Börse-Weekly review of Swiss shares: Former high-flyer share slips even further

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  • Börse-Weekly review of Swiss shares: Former high-flyer share slips even further
Börse-Weekly review of Swiss shares: Former high-flyer share slips even further
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The winner among Swiss shares is quickly found this week.On Wednesday alone, the titles of Temenos skyrocketed over 8 percent.The trigger for the spa jump of the banking software manufacturer was takeover ranges.According to a report by the Bloomberg news agency, the Swedish investment company EQT is said to have an interest in Temenos."Where there is smoke, there is also a fire," said a dealer.Another, on the other hand, stated that such rumors would not be handed around for the first time.The weekly plus amounts to around 18 percent.

Tops and flops of the week in the SMI

Source: Bloomberg

Swiss Re looks like a second winner of the week.The reinarian share already increased in the run -up to the published number template and can also add a few percent on the reporting day (Friday).Overall, the weekly plus amounts to around 8 percent.

In the morning, Swiss Re made even the biggest optimists look pale at the win in the third quarter.The chances of lavish dividend payments are good.The share still lists far below its pre-corona level.

But other financial titles such as UBS (+3.9%) Swiss Life (+3%), Zurich Insurance (+2%) are also asked this week.UBS presented the best quarterly result on Tuesday for six years.In addition, the largest Swiss bank in the United States, where the asset manager has so far been primarily aimed at rich and super -rich, wants to join mass business with a digital offer.

Börse - Wochenrückblick Schweizer Aktien: Ehemalige Überflieger-Aktie rutscht noch weiter ab

Tops and flops of the week in the Spi

Stand: Freitagmittag, Source: Bloomberg

The week is much worse for the former Börsen-overfiller Logitech-again.After the computer accessory manufacturer published its update for the second quarter on Tuesday, the share went downhill.Dealers were sometimes amazed at the negative course development, since good figures were presented.

"I would not be amazed if there were some price target increases here soon," said a dealer.However, some complained that the company did not increase its sales outlook (more about the reasons for the course drop here).The share loses around 8 percent on a weekly perspective.

The titles from Zur Rose also came under pressure again.Observers explain the price losses of up to 8 percent on a weekly perspective with reports that have not been confirmed that a judicial injunction around the pricing in the event of prescription medication was received.This continues back and forth in the stock.

Anything goes: Bei der Aktie von Zur Rose ist nach dem Kurs-Debakel wieder mal alles möglich

Atypical, because actually estimated as a stable defensive title, is the clear course slide of the Swisscom share (-7.5%).The largest Swiss telecom group presented business figures on Thursday, in which the market expectations were exceeded with the winning figures.

However, the company easily cut the sales goals for the current year.Something like that is often punished on the stock exchange.In addition, the analysts were disappointed with the sales development of the Italian daughter Fastweb.

(With material from AWP and Reuters)