Electric toothbrushes in the test: Philips and oral-B are at the front of Stiftung Warentest

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Electric toothbrushes in the test: Philips and oral-B are at the front of Stiftung Warentest
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The Stiftung Warentest regularly examines electric toothbrushes.For the "test" edition 12/2021, the testers viewed a total of 18 models.We present the results and test winners.


Dentists recommend electrical toothbrushes for thorough cleaning of teeth and gums.A distinction is made between classic electric toothbrushes with rotating brush heads and sound or ultrasound toothbrushes.The market leaders and regular test winners are the models of Philips and Oral-B.Also in the report from the "Test" edition 12/2021 you are at the forefront of the Stiftung Warentest.However, there are also good cheaper options.

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ANZEIGETestsieger: Philips Sonicare Prestige 9900Testsieger: Philips Sonicare Prestige 9900

Stiftung Warentest: This is how tested

The Stiftung Warentest has tested seven new electric tooth bridges in all price classes, including both sound toothbrushes and oscillating-rotating brushes.To this end, eleven of the best still available models from past tests were included in the comparison, since the test procedure has remained the same.The tooth cleaning was of course primarily examined, but also the handling as well as durability and environmental properties flowed into the overall grade.

In view of the results: The best electrical toothbrushes in the test

The result of the toothbrush test is positive: 13 out of 18 models are "good", including both sound toothbrushes and oscillating-rotating electric toothbrushes.In terms of price, however, the best toothbrushes are quite far apart: While they pay 200 to 300 euros for the test winners of Philips, the cheapest good from Müller only costs 16 euros.However, five comparatively cheap brushes fall through with "satisfactory" and "sufficient".

As in past tests, the Sonicare toothbrushes from Philips and the oral B toothbrushes of Braun have achieved the best results. Testsieger sind die beiden Sonicare-Schallzahnbürsten Prestige und DiamondClean Smart von Philips.They received the "test" quality judgment "Gut (1.8)". Dicht dahinter liegt mit der Gesamtnote "gut (1,9)" die Oral-B Genius X und auf Rang drei findet sich mit der Apacare Professional Sonic ein echter Preistipp ("gut (2,0)").

The test winner with the best tooth cleaning: Philips Sonicare Prestige

ANZEIGEPhilips Sonicare Schallzahnbürste Prestige 9900 HX9992/12299,98299,98299,99299,98299,99299,99

Das Testergebnis: Mit dem "test"-Qualitätsurteil "gut (1,8)" landet die neu getestete Schallzahnbürste von Philips auf dem geteilten ersten Platz.She convinces the examiners of the Stiftung Warentest primarily with the best tooth cleaning of all the electrical toothbrushes examined.

Produktdetails: Die Sonicare Prestige 9900 ist die fortschrittlichste elektrische Zahnbürste mit Schalltechnologie von Philips.It supports teeth cleaning with artificial intelligence, called Senseiq in Philips.According to the manufacturer, the technology records pressure, movement and cleaning surface up to 100 times per second when brushing your teeth and automatically adapts the intensity of the tooth cleaning.In addition, the Sonicare app supports the cleaning time, among other things,.

The electric toothbrush cleans with 62.000 vibrations per minute and the all-in-one brush head particularly efficient.According to Philips, the Sonicare Prestige is removed up to 20 times more plaque, the gums are healthier in just six weeks and discoloration after two days less than with a manual toothbrush.Features such as a pressure control with real-time feedback are of course integrated.

Elektrische Zahnbürsten im Test: Philips und Oral-B liegen bei Stiftung Warentest vorn

The battery life is a maximum of two weeks.The battery can be recharged in the supplied loader or in the travel case with a USB port.A universal brush head is included, further brushes as a replacement can be easily bought after its consumption.

The test winner with the best handling: Philips Sonicare Diamondclean Smart

ANZEIGEPhilips Sonicare Schallzahnbürste DiamondClean SmartHX9903/03155,99177,0012171,99171,99234,57249,996

Das Testergebnis: Weiterhin Testsieger ist die Sonicare DiamondClean Smart, die bereits 2019 getestet wurde und mit der Gesamtnote "gut (1.8) "Still at the forefront.Compared to the prestige, this Philips toothbrush cleans minimally worse, but scores with better handling.

Produktdetails: Auch diese Sonicare-Schallzahnbürste von Philips reinigt Zähne mit bis zu 62.000 movements of the brush head particularly thoroughly and thus removes up to ten times more plaque than a manual toothbrush.It offers four cleaning programs and three different intensity levels.Also a compression control to protect teeth and gums, as well as a timer brings them with them.

It also automatically recognizes which brush head is put on and has a memory function for timely brush head change.With the help of the Philips-Sonicare app, keep the cleaning performance and cleaning time at a glance.It also supports when brushing your teeth properly at all places and with the right pressure

According to the manufacturer, the battery life of the DiamondClean is two weeks.It comes with four different plug -in brushes, a noble loader and a travel case.Other brush heads can also be purchased without any problems.

Electric toothbrush in second place: Braun oral-B Genius X

ANZEIGEOral-B Elektrozahnbürste Genius X 20000N191,62

Das Testergebnis: Knapp hinter den beiden Testsiegern der Konkurrenz landet mit der Gesamtnote "gut (1,9)" die oszillierend-rotierende elektrische Zahnbürste Genius X von Oral-B.It was checked by Stiftung Warentest in December 2020 and cut off well in all test categories.

Produktdetails: Bei der Genius X handelt es sich um eine klassische Elektrozahnbürste, die Zähne mit oszillierend-rotierenden Borsten statt mit Schalltechnologie reinigt.The oral B toothbrush offers a total of six cleaning modes: daily cleaning, pro-clean, sensitive, lighten, gum protection and tongue cleaning.

The visual pressure control warns you when you put too much pressure on teeth and gums, and then automatically reduces the cleaning speed.A timer helps to adhere to the cleaning time.With artificial intelligence, cleaning performance is also optimized for this toothbrush.The free oral B-app also supports the right cleaning.

The battery life is also a maximum of two weeks for the ORAL-B electric toothbrush.You can recharge the battery using the charging station or the premium charging travel case.A round of plug -in brush is also included in the scope of delivery.Other brush heads can also be easily reordered by oral-B.

Price tip in 3rd place: APacare sound toothbrush

ANZEIGEApacare Schallzahnbürste Professional Sonic59,90

Das Testergebnis: Auf dem dritten Rang landet mit dem "test"-Qualitätsurteil "gut (2,0)" kein bekanntes Markenprodukt, sondern die vergleichsweise preiswerte Schallzahnbürste von Apacare.She also receives good sub -notes from the Stiftung Warentest in all categories.

Produktdetails: Diese Schallzahnbürste wurde von Zahnmedizinern entwickelt und sorgt mit 35.000 vibrations per minute for thorough and gentle cleaning of teeth and gums.With the so-called 3D sensitive technology, the brush heads are ideal for the gentle removal of all deposits according to the provider.

The Apacare electric toothbrush offers five different cleaning programs for cleaning, polishing and lightening the teeth as well as for the massage of the gums and a sensitive mode for sensitive gums and children.A timer ensures that you keep the recommended two minutes cleaning time.Pressure control and app connection must be dispensed with here, but the brush is also much cheaper than other models.

In addition to the ergonomic handpiece, a charging station with a USB connection and a plug-in brush are included in the scope of delivery.Pleasing: The replenishment of other brush heads is also particularly cheap for this electric toothbrush.

Our conclusion to test the electric toothbrushes

Die besten elektrischen Zahnbürsten im Test sind die Schallzahnbürsten Sonicare Prestige und die DiamondClean Smart von Philips. Wer eine klassische Elektrozahnbürste mit rotierenden Borsten bevorzugt, kann zur Oral-B Genius X greifen, die bei der Stiftung Warentest nur knapp hinter den Testsiegern landet.

ANZEIGETestsieger: Philips Sonicare Prestige 9900Testsieger: Philips Sonicare Prestige 9900

Interesting facts about electrical toothbrushes

Rotating or vibrating toothbrushes - what cleans better?

Often the spirits differ on the question of which electrical toothbrush is now better for clean teeth and a well -groomed gums - a rotating or a vibrant.In any case, the testers of the Stiftung Warentest could not find a clear advantage of one or the other kind of brush movement.So the following applies: the brush species with which you feel most comfortable is also the best for you.

How do I use an electric toothbrush properly?

When brushing the teeth with an electric toothbrush, it is important that you move the toothbrush calmly from tooth to tooth.In contrast to a manual toothbrush, it does not have to be moved anywhere.Simply hold them on your teeth at a 45 degree angle.Do not press the brush head too tightly.

Perform systematically by first cleaning a jaw and then cleaning the other.Start on one side of the jaw and clean each tooth individually.Only when you have completely cleaned the first jaw, do the toothbrush lead to the other jaw.It is important that you do not switch back and forth between the upper and lower jaw.

How often should the brush head be changed?

The brush head of an electric toothbrush should be switched to a new one every three to four months.However, if you already find any damage such as protruding or heavily pressed bristles, you should change the brush head earlier.The old brush head belongs in household waste after use, not in the yellow sack or the recycling bin.

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