Gynecological organizations recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women

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Gynecological organizations recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


Eleven medical associations argue for COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women and breast-feeding in order to better protect these groups.

In an update, eleven medical professional associations, including the Association of Women & APOs; s Physicians (BVF), the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG), the German Society for Perinatal Medicine (DGPM), the German Society for Prenatal and Obstetrics (DGPGM), and the AG Obstetrics and pränatal Medicine in DGGG e. V. (AGG) speak for a prioritised COVID-19 protective vaccination for pregnant and pregnant women and women & APOs; s health care professionals (AGG), among them the German Association of Women & APOs; s doctors (BVF), the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG), and the German Society for Perinatal Medicine (DGPM). The authors evaluated the available scientific literature as the basis for the recommendation.

The scientific data show that a COVID-19 disease in pregnancy can pose a serious threat to mother and child. Compared to non-pregnant women, a corresponding outbreak six times more often requires intensive medical care. Ventilation is even 23 times more necessary than in the non-pregnant comparison group.

"we take care of about 800,000 pregnant women a year throughout Germany. A COVID-19 vaccination is particularly important for this group, because pregnant women with illness are more likely to show severe disease progression than non-pregnant women of the same age. "(Dr. Christian Albring, President, Professional Association of Women's doctors [BVF e. V.])

Gynäkologische Fachorganisationen empfehlen die COVID-19-Schutzimpfung für schwangere und stillende Frauen

The authors of the recommendations also report that American systematic follow-up of more than 4,700 vaccinated pregnant women has not shown a single indication of increased complications, such as premature birth, malformations or growth restrictions in infants.

"the evaluation of the scientific data shows that vaccination of all pregnant women would be extremely useful. Because the risk of premature birth alone in COVID-19 positive tested women is up to 80% higher than in healthy pregnant women. In addition, there are numerous other risks for the unvaccinated mother and her unborn child. "(Prof. Dr. Anton J. Scharl, President of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics [DGGG e. V.])

Furthermore, the COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women with mRNA-based vaccines does not lead to an increased risk of death or an increase in disease. In addition, the maternal antibodies can also cause infection protection, a so-called celestial unity, for the newborn.

„Da nachgewiesen ist, dass durch die Impfung gebildete Antikörper über die Muttermilch transportiert werden, sind gestillte Neugeborene durch eine Nestimmunität geschützt.“ (Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Schleußner, Vizepräsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Perinatale Medizin [DGPM e. V.] & Leiter der Autorengruppe)

At the same time, the authors of the eleven specialist organisations stress the safety of mRNA-based vaccination for breastfeeding mothers. Important to know: although often feared, such vaccination does not require a breastfeeding break.

Source: German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics e.V.

Author / authors: ein-red