Range, charging, funding opportunities: What you should consider when switching to the electric car

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Range, charging, funding opportunities: What you should consider when switching to the electric car
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

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66 percent of Germans can imagine buying a pure electric car.This shows a survey on behalf of the energy group E.On Germany and carried out by the online portal Statista.

But what do you have to pay attention to if you choose a electricity?What role do reach and charging options play?And what funding opportunities are there?You should keep an eye on five aspects before you choose a model:

1.What does an electric car cost me?

Environmental or climate protection is the most important argument for buying an electric car.However, when it comes to money, the question "is it worth changing?".E-cars are more expensive than combustionists in the purchase.The first e-speedsters are available from around 20.000 euros list price, but most models are more at 30.000 to 40.000 euros.

However, numerous other factors flow into the cost comparison.On the one hand there are the consumption costs for the electricity.On average, these are lower than the cost of petrol or diesel.In a sample calculation, the portal showed "Smarter driving.de "how an electric car" saves 348 euros per year compared to diesel and even strong 758 euros compared to the petrol engine ".Depending on variable factors such as driving behavior or environmental influences.

The costs for maintenance and repairs are also significantly lower for electric cars.Above all, as an e-driver, you benefit from numerous grants and discounts.These drive the total operating costs down again vigorously.

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2.What funding opportunities are there?

The federal government supports the purchase of electric cars with the so-called environmental bonus.With purely electrical vehicles with a maximum net list price of 40.000 euros beträgt der Bonus satte 6.000 euros.With more expensive models there are still 5.000 euros.

Half of the environmental bonus is financed by the federal government and industry.It applies until 31.December 2025, retrospectively for all vehicles that from the 5.November 2019 were approved.

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In addition, there is an innovation premium that doubles the state share again.So you get a maximum funding of 9.000 euros bei E-Autos bis zu einem Preis von 40.000 euros.The innovation premium was extended by the traffic light government until the end of 2022.

Nevertheless, one should look closely, emphasizes Daniel Druschke, technology expert of the ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg, in an interview with our editorial team.Because "not all models are encouraged".The application is also somewhat complicated.Information on this can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) that manages the grants.

There are also other financial advantages.For newly approved electric vehicles, the vehicle tax for a period of ten years.And even with the insurance company, many providers grant cheap conditions.So it is worth comparing.

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3.What is the range of the vehicle?

One of the most discussed topics in electric cars is the range.The performance of the batteries has improved significantly in recent years.Ranges of 300 to 400 km are quite common.At least if you believe the manufacturer's information.However, experts usually expect one third less real reach.Because this depends on numerous factors such as the individual driving style, the condition of the batteries or the outside temperature."In winter, the performance of the batteries can drop rapidly," warns Daniel Druschke too.

The ADAC expert recommends a driving simulator app to determine individual needs.The app has a database of various vehicle models.If you simply carry the app with the current car while driving, you can read how the trip with an electric car would have gone."The app shows the power consumption, but also where charging options are and how long I need to charge there."

Most vehicle owners would mainly go to work or shop with their car.Druschke sees no problem for that.And on vacation trips you just have to plan a bit."If you drove diesel beforehand, that's a time to get used to," says Druschke."But if you are willing to drive e-car, it's not critical."


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4.What about charging?

Long loading times have long been a problem with e-cars.But these times seem over."Most electric cars offer fast charging systems," says Daniel Druschke."You can then charge it to 80 percent in half an hour and drive 200 km again."

However, Druschke is absolutely recommended by a wall box.The battery can also be charged on an ordinary socket, but that actually takes a long time.However, there are some additional costs for the Wallbox, because this must be installed by the electrician.

The charging cable also plays a role.A shorter cable is more energy -efficient, but can have disadvantages in everyday life - especially at public charging points.In order to remain flexible, the cable should be enough around the entire car at least once.

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5.Is it worth buying used?

The used market for e-cars is still clear.But that can also be an advantage, as Daniel Druschke emphasizes.The used ones are often still in good shape, the batteries are still efficient."You can make a bargain," says Druschke.One of the reasons: electric cars have far fewer wear parts and are therefore less susceptible.Electric motors have a much higher lifespan than combustion engineers.And the batteries also last very long.Some manufacturers have already given the battery cells for up to eight years.

In addition, used vehicles are also subsidized by the state.The amount of the funding depends on the time of approval and mileage.Here, too, the BAFA website provides more information.

Über den Experten: Daniel Druschke ist Technikexperte des ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg.

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