Stiller emergency call, study: What the government is planning against violence against women

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Stiller emergency call, study: What the government is planning against violence against women
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

"Every murder is one too much": With a new emergency call app, studies, improvement in prevention and evidence, the protection of women and girls should be improved.

26 female victims in 2021."Hideous deeds", who, according to Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP), clearly "describe what they are".Namely: "Terrible crimes against women".These are murders- and not about relationship, family or jealousy dramas: "Victims remain victims, perpetrators remain perpetrators, murderers remain murderer".Threats, assault, murder: "Violence in privacy must be clearly addressed, as Karner emphasized.And what he did together with the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Women on Tuesday at a press conference.

The increasing violence affects and angry, said Justice Minister Alma Zadić (Greens)."It makes me angry that she could not be prevented 26 times last year.And that we couldn't prevent them for the third time this year."

In addition to the 26 murders in the previous year, over 13.600 bans and approximation bans, which corresponds to an increase of 17 percent in the previous year.However, the number of unreported cases decreased, according to Karner.And further: “In the case of only one homicide on a woman, the ban on childcare and approximation was imposed in advance." Er wertete dies als Zeichen dafür, „dass die Maßnahmen, die wir gesetzt haben, auch entsprechend greifen".However, further steps in the area of violence are necessary.

Increase conviction rate, strengthen prevention

Initially, however, the Federal Minister spoke of what was done last year for the protection of women. Mit einem Volumen von 25 Millionen Euro habe man „das größte Gewaltschutzpaket überhaupt" festgelegt.In September, further advice centers for violence prevention were set up.This gave over 5000 endangers from September to December a mandatory care.Working with the perpetrators is also essential for the protection of the victims, according to the Interior Minister.In addition, the number of prevention officials was increased: from 500 to 842 people increased. Außerdem gab es im Jahr 57 Fallkonferenzen, bei denen Experten gemeinsam mit der Polizei über Fälle beraten „und daraus im Sinne der Betroffenen Schlüsse ziehen".In addition, the information campaign will be expanded and continued.

Justice Minister Zadić dealt with the criticism of the low conviction rate.To increase this, they have already taken some measures.For example, she had launched a regular structured dialogue between victim facilities, public prosecutors and the police. Denn der Informationsfluss zwischen diesen Stellen sei essenziell, um zu sehen, „wo man ansetzen kann".The process accompaniment was also expanded.She ensures that those affected show the perpetrator - in the end to cause a conviction.At the moment, only 20 percent of the victims who are entitled to claim are used by process accompaniment, said Zadić: "It would be best to do it if every woman would do it".

Stiller Notruf, Studie: Was die Regierung gegen Gewalt an Frauen plant

The quality assurance in the event of evidence is also crucial.Against this background, she had a violence law on the courts.Evidence recorded in good time could be better used if there is a process.Therefore, she instructed public prosecutors to carry out the annihilations directly.

Emergency app and used violating crafts

What is new is that from 1.March will give an emergency app app. Per Knopfdruck kann ein „stiller Notruf" über 133 getätigt werden. „Ohne die Sicherheit der Frauen zu gefährden", betonte Karner.The police do not work a recall, but automatically move out to the stored address, the perpetrator does not notice that an emergency call was issued.

The Violence Protection Act, which was fueled last year, is to be evaluated.Case conferences and directions are also analyzed..

The support officers who have since 1.July as a pilot project in the Vienna State Police Directorate were used, their task should start nationwide. Geschulte Beamte unterstützen dabei „die Kollegen vor Ort", erklärt Karner, „die draußen unterwegs sind, wenn eine Alarmierung stattfindet".If a woman is in danger, be on the spot support.

In addition, violence, Minister of Justice Zadić announces that violence is set up across the board.A study will be commissioned between the interior, Justice and Women's Ministry of Justice..Victims of violence are to be examined free of charge, existing traces are secured, injuries to be documented. „All das kann später, auch wenn unmittelbar keine Anzeige erstattet wird, verwendet werden, wenn es darum geht, dass das Verfahren aufgerollt wird", so Zadić.

Minister of Women Susanne Raab (ÖVP) has also announced a study to evaluate the women's murders of the past few years.One should "not be blind in any eye": That is why the study should also focus on "violence in the context of patriarchal cultures", says Raab.She also announced more staff for the new coordination office against genital mutilation, which has started their work this week.

Violence protection institutions should also be made better known so that women would know where they can turn.“We collect numbers and data for the first time;So that we see how we continue to deal with the topic in our society, "said Raab.Violence against women and girls has no place in our society, she emphasized.Specialist advice centers should be expanded and financially strengthened, there should be a good offer for victims of sexual violence across Austria. Gewaltschutzeinrichtungen sollen auch in ihrem Außenauftritt unterstützt werden, „damit jede Frau weiß, wohin sie sich wenden kann".

Violence in the private sector approaches us all, the family minister said.She wanted to repeat all women: “There is nothing that a woman can do or how she can behave that she becomes victim of violence." Es liege zuletzt auch an der Bundesregierung, die alles in ihrer Macht Stehende unternehme, Frauen zu stärken, ihnen ihre Unterstützung anzubieten. „Damit sie zu jedem Zeitpunkt wissen, dass sie niemals verurteilt werden, wenn sie um Hilfe ansuchen oder die Polizei rufen". In „vielen kleinen Schritten" will man die Verurteilungsrate erhöhen und damit für den Schutz von Frauen sorgen, so auch Justizministerin Zadić.The one adjustment screw that solves all problems unfortunately does not exist. „Wir müssen an vielen kleinen Schrauben drehen, um aus dieser Gewaltspirale auszubrechen".
