Waiting for the gas heating regularly: checking the ignition electrodes and exchanged by the specialist

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Waiting for the gas heating regularly: checking the ignition electrodes and exchanged by the specialist
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Waiting for the gas heating regularly: checking the ignition electrodes and exchanged by the specialist

Sankt Augustin (dpa/tmn) - If an installer comes to maintain the gas heating, should he also check the electrodes."Because the electrodes are responsible for igniting the flame," explains Matthias Wagnitz from the Central Association Sanitary Heating Klima.

Gasheizung regelmäßig warten: Zündelektroden vom Fachmann prüfen und austauschen lassen

You also check whether the flame is burning in the gas heating.If the electrode fails or breaks, the system switches off automatically for safety reasons - otherwise according to Wagnitz, a flammable gas mixture could accumulate in the heating.

The consequence when the system goes out: "In the worst case, you have to freeze and wait for the specialist to come over," he says.The exchange of the electrode is not a great effort - especially if the specialist builds up the system as part of the maintenance anyway, explains the speaker for energy and heating technology.How often the change should happen is different - details are in the manufacturer's maintenance documents.

The electrode does not have to be changed every year, but depending on the wear."With some manufacturers, the change is necessary every year, for others, years can pass before you need a new electrode," reports Wagnitz.His rule of thumb: better act too early than too late.The component costs around 150 euros - this can vary depending on the manufacturer.

Basically, the chimney sweep checks the gas heating once a year - it takes care of the security of danger and security."In addition, the system should also wait regularly," advises Wagnitz.Ideally, this also comes once a year to set the system correctly.This ensures the longevity of the gas heating and its energy efficiency.