Children & APOs; s clinics in Münsterland overcrowded-Westfalen-Lippe-News-WDR

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Children & APOs; s clinics in Münsterland overcrowded-Westfalen-Lippe-News-WDR
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

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Date: 09.11.2021, 7: 37 pm

Many children & APOs; s clinics in Münsterland are at the stop, there are hardly any free beds. The reason is, among other things, an early and violent wave of respiratory infections.

Kinderkliniken im Münsterland überfüllt - Westfalen-Lippe - Nachrichten - WDR

By Andrea Walter

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Dr. Hubert Gerleve, Chef der Kinderklinik in den Christophorus-Kliniken in Coesfeld, eilt im Moment von Patient zu Patient. 74 Betten hat er zur Verfügung, er bräuchte aber viel mehr.

Little Charlotte suffers from the RS virus, a tube in her small nose supplies her with oxygen. Charlotte & APOs; s mother Melanie Wensing from Ahaus is happy that she has got a place for her daughter. Dr. Hubert Gerleve hopes that he can release her soon, he urgently needs the bed.

27 Children & APOs; s clinics on the phone

The situation is so bad that many clinics have to reject children. Dr. Gerleve tells a particularly harsh case: an infant with acute shortness of breath, four months old, was to be moved from the Düsseldorf Children & APOs; s Hospital-26 hospitals had to call the doctors off until the children & APOs; s clinic Coesfeld finally accepted the infant.

Various causes of overload

The early and strong infection wave also indirectly has to do with Corona: due to masking and lockdowns, many children were hardly ill, the immune system then fights against unknown pathogens. The fact that children & APOs; s clinics are so overloaded, however, is also due to the lack of personnel, for example children & APOs; s nurses are missing. Dr. Hubert Gerleve hopes that he can continue to accept all small patients. He knows how terrible it is for the parents when the child coughs at home and doesn & APOs; t get any more air-then only the way to the clinic remains.