Caution, fine dust!These old wooden furnaces are to be retrofitted

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Caution, fine dust!These old wooden furnaces are to be retrofitted
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

They ensure cozy warmth and cosiness: wood -fired ovens.At the same time, however, they often release too much fine dust.Some are therefore to retrofit, others help to cheer on.


Heating with wood is not environmentally friendly.Wood is a renewable raw material that is an alternative to oil, gas and coal.But when burning, soot and fine dust arise.

Old ovens in particular cause many emissions.For years, the statutory regulations in the first Federal Immission Control Protection Ordinance (1st BImSchV) have been subject to gradual generation.These must be retrofitted, exchanged or shut down with a filter.The regulations are implemented in steps - older stoves have been affected since 2010.

InfoEine letzte Schonfrist für viele Öfen, die mit festen Brennstoffen wie etwa Holz heizen, endete am 31. Dezember 2020. Das heißt: Bestimmte Modelle mussten bis zu diesem Stichtag mit Feinstaubfiltern versehen oder sogar außer Betrieb genommen werden.

Which ovens are affected?

The last key date regulation (December 31, 2020) was true for so -called single room firing systems, which are heated with solid fuels.These include stoves, tiled stoves or heating fireplaces for wooden pieces, pellets, wood chips or coal.Beats of the construction years from 1995 must be provided or retrofitted by the end of 2024.

According to the regulation:

Furthermore, these systems must have a lockable door.This means that room heaters like Swedish furnaces that do not have a conversion must also be retrofitted.

In some generations of stove, the transitional regulations have already expired:

Datum auf dem TypschildStichtag der Nachrüstung oder Außerbetriebnahme
bis 31.12.1974 und vorher31.12.2014
1.1.1975 bis 31.12.198431.12.2017
1.1.1985 bis 31.12.199431.12.2020
1.1.1995 bis 21.3.201031.12.2024

Source: Federal Immission Protection Act

Which ovens are excluded?

According to the Federal Immission Protection Act, Paragraph 26, Paragraph 2, the following combustion plants are not affected by retrofitting or decommissioning:

Vorsicht, Feinstaub! Diese alten Holzöfen sind nachzurüsten

Aber: Wurden diese historischen Kaminöfen im Haus umgesetzt, endete ebenfalls zum 31. Dezember 2020 die Schonfrist.

Retrofitting or decommissioning also does not apply to chimney inserts, tiled stove inserts or comparable stove inserts that are walled in.

Why are the values a problem?

Vehicles and industry are considered the largest causes of fine dust.But burning wood in stoves is also a problem.The tiny particles can cause respiratory problems and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In order to reduce these emissions, the legislature intervenes.According to the industrial association house, heating and kitchen technology (HKI), the fine dust emissions of domestic fireplaces have dropped by around a third since the start of retrofitting and replacement obligation in 2010.

How do you find out which oven is affected?

The age of the system should be on the type shield of the oven.If there is no if the chimney sweep or a certificate from the manufacturer, the oven model must prove that the stove model complies with the pollutant boundaries.

The database of the HKI and other associations helps to find the values of the respective oven model.Many, if not all the stoves, are listed here.But: If the year of construction or emissions cannot be determined, the fireplace must be replaced.

My oven is affected: what to do?

If the emissions are too high, the oven must not be operated any further.The retrofitting is possible, there is, for example, particle filters against fine dust, but not against too much carbon monoxide, explains Frank Hettler from the future-an information program, funded by the Baden-Württemberg Environment Ministry.

Retrofitting and the subsequent measurement of the stoves is often more expensive than buying and installing a new, more efficient system that can need up to a third less fuel.

Oven new acquisition: What should be considered?

If you want to buy a new oven, you should pay attention to good energy efficiency, advises the Hamburg Consumer Center.Because new wooden fireplaces not only produce less fine dust, but also save fuel.According to consumer advocates, economical stoves reach the energy efficiency class A+, the most efficient pellet stoves even A ++.

Compared to firewood, which is comparatively expensive, the consumer advice center recommends wood pellets.They create significantly fewer fine dust emissions.In addition, pellet systems are funded with up to 45 percent grants.

Cheer on the oven.How does little fine dust arise?

For example, users of wooden furnaces contribute to the fact that a lot of fine dust is created by false lighting.Why?If the wood burns too slowly at the beginning, the fireplace releases comparatively large number of unbroken small fabrics over the chimney.

Nice to look at, but not good for the environment: even stoves in private households cause fine dust and harmful emissions.(Source: Matthias Balk/dpa)

Tip 1: A lot of air and high temperatures when inflamed

It is therefore important that when the first flames are created, high temperatures develop as quickly as possible, explains the industrial association house, heating and kitchen technology (HKI).This requires thinly split wood or commercially available lighter.In addition, the oven space must initially maintain a lot of oxygen, because too little air also leads to incomplete combustion.

Therefore, the experts advise to open the openings for the air supply when inflamed.And only when a ember bed has formed will larger wooden pieces and briquettes be added.If these fire have caught, the air supply is reduced again.

It is important to shut down the ventilation after lighting.Because if the fire is first worked out, an air supply that is too large increases the temperature in the oven extreme, which reduces the efficiency of the stove - emissions arise in turn.

Tip 2: burn enough dry wood

Another reason for the poor combustion is too damp wood.Therefore, freshly beaten notes may never be burned - this is even regulated by law and there is a risk of fines in the event of non -compliance.

It is only allowed to land wood in the oven, the water content of which is around 25 percent at a maximum of 20 percent or its moisture content.This can be determined with a moisture measuring device.

In addition, non -approved fuels increase the emission emissions of an oven.According to HKI, this includes lacquered and glued wood, plywood, chipboard, plastics and household waste.Briquettes from paraffin, paper and bark are also prohibited.

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