Fortnite Batman Comic: Edition 1 with Rebirth Harley Quinn Skin Code appears today

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  • Fortnite Batman Comic: Edition 1 with Rebirth Harley Quinn Skin Code appears today
Fortnite Batman Comic: Edition 1 with Rebirth Harley Quinn Skin Code appears today
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Fans should access quickly, the few copies are quickly out of print!

NewsvonMarkus Hensel, RedakteurAktualisiert am19. Juli 2021

Even before the start of Fortnite Season 6, Epic Games announced the limited comic mini series "Batman X Fortnite: Zero Point", in which the black knight and other DC heroes are on the Fortnite island.Today, on 20.April appears the first of six editions that are available in Germany under the title Batman/Fortnite: Zero point.On this page you will find out where you can buy the comic, when the next editions will appear, how to get the Rebirth Harley Quinn Skin code and everything else you need to know about it.

Zero point comic content:

Where can you buy the zero point comic and how much does it cost?

While in the USA in comic shops and via DC Universe Infinite you can easily get to the printed and digital form of the comic, it is not quite as easy in this country.

In Germany the comic is published via Panini and also sold for 4.99 euros.Also third -party providers like Dude's Comic Corner, or the collector's corner have listed the comics on offer.The catch is that the copies are already out of print.If you have not already pre -ordered the comic (if so, you should get your copy in the next few days), it is currently very difficult to get an output.Panini has already announced that further issues can currently be pre -ordered and are expected to be available from the end of May.

If you have a well-stocked comic book store near you, which can also pursue its employment in Corona times, you should call and ask there.Apart from that, you may also find the comic at a kiosk near you.If you believe the statements on the net, magazines in the shops (REWE, EDEKA, Müller etc..) lead the comics, but there are at least as many opposite statements, so this is more of a desperate grip for the last straw.

Fortnite Batman Comic: Ausgabe 1 mit Rebirth Harley Quinn Skin Code erscheint heute

As a digital version, the comic is available at Comixology, Comics app or Google Play, but only in English and without the codes that everyone wants (only in the USA there are codes at digital comics).

When does issue 2 to 6 come?

The mini series comprises a total of six ligaments that are published in North America, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, Spain and the Czech Republic every two weeks at the same time.In addition, the complete series in autumn should also appear in Japan, Korea and France.

It is best to order as early as possible, because the comics will be out of print quickly.

So you get the Fortnite Rebirth Harley Quinn Skin code and other DC items as a purchase bonus

If you buy the comic, you not only get an interesting story to read, but also get a redeemable code for additional, digital DC objects in Fortnite, which are based on events in the comic with every printed edition.Incidentally, the codes are not included in the digital versions of the comic (except in the USA).

It starts with the "Rebirth Harley Quinn" skin, which you will receive with the first edition.What is not yet known in the other editions is not yet known, but Epic has already revealed that the new "armored Batman Zero" cinema is available when you buy all six comics and redeem the codes.

So you can solve the code

  1. Habt ihr tatsächlich ein Comicheft ergattert, findet ihr euren Code auf der letzten Seite. Achtung: der Code ist einzigartig und nur einmal einlösbar, verteilt ihn also lieber nicht in sozialen Netzwerken und Co.
  2. Besucht die Fortnite Webseite zum Code einlösen und meldet euch gegebenenfalls mit eurem Epic Konto an.
  3. Der Rest ist einfach: Gebt den Code in die dafür vorgesehene Zeile ein, klickt auf "Einlösen", bestätigt noch einmal und schon ist eure Belohnung freigeschaltet.
  4. Startet nun Fortnite und ihr könnt euer neues Gimmick in Empfang nehmen.
  5. Are the digital items and outfits come to the shop?

    Regardless of whether the comic is sold out or is not offered in your country - you should not get a physical edition of the comics, which is probably the reason for many because of the codes contained therein, you do not have to despair, because you do not have to despair, becauseEpic has already announced that all cosmetic objects will appear in the item shop.

    The outfit "Rebirth Harley Quinn" will initially only be available via the comic at the time of publishing the first edition, but should also come to the shop in June.All other cosmetic objects should always be available in the item shop one day after the release of the new edition.

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