Who has to pay for the annual maintenance of the gas boiler?

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  • Who has to pay for the annual maintenance of the gas boiler?
Who has to pay for the annual maintenance of the gas boiler?
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Wirtschaft Immobiz10/04/2019

Experts answer their readers' questions on the KURIER telephone.Today: Karin Sammer - ÖVI

Who has to pay for the annual maintenance of the gas boiler?

Since the 2015 residential rights' amendment, the landlord has now been responsible for the repair and exchange of fully rented heating thermal thermal thermal baths, hot water boilers and other heat preparation equipment.However, this obligation only affects the landlord if the heat preparation device was actually "rented" and in the broadest sense of the rent.For example, if the thermal bath was not available and installed by the tenant itself, the landlord is neither responsible for repair nor for the exchange.However, the obligation to maintain heat preparation devices remains with the tenant.In the absence of legal provisions, maintenance obligations should only be contractually provided outside the full application area.

© Bild: KURIER/Jeff Mangione

How can the apartment owner community change the house rules?Is a majority decision sufficient?

Yes, a majority decision is sufficient for both the issue and the change in the house rules.While otherwise there is a selection of whether the measure is made solely by the ordered administrator or whether a majority decision is brought about, this option for house rules does not exist: a house rules can only be issued and changed by decision of the owner community.Each apartment owner has the opportunity to demand the amendment of those provisions to the district court by an application to be judged against all other apartment owners who violate his interests worthy of protection or are unreasonable to him at a cheap discretion.

Who has to pay for the annual maintenance of the gas boiler?

What taxes do I have to pay if I want to sell my condominium that I wanted to sell in 1992?

Since 2012, profits from the sale of real estate have always been taxable, unless there is an exceptional statement, such as the main residence exemption.This would be the case if you have used your apartment for five years as the main residence within the past ten years.If not, a real estate income tax that "Immoest".Since you acquired your apartment in 1992, 4.2 percent of the sales price achieved will be paid to the tax office as a real estate income tax.

Where can I have the fee that the administrator requested from the home owner community?

In residential property, the administrator fee to be agreed with the homeowner community is not regulated by law.Which services of the administrator should be compensated for by a flat rate or an additional fee is always based on the agreement between the administrator and the apartment owner community.This can be read in the administrative contract.The administrator has to provide information about the content of the administrative contract and the pay agreements.

Home owners can call the district court to check the billing.

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