Class dental care bargains: Electric branded toothbrush at Aldi

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  • Class dental care bargains: Electric branded toothbrush at Aldi
Class dental care bargains: Electric branded toothbrush at Aldi
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Nadine Englhart

Aldi Nord offers from the 2.8th.the electric toothbrush oral-b pro care for 27.99 euros in the branches.We checked the deal and an Amazon alternative.In the video: These are the current toothbrush test winners of the Stiftung Warentest.

A few years ago, oscillating and rotating electric toothbrushes with 3D cleaning technology were still considered modern technology and were correspondingly expensive.After the triumph of the sound toothbrushes, the older models are still being produced, but is increasingly being trapped.

Aldi Nord offers the black version of the Oral-B Pro Care 700, including charging station and travel case, in the branch for 27.99 euros.Better than an electric toothbrush for just under 30 euros are two sound toothbrushes for just under 50 euros

Philips Sonicare Easy Clean in a double pack


Sound toothbrushes are now the variety of electrical toothbrushes that dentists prefer to recommend than the old electrical parts, especially because the gums are spared a little more with this method.The Sonicare Easy Clean is now a wooden class among the sound toothbrushes, but it is well rated and you can save money in a double pack.

49.79 euros

zum Shop


Deal runs until 09.08th.2021

Oral-B Professional Care 700 Black at Aldi

For robust gums

Wenn Sie elektrisch statt manuell putzen wollen, sollten Sie für diese Zahnbürste bereits mit gesunden Zähnen und robustem Zahnfleisch gesegnet sein. Die rotierende und pulsierende Oral-B Pro 700 ist zwar günstig, aber nur mit elementarer Andruckkontrolle ausgestattet, die bei zu hartem Aufdrücken zwar stoppt, aber in diesem Moment kann schon Zahnfleisch wundgescheuert sein sein. Wer empfindliche Zähne oder häufiger Probleme mit Zahnfleischentzündungen hat, sollte lieber zu einem etwas hochwertigeren Modell mit ausgefeiltererer Andruckkontrolle oder sogar Schalltechnologie greifen, die zwar etwas teurer sind, aber helfen können, weitere Schädigungen durch fehlerhaftes Putzen zu vermeiden.

Download: Aldi prospectus

The toothbrush test winners

The hand toothbrush has had its day: More and more people are reaching for the electric toothbrush for more thorough toothed hygiene.In a detailed chip article we have summarized the test results of the Stiftung Warentest in December 2019, in the test almost none of the newer models could prevail.The top recommendation is still the Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart, which is one of the most expensive devices on the market.But there are already good alternatives for around 60 euros.We describe in detail what you should consider when buying an "electrical" ".

The best electrical toothbrushes in the test of Stiftung Warentest

TestsiegerPricetippAuch hervorragend



Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart HX9903/03

Braun oral-B Pro 900 Sensi ultrathin

Edel + White Sonic Generation 8th Winner



ca.200 euros

ca.45 euros

ca.100 euros

Overall rating

Overall rating

good (1.8th)

good (1.9)

good (1.9)

Cleaning performance

Cleaning performance

very good


very good



very good


very good

Battery life

Battery life

very good


very good

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