High blood pressure is alarm signal during pregnancy

High blood pressure is alarm signal during pregnancy
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

During pregnancy, the mother & APOs; s body works for two, also the heart increases its performance. If blood pressure increases, a doctor should closely monitor this.

If high blood pressure develops during pregnancy, this should be closely monitored and, if necessary, treated with medicines. Otherwise, this can have an impact on the health of mother and unborn child, warned doctors of the Clinic for birth Medicine at the University Hospital Jena.

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High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is shown in values above 140 / 90 mmHg during pregnancy. About ten percent of all pregnant women develop it, with about 2 to 2.5 percent, so-called preeclampsia, also known as pregnancy poisoning. Here, the vessels narrow, blood pressure rises and the organs, including the placenta, are treated worse-a condition that is dangerous for both mother and child.

These are risk factors

Risk factors for this include obesity, diabetes, pre-existing high blood pressure, multiple pregnancies and an age above 40 years. In order to reduce the risk, expectant mothers should move enough during pregnancy, feed healthy and pay attention to the weight, the doctors recommend.

But even after pregnancy, good aftercare is needed, even if the blood pressure has returned to normal. About 40 percent of mothers later suffer from chronic hypertension, which increases the risk of infarction or stroke.

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