Cleaning the window: 10 tricks from professionals |Cologne Rundschau

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Cleaning the window: 10 tricks from professionals |Cologne Rundschau
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Günzburg/Berlin -

Cleaning the window is not rocket science.Or maybe yes?Why stay regularly on the windows at home streaks and coverings, while the professional seems to be extremely effortlessly clean and strip -free?We asked experts about their tricks.

Is newspaper helpful?

"It works, but it is hardly done," says Christian Flemisch from the Federal Guild Association of the Building Clean.In the past, people used cotton towels to polish the windows.They were obtained from old textiles, cleaned after cleaning and used further.Often these towels were scarce."Anyone who had old newspapers instead could polish up and throw the paper away afterwards.So towels were saved."

It is different today: Many people only refer messages online, and paper is happy to be saved for environmental reasons.Cotton towels are again the ecological variant.In addition, the newspaper flows off the surface of the windows in the long run, explains Frank Lange from the Window + Facade Association.Therefore, the experts advise you to fog-moist cotton or microfiber cloth. „Bevor Baumwolltücher zum ersten Mal benutzt werden, kann man sie in Salzwasser auskochen, damit sie die Feuchtigkeit besser aufnehmen", rät Reinigungsprofi Flemisch.

Is there a better alternative to the glass cleaner?

Yes, says Frank Lange.A normal detergent with a neutral pH value in the hand-warm plastering water cleans the slices thoroughly. „Das ist auch die umweltfreundlichste Lösung", ergänzt Flemisch, der Meister im Gebäudereiniger-Handwerk ist.

"Glass cleaner can also cause problems because it contains alcohol and many surfactants." Zum einen trockne damit die Scheibe wegen des Alkohols schnell nach, was zu Streifen führen kann. „Zum anderen bleiben Tenside an der Oberfläche kleben und bilden einen Film, auf dem sich schnell wieder Schmutz absetzt", erläutert Flemisch.He therefore advises to use glass cleaners only for smaller dirt and to eliminate the residues with clear water.

Why shouldn't windows clean with sunshine?

When the sun shines directly onto the window, the water on the window evaporates too quickly.That is why stripes and streaks form.Christian Flemisch explains: "In the sun, the windows quickly heat up to 60 to 70 degrees.You have no chance with the puller, the water dries just too quickly."

What about the home remedy cola for cleaning the window?

Cola should be able to easily detach dirt from the pane, it is said. „Das ist wohl ein Mythos", meint Christian Flemisch.He explains this rumor by containing phosphoric acid in cola, the lime solves."But there are much more elegant paths to remove lime, for example with a diluted mild sanitary cleaner."

Frank Lange would not recommend Cola for windows either, since the sugar or sweetener contained attracts bacteria in the drink and represents a stove for new dirt.

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In addition, acidic agents - as the cola is - should only be used if the slices are very dirty.Modern windows often have high -quality external coatings, for example for sun protection, better insulation or dirt dismissal.The cola would damage these coatings.

Is it true that rinse aisle preserves the shine?

With rinse aisle, you actually put on a protective film on the glass, so that rain is better off and you have to clean the windows less often, Frank Lange confirms.However, also contained surfactants that have these drainage properties, adds Flemish, cleaning entrepreneur from Günzburg.Here too, too, he advises "normal detergent from the kitchen, with which the glasses become glossy in hand washing."

And ensures stain salt in the cleaning water for shiny frames?

“That is true and especially applies to plastic frames. Allerdings empfiehlt es sich, vorher einen Test an einer unauffälligen Stelle vorzunehmen", rät Fensterexperte Frank Lange.Christian Flemisch is also convinced that the bleaching stain salt works.However, the surface of rough and new dirt can settle even easier in the bumps.“Better, but a little more labor -intensive, polishing the frame with plastic polish is. Dabei wird die Oberfläche schön glatt", rät der Reinigungsprofi.

Does hot water make work easier?

It is better to take hand -warm water for cleaning the window, says Lange.Hot water evaporates too quickly, which can lead to stripes.In addition, the active ingredients in the detergent at high temperatures lose their effect faster.

Some stains are persistent.Can you wipe up greasy windows with washing petrol?

That works, but you shouldn't do it, both experts mean.The gasoline could leave irreparable damage to the surface coating of the windows.In addition, it is inflammatory and therefore dangerous.

And what about alcohol?

It was previously common to use alcohol to clean windows, but is no longer appropriate because there are better cleaning agents. „Allenfalls bei sehr niedrigen Außentemperaturen kann es helfen, ein paar Spritzer Spiritus ins Wischwasser zu geben", erklärt Flemisch.Otherwise, he definitely advises against it, because the alcohol in the alcohol attacks rubber, plastic and slices.

Is the steam cleaner also suitable for cleaning the window?

Yes, it works, but it is quite difficult, finds the building cleaning professional Flemish.Because the device must be guided over the entire disc.In addition, the high temperature of the steam can endanger rubber seals and plastic frames.(dpa)