the Federal Finance Court decided by law to raise the deadline for retrospective tax returns from two to four years.This usually means that you can retrospectively make a tax return for past four years by December 31.But: Until this day, this must be available to the tax office.However, since a lot can be accumulated in four years, tax experts often recommend going to the income tax relief association or tax advisor.

Basically, it is advisable - also to facilitate the work for wage tax aid or the consultant - to sort out all receipts and documents that accumulate over the year in folder or the like.But what to do if you have sweated the deadline after four years?Then they missed them for better or bad - a deadline extension is no longer possible at this point.

Find out here why it is so important to keep all documents up to ten years.

Why you even benefit from a retrospective tax return

On the other hand, you rarely have to expect a retroactive tax return to pay money.However, if this should be the case, tax experts recommend withdrawing his tax return.To do this, only submit an objection by letter within four weeks of receiving your tax assessment at the tax office.This means that the tax return is considered not submitted - and you do not need to pay.

But students also benefit from waiting for the period of four years.After all, these often do not have to make a tax return during their studies.If you then submit them retrospectively, for example, after studying, expenses for a second degree can be fully deducted.As soon as you get your first salary at work, you can have these costs deducted as advertising costs.These are usually offset against the first salaries with taxes - and they pay less income tax in the first year of work.

Find out here how you can legally avoid the delivery period.

But be careful: However, this regulation does not apply to the first degree (for example Bachelor of Arts).The tax office here only recognizes any study costs as special expenses and not as advertising costs.Therefore, a loss presentation is not possible.

Find out more: tax return - have you given incorrect information?So you have to proceed now.

Students can even provide a loss carryforward up to seven years retrospectively

Gut zu wissen: In manchen Fällen können Sie die Steuererklärung rückwirkend sogar bis zu sieben Jahre einreichen. Das geht dann, wenn Sie einen sogenannten Verlustvortrag geltend machen wollen. Das rentiert sich besonders für Azubis und Studenten. Zwar soll der Fiskus bereits mehrmals überlegt haben, nur die Vier-Jahres-Frist anzuerkennen, doch bis jetzt können Studenten & Co. noch von einer Verlustfeststellung rückwirkend auf sieben Jahre Gebrauch machen. In dieser machen Sie Ihre Studienkosten (Verluste) in einer Steuererklärung gegenüber dem Finanzamt geltend. Das heißt, am Ende erhalten Sie Geld in Form einer Steuerrückzahlung zurück.

Read here: Tax return made easy - which tax programs or apps help you

So if you are a student and have successfully completed a second degree (Master or Bachelor with prior vocational training), an immediate tax reimbursement will be carried out after your loss presentation is carefully examined.However, if you do not have all documents together for such a long time, it is sufficient to assert study costs through flat rates.The tax office often does not require evidence.(jp/ahu) * is an offer from

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