Debate about Olaf Scholz 'sweater let us argue more about men's fashion!

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  • Debate about Olaf Scholz 'sweater let us argue more about men's fashion!
Debate about Olaf Scholz 'sweater let us argue more about men's fashion!
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Olaf Scholz is wearing a sweater - and there is already discussion.For a long time, only women have affected such discussions.Is the debate about the Chancellor's sweater now a further or a step backwards?

By: Martin Zeyn

Status: 08.02.2022

People wear clothes.Olaf Scholz is a person.Most of the time he wears suits, often without a tie.On the flight to Washington a simple gray sweater, a number too big, so rather convenient than suitable.And from FAZ to Twitter the republic talks about it.What is to be thought of?

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Patricia Cammarataich somehow introduced me to equal rights differently than that the clothing and the appearance of men in public are now commented on stupid.

Debatte um Olaf Scholz' Pullover Lasst uns mehr über Männermode streiten!

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Men as fashion Victims

As so often, the debate is underpinned by little historical knowledge of fashion.Still can journalists from tailor cutting be said that a two -row suit is a piece for life.Here is the truth, dear men and loyal suit wearers from the unusual, so powerful fear of doing something wrong: this is nonsense.A suit is subject to fashion like any other garment.Anyone who believes and buying something else has been opened to a farmer catcher.

Jil Sander started over twenty years ago to place the fashion dolls with a suit, but without a tie in the shop windows.Anyone who still wears two -row suits with broad lapels as well as reinforced shoulders and front games only looks like a ridiculous caricature by Michael Douglas in the first part of "Wall Street".However, that can be different tomorrow-but fashion that is always "the return of the eternal new", as Walter Benjamin once said, never comes back as a 1-1 imitation.It is the details that distinguish fashion from pure un-fashioned outer seats.

To the article men and fashionable myths are so tough about the suit

Fashion is change.And fashion belongs to both sexes.This is as true as little present.For centuries, men have been the colorful gender, which exhibited his legs in silk stockings and its genitals in peniskapsules.This was by no means that the suit became more and more a man's uniform.Dandys were able to talk about the ruffles of their shirt surcharges for hours.The glam rockers of the 70s wore suits that fluctuating between "just adorable glamorous" and "with 100 % security of eye cancer".And if you wear high -heeled boots like Jared Leto to your parenting, you are currently very far ahead again.

Fashion scares men

There, only a few want to stand there directly in the fashionable spotlights.Men are scissors.That's for sure.The only question is whether this only applies to fashion.The "classic" covered suit wants to make the man invisible because he is afraid of how women become the subject of criticism.In this respect, every debate about fashion is an immminent important.Because they undermine power relationships based on pure prejudices such as: women are superficial, men are substantial.A gross misconception - men are far away from what the philosopher Michel Foucault has described as "concern for himself".They consider the "body armor", which Klaus Theweleit described so urgently, to be a natural state.This makes it almost impossible to accept fashion as personal hygiene.

So, and now to the gray sweater.He is the wrong object on a correct question.It reads: How dazzling can a man dress to be accepted as a man?The debate about Scholz is therefore misleading.Because a gray sweater is not a fashionable statement, but a bankruptcy declaration.There is nothing punk on that, it is at most a lame pandering to the most boring college outfit.

But the debate points to an important point: Men can open their disinterest in style in public.That's unfair.And it means that it is hardly worth taking a look at half of humanity.Yes, it is an act of gender neutrality to evaluate clothing to public persons.We should do it more often.Above all, however, we should praise all men who beat over the strands (which you get very, very early).It is an act of freedom to wear high -heeled shoes and skirts.And pretty.Also: we never have enough of freedom and beauty!They make our lives more colorful, even more alive when you have your eyes for it.We are happy to leave the gray and comfortable sweaters to the shitty.