Install the stove and put it into operation

Install the stove and put it into operation
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

A stove is only partially suitable for spontaneous purchases.Selection, installation and commissioning of the new oven should be well prepared.And a serious mistake happens quickly, especially when heated for the first time.


Before you are allowed to put your new oven into operation, the chimney sweep must remove the fireplace.But then there are also a few things to consider.

Do not lock the door when fueling the first

When commissioning for the first time, the right handling is particularly important.Otherwise there is a risk of damage to the stove.Among other things, this includes just leaning on the door and not locking.In the first operating hours the paint must still burn in and will be soft during it.This can result in the seal sticking to the paint and pulling out of the groove when opening is opened.If you want to accelerate the painting of the paint, you can briefly put a little more wood in the stove.

Kaminöfen – hoher Wirkungsgrad und kaum noch Feinstaub
Foto-Serie mit 10 Bildern

As long as the door is only based and the paint burns, you should also keep an eye on the burning fire and the oven.This creates an unpleasant smell, according to experts, this is healthy but harmless.It is best to ventilate sufficiently during the time.

Include chimney sweeps when planning

"The purchase of a stove wants to be well prepared," advises the Federal Association of the Schornsteinfeger trade.It is best to advise consumers before buying the chimney sweep.This checks which oven is suitable, whether a suitable chimney is available or a new trigger must be set up.The consultation takes about 20 minutes are offered free of charge by many chimney sweepers.

Kaminofen einbauen und in Betrieb nehmen

Advice is not a duty.But you are sure that there will be no problems later when accepting.The chimney sweep knows the local provisions and can give useful tips for the selection of the right oven and the best location.

Note the minimum distance between the stove and wall

During the acceptance, it is then checked, among other things, whether a chimney suitable for the firing of solid fuels is available, the oven was correctly connected and whether the prescribed safety distances to the wall and ceiling were observed.The permissible distance values vary depending on the oven model and are usually between 20 and 60 centimeters.In the area of the oven door, at least 80 centimeters are to be adhered to to combustible furniture or objects.In order to have enough space when opening the door, an even greater distance is usually useful.If the oven has side windows, at least 65 centimeters must be held on the side.

Heizen - Bei Pelletöfen spart man sich das Holznachlegen
Bei Pelletöfen spart man sich das Holznachlegen

Pellet stoves are probably the most comfortable and cleanest way to heat with wood.The installation is also quick with good preparation.For if the ovens are particularly worthwhile.Video

With flammable floors you need a base plate

In addition, there is also a lot to be observed when choosing the location.For example, spark protection must be attached to combustible floor coverings such as carpet or wood.Plates made of metal, slate or fireproof glass are well suited for this.The plate must be attached so that it covers the area in front of the oven by about 50 centimeters and on each side by at least 30 centimeters.The panels are available in various prefabricated shapes and sizes.A steel steel spark protection is available from around 50 euros, the glass version is available from around 100 euros.

Anyone who opts for a glass plate will do a good job to seal the edge all around with silicone.Due to the weight of the oven, the plate usually lifts a little at the front.The seal prevents ashes or other dust particles from hiking under the plate that could only be removed with great effort.

Subsequently grow chimney

Most stoves are placed on the wall.If there is no suitable chimney in the house, a new one must be grown.This is often not a big effort.The new chimney is guided through a breakthrough in the wall and runs up on the outer wall.

If the outdoor extension is not possible, you can also move it through the building.However, this is a little more complex.How high the chimney must be depends on the environment of the house.According to the Federal Immission Protection Protection Ordinance, the confluence must be at least 15 meters from the window of the neighboring house.Otherwise the chimney must tower the window by at least one meter.

Find the right stove

The selection of stoves is large.There are models made of enamel, cast iron, natural stone, ceramics, soapstone or granite in several colors and shapes.Many models rely on additional heat stores that ensure that the oven heats up for a long time when the fire has already gone out.The mass required for this is fitted into the slim high stoves so that it does not affect the optics.

The chic appearance is not everything.The topic of sustainability and environmental protection has also reached the fireplace farmers.For example, many manufacturers have technically equipped products in such a way that the burn -off is low in emission and more efficiently as possible.An integrated secondary air device also makes sense.As a result, you avoid having to equip your stove with a train limiter.

To find the right model, you should know where the fireplace will later be in the room - on the wall or in the middle.After that, the type and length of the chimney.In addition, when buying the stove, you should pay attention to a high level of efficiency and the most simple operation as possible.

Environmental requirements for new stoves

From a good dealer, the customer receives a so -called test bench measuring certificate for his new oven without being asked.Without this permission, the stove may not be operated.It is evidence that the oven fulfills all current environmental requirements.

The second stage of the Federal Immission Control Protection Ordinance (BImSchV) limits the permissible dust emissions to new stoves to 0.04 grams per cubic meter (g/m³) and carbon monoxide emissions to 1.25 g/m³.You also have to have a fine dust filter.

AchtungÄltere Modelle ohne Feinstaubfilter, deren Zeitpunkt der Typenprüfung zwischen dem 01.01.1985 and 31.12.In 1994, must be located by 31 at the latest.12.Have been converted in 2020, i.e. to be equipped with a fine dust filter.Otherwise you will be shut down.Stoves from 1995 must be seen by 31 at the latest.12.2024 can be retrofitted.Here a soot filter is sufficient.It is important that fine congestion is less than 150 g/m³.

Pellet stoves heating more comfortably

Einfacher zu bedienen, aber auch weniger romantisch sind Pelletöfen.They have a mechanics that automatically transports the fuel from a storage container into the combustion chamber.Depending on the need, the temperature can be set at the pellet stove.Once this is reached, the device switches off automatically.

Due to this control option heating pellet stoves longer than stoves without having to add fuel.The disadvantage of these models, however, is that the typical sound of a fire fails and instead you only hear the noise of the blower and the transport of the pellets.

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