Heat pumps are also not maintenance -freeEnbausa.de

Heat pumps are also not maintenance -freeEnbausa.de
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Although heat pumps are considered low in maintenance compared to other heating systems, the operators cannot completely do without maintenance.The EU-F Gase Ordinance No..842/2006 for plants with more than 3 kilogram refrigerants an annual sealing test.It is checked whether coolant escapes from the coolant circuit.To 1.January 2015 she was given by Regulation (EU) No..517/2014 replaced by fluorated greenhouse gases.

But other parameters such as the heating control should also be checked regularly.There is no permanent maintenance intervals for heat pumps.To regularly subject important components to a visual inspection and to have it checked by the specialist but is still useful.A good appointment for a review is before the start of the heating season.The maintenance of a heat pump usually does not cost more than 100 euros.Of course, costs for due repairs can come.

According to the Federal Association of Heat Pump (BWP), only a few plants in modern single -family houses are affected by the obligation to test an annual sealing test.Heat pumps in single -family houses with an average size of 120 to 150 quadat meters usually only have six to seven kilowatts of heating output and do with significantly below three kilograms of coolant.In the case of plants in old buildings or larger buildings.In addition, air-water heat pumps are more affected than brine water heat pumps, which use the soil, for example, as a source for the starting temperature.

"The tightness test is done in five minutes and costs us 35 euros," reports Ralf Neusius, Managing Director of the heat pump provider Zubatherm.In contrast to the formerly used FCKW-containing funds, today's refrigerant is no longer harmful to the environment.Nevertheless, the exam makes sense, says Neusius.

"If the refrigerant leaves, for example very slowly and unnoticed by a hair tear, this can harm the system."According to the managing director," Zubatherm heat pumps automatically switch off when a certain vacuum is reached.

Auch Wärmepumpen sind nicht wartungsfrei | enbausa.de

Completed systems make exams superfluous

A sealing test is not necessary if the heat pump is marked as a hermetically closed system.For example, Stiebel Eltron advertises its air-water heat pump WPL AZ with the attributes "simple installation, no handling of refrigerant, no annual sealing test".This is made possible by the fact that the system is not a split system in the actual sense, because the refrigeration cycle is completely housed in the heat pump on the outside.During the installation, no refrigeration line is separated or connected, but the hydraulic module and the heat pump are only connected to the heating water side and electronically.

Air-water heat pumps are very popular in the renovation area because they do not require elaborate earth soda bores.In addition, the installation appears comparatively simple at first glance.But this is not the case, warns Stawiarski and recommends buyers to pay attention to a corresponding qualification of your installer."The heat pump, like all low-temperature heaters, require a different approach by the heating engineer than, for example, condensing technology.Other heating systems are designed in such a way that they always have a reserve power.The heat pump, on the other hand, is about getting the house warm with the lowest possible flow temperature.Each degree flow temperature more reduces the economy of the system by two to two and a half percent.

A common error is, for example, that the hot water tank is loaded to maximum temperature, although such hot water is not required at all.In order to obtain the desired temperature, cold water is mixed.

BWP trains as a "certified heat pump essallate"

In order for the quality of the installation to be strengthened, the Federal Association of Heat Pump offers special training as a "certified heat pump installer".According to Stawiarski, the aim is to create consciousness for the overall system for installers.Therefore, the teaching content of the 40-hour further training offers developed under the roof of the Eucert Consortium of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) from heat pump technology and plant planning to heating, construction physical and geological know-how up to the introduction to the topic of renewables.

However, the offer has hardly been accepted so far, and only 150 to 200 installers take the exam in the year.This is only understandable, as many manufacturers form much more cost -effective.However, this training is not neutral, which is why the BWP continues to focus on the EHPA certificate.Silke Thole