Corona protection: CO2 detectors at Stiftung

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Corona protection: CO2 detectors at Stiftung
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

CO2 detectors can help with protection against coronaviruses: the measuring devices record when the air in the room is no longer fresh and there is time to ventilate.Stiftung Warentest has now tested 15 devices.

In order to reduce the risk of infection with the Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2, IFORTED: Regular ventilation inside.In the current situation in particular, shock ventilation is one of the important corona protection measures-and CO2 detectors can help.No, you do not recognize viruses, but indicate when it is time to ventilate.

CO2 measuring devices indicate when the air in one room contains a certain content of carbon dioxide (CO2).We breathe out the gas - and aerosols from our lungs also get into the room.These can transport viruses.CO2 detectors are an indicator of when frequent ventilation is somewhat uncomfortable on cold winter days.

Already at 800 ppm (parts per million) should be ventilated

This is gradually the case in "normal" times - with a view of the living climate - at a value of 1000 ppm (parts per million), at the latest at 1400 ppm should be ventilated.During the pandemic, it is better to provide air exchange from 800 ppm, Stiftung Warentest writes with reference to the expert Konstantinos Stergiaropoulos, professor of heating and room air technology at the University of Stuttgart.

Here is the shortcoming of the tested CO2 measuring devices: the threshold values are not adjustable for all devices.This means that some devices only jump yellow on the warning color from the area of 1000 ppm and later on red.The majority of the tested devices also indicate the measured values in the display that can be observed consciously.

Corona-Schutz: CO2-Melder bei Stiftung Warentest -

However, the testers were: not always satisfied with the advertisements and warning colors: Not all CO2 lights and measuring devices show red at a CO2 concentration of 1400 ppm in the Red area, but only later react later, according to the magazine "Test" (issue "2/2022).

These are the test winners

The test winners are these air quality measuring devices for the devices with traffic lights and an additional display with measuring display:

It is best to cut off the traffic lights without a display:


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Keywords: CO2 Coronavirus News Stiftung Warentest