Insert/edit 4 lies about the link

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Insert/edit 4 lies about the link
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The guys from are a notorious group and are now known far beyond the Alps. Their films are well received all over Freeskistan and every freeskier is really excited about their projects. So much success naturally attracts envious people who spread unfounded rumors around the world.

1: GONE RAZY Their website is very busy and a little webisode is celebrated like a whole movie - what's up with the boys? Wasn't autumn always the time when the entire crew went across the country to present their latest film project and celebrate with the whole scene? That's actually how it went year after year. And this season shouldn't come at all? Nada, rien, niente?! No, you do the boys an injustice in that regard. A year ago it was decided to start a two-year project. The reason was not laziness, but rather the desire not to spend the sunny summer months in a dark editing room like in previous years, but also to enjoy the advantages of this time of year and to fulfill a long-cherished dream: South America! Of course not to lazily sizzle under the palm trees on the beach! The boys were active and of course out skiing and filming.

2. ADDICTED TO ALCOHOL Even if no one says it openly, many justify the rumor that the crew has become lazy with their almost absurd alcohol consumption. But they also make it easy: the exuberant parties and a film with the catchy name "Stammtisch" fuel the assumption that the crew has mostly fallen victim to alcohol. But even this rumor turns out to be a phony lie when the facts are examined more closely. It is not for nothing that the constantly refers to their purely Bavarian roots, which not only legitimize a certain beer consumption, but also make it necessary for the sake of homeland and tradition.

3. THE TALENT IS MISSINGThose who are currently sliding over the ice sheets of the glacier parks and watching the men of the how they work on their tricks on rather small equipment, while the "real" pros are chasing over the big bucks of the Prime Park session, who likes it quickly take a liking to this lie: "The boys really don't have any talent. I can do what they do without a sponsor.” None of the boys can be denied a certain talent for skiing. At best, some members may be ascribed a certain maturity to the fact that some members do not play big, icy kickers. Because if you check the vintages of some of the guys, some of which are prehistoric in the freeski scene, it's easy to explain why they are increasingly avoiding big jumps: You could easily break your leg again. The younger crew members, on the other hand, are in the midst of their freeski puberty and the booters can't be big enough for them – assuming they don't have another injury to deal with. It is a well-known fact that even young bones break!

4 lies about the freeski crew. com insert/change link

4. THE WALKING DANGER ON THE MOUNTAINThe boys may still move very elegantly in the snow park, but for their own protection and the safety of others you should please not let them into the alpine terrain. You hear this lie more and more often, especially from older ski tourers and freeriders. However, since the older crew members in particular now also like to venture into the natural habitat of the "over-equipped extreme mountaineer" - which most normal hobby tourers think they are - for the above-mentioned reason of "broken legs", it has recently come to the idyllic one Bergen more and more often to prejudices. Solely because of the more aerodynamic outfit, the "right" alpinist sees himself superior to the freeskier and endangered by him. This is of course wrong, because a beeper and a whole portion of alpine experience fit under a loose jacket!

As you may have noticed, this article is from last season's print magazine. Don't you know it yet, or are you missing a copy? Then simply order it from us in the shop:


